三年级英语下册 第一次月考试卷外研版(三起)(通用)

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《三年级英语下册 第一次月考试卷外研版(三起)(通用)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语下册 第一次月考试卷外研版(三起)(通用)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版(三起)三年级英语下册第一次月考试卷一 、按照字母表顺序,写出下列字母的左邻右舍。1. _ Ff_ 2. _ Oo _ 3._Tt_4. _Xx _ 5._ Ee_二、从A,B,C答案中选择正确的一个把序号填在题前括号内。( ) 1.-Whats _ ? -Its a tiger.A. they B. this C. he ( ) 2. Its _ elephant.A. a B. an C. the( ) 3.- The monkey is small. - The elephant is _.A. small B. thin C. big ( ) 4. - What _ they?

2、- They are monkeys.A. is B are C. an( ) 5. I _ a pupil.A. is B. are C. am( ) 6. _ is the cat? - Its on the desk.A. What B. Where C. Who( ) 7. Look _ the trees.A. at B. is C. are( ) 8.- Pass me the rice, please. - _.A.Yes, I do B. Yes, I dont C. No, I do( ) 9.- Do you like meat, Lingling? - _ .A. Yes

3、, I dont . B. No, I dont C. Yes, I am.( ) 10.- _ Tingting like rice ? - Yes, she does.A. Do B. Does C. Is ( ) 11.- _ Longlong like reading ? -Yes, he _.A. Does, like B. Do,do C. Does, does( ) 12.Anna _ riding a bike.A. have B. like C. likes( ) 13. - Whats your name ? - _A. Yes,I do. B. No, I dont. C

4、. Im Sam.( ) 14. - Does Daming _banabas ? - Yes, he does. A. like B. likes C. liking 三、写出下列单词的反义词。tall _ fat _ small _ this _ girl _四、看图补全单词。m _ _ t f _ _ tba_ _ r_ c _ pp_ _ b_ n_n_五、对号入座。( ) 1. Whats this? A. Yes, I do.( ) 2. Do you like apples? B.Theyre monkeys.( ) 3. What are they? C. Its a foot

5、ball.( ) 4. How many cats D. its the ABC Song.( ) 5. Is it a panda? E. Ten.( ) 6. Whats your favourite song? F. Yes ,it is.六、把下列单词组成一句话,注意加上合适的标点符号。1. like I and blue cats green dogs2. swimming like I dont 3. pass rice me the please 4. Do like you meat5.my favourite car toy is a 七、英汉互译。1.给你。2. 我喜欢打乒乓球。3.小勇喜欢吃米饭。4.I dont like basketball.5.Whats your favourite food?八、根据自己的情况用like 或dont like 填空。1. I_ basketball.2. I_ panda.3. I _ riding bikes.4. I _ orange.5. I _ morning exercises.


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