五年级英语上册 Unit 5 Is this your schoolbag教案 人教新版(通用)

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1、Unit5 Is this your schoolbag?一、 教学目标:1. 知识目标、;词汇:coat, jacket, jeans, shoes, umbrella, mirror, belt, mop句型:Is this his coat? Yes, it is. Is that his coat?No, it isnt. (四会) Whose mask is that? Its his. (三会)语音:Rr/r/2. 能力目标:能够用英语询问他人物品;能够运用所学根据他人的信息进行简单交流;能够掌握音素Rrr的读音规则。3. 情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣和自主学习能力,养成勤于模

2、仿,敢于创新的习惯,树立协作意识。二、教学重点: Words: coat, jacket, jeans, shoes, umbrella, mirror, belt, mopDrills: Is this his coat? Yes, it is. Is that his coat?No, it isnt.三、教学难点:Whose mask is that? Its his.四、教学课型:New Lesson五、教具:tape, pictures ,slide, computer car六、 教法,学法:教法: 愉快教学法,情境教学法,任务型教学,评价法。学法:小组成员合作,主动运用英语进行交

3、流。七、教学过程;Step 1. Revision1. Greeting:T: Morning, boys and girls. Welcome to my class.Ss: Morning, Miss Zhang. 2. Free talk in groupsStep 2. Presentation 1. Read the title Unit5 Lesson 30 and then count from one to thirty2. T: Whats this? S: Its a coat. T: Is this your coat? S: No. T:Is this his coat

4、? S: Yes, it is.T: Whats that?S: Its a jacket.T: Is that your jacket?S: No, it isnt. T:Is that his jacket?S: No, it isnt. T: Can you guess whose jacket is that?S: Peter.T: Its his.Lets spell the sentences together: Is this his coat? Yes, it is. Is that his jacket? No, it isnt. Learn whose mask is th

5、at? Its his.3.Watch TV, look at the slide and learn the new words: umbrella, mirror, belt, mop, jeans, shoes(强调jeans, shoes是复数形式)4. Open your books, listen, read after the tapeStep 3. Practice1. Play a words game about new words umbrella, mirror, belt, mop, jeans, shoes,coat, jacket Divide the whole

6、 class into 8 groups. When the teacher says umbrella, the umbrella group stand up and say umbrella. (以此类推,最后评出反映最快,读音最准的一组给予奖励)2. The sound of letter Rr说出所学过的含有/r/的单词3. Group work:Make a dialogue with the new words: umbrella, mirror, belt, mop, jeans, shoes,coat, jacket and the sentences: Is this.,

7、Is that. Step 4. ConsolidationChange the sentences.1. That is her mirror. (就画线部分提问)_ _ _ that?2. That is his umbrella. (一般疑问句)_ _ _umbrella?3. This blouse is Lisas. (就画线部分提问)_ _ _ _?Complete the sentences.1. _ _ his _? 这是他的大衣吗?Yes, _ _. 是的,他是。2. _ _his _? 那是他的夹克吗?No, _ _. 不,它不是。3. _ _ is _? 那是谁的面具?Its _. 是他的。Step 5. Homework必做:1. Make a dialogue in groups with the sentences“ Is this. , Is that. Whose . is this/that? Its.2. Finish some exercises after class练习册Lesson 30 I,IV 选作:Make a chant with the words which the capital letter is Rr/r/.



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