常见心理防卫机制(Common psychological defense mechanism).doc

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1、常见心理防卫机制(Common psychological defense mechanism)Whats the common psychological defense mechanism?The ultimate Lolita control in 2010-7-15 07:20 editorCommon psychological defense mechanismHuman use of mental defense mechanisms is sometimes intentional and sometimes unintentional. Some of these psych

2、ological defense mechanisms are in line with social ethical standards, while others do not. They have different influences on life, both positive and negative.Denial (Denial): the unconscious refusal to acknowledge unpleasant realities to protect oneself. It is the most primitive and simplest psycho

3、logical defense mechanism. People with weak will and simple knowledge structure often use the denial mechanism.For example, children breaking things into a disaster, often by hand blindfolded; cancer patients denied that he had cancer; his wife did not believe her husband sudden death; some girl was

4、 raped, recalled the rape process will be a blank, or memory is not clear, this is not right start denied.Distortion (Distortion) is a psychological defense mechanism that distorts and changes external facts to suit the needs of the mind. The use of exaggerated ideas to protect their frustrated egos

5、 is a special case of distortion. Delusions or hallucinations are most common in mental phenomena manifested by distortion. The delusion is a distortion of reality, and believe that such as the stubborn spouse on infidelity. Illusion is the reaction of sound, image, or tactile sensation, which is no

6、t stimulated by the outside world, and is sensed by the mind. It is divorced from reality and seriously distorted the reality.Reaction structure reaction structure (English term Reaction formation) also known as reverse, refers to the consciousness of the subconscious and take a completely opposite

7、views and actions, because the real consciousness shows does not conform to social norms or cause anxiety, so in the opposite way to release.For example, left to her husband ex-wife child hostile stepmother, tend to spoil their children, in an attempt to prove that she is not hostile to the child; a

8、gain, excessive enthusiasm or boast behavior is a strong impulse response is not good for pent up in the unconscious that dealing with people or inferiority. When someone wants to take care of himself, he obviously takes care of others, hates someone or something he really likes, or loves his hated

9、rival or his favorite job.For example, some people find themselves homosexual and unacceptable and turn out to be anti gay.Transfer or transfer (English term Displacement): in a situation is dangerous emotion or action to another safe situation released. It is usually to transfer the mood and desire

10、 of the strong to the weak.For example, anger and resentment towards superiors are vented at home.Depression / inhibition / inhibition (English depression term Repression): repression refers to when an idea, a persons feelings or impulses cannot be accepted under the consciousness of the superego, w

11、ill be extremely painful experience or desire is repressed into the unconscious, so that individuals no longer because of anxiety and pain. This is a kind of initiative is not consciously forgotten (not deny the facts), sometimes it is a slip of the tongue. Inhibition does the same for conscious wor

12、k. But it should be noted that these desires, which are repressed in the unconscious, may still unconsciously affect human behavior.For example, the only child of a middle-aged woman who died in a car accident at the age of eighteen occurred in October. She was very miserable at that time, and after

13、 a while she suppressed the intolerable emotion and deposited it in the subconscious mind. It can be said that feelings remain in consciousness while ideas are ignored. These subconscious emotions unknowingly affect her mood, and indeed she will have spontaneous depression every year in October, she

14、 does not know why, drug treatment is invalid.Projective projection (English term Projection): also known as exterior projection,Is subjective, will be some of their own bad thoughts, motives, desires, or emotions, given to others or other things, shirk responsibility or blame their own fault on oth

15、ers, so as to get a relief. It includes serious prejudice, rejection of intimacy by suspicion, and excessive vigilance for external danger.For example, a student usually dont study hard, cheating in the exam is that other students are not good at learning to cheat in the exam, and he was more than.

16、The heart of a small man is the belly of a gentleman is also the case.For example, rapists think that the victim is exposed to clothing and only causes him to commit crimes.Ingestion intake (English term Introjection): or inward projection, contrary to projection. Refers to the widespread, without the choice to absorb the outside things, and they become part of their personality. Because of the intake, sometimes t



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