潘三矿400 万ta新井初步设计-浅析深井巷道支护技术-关于煤与瓦斯突出矿井无人工作面开采保护层的论文.doc

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潘三矿400 万ta新井初步设计-浅析深井巷道支护技术-关于煤与瓦斯突出矿井无人工作面开采保护层的论文.doc_第1页
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潘三矿400 万ta新井初步设计-浅析深井巷道支护技术-关于煤与瓦斯突出矿井无人工作面开采保护层的论文.doc_第2页
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潘三矿400 万ta新井初步设计-浅析深井巷道支护技术-关于煤与瓦斯突出矿井无人工作面开采保护层的论文.doc_第3页
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潘三矿400 万ta新井初步设计-浅析深井巷道支护技术-关于煤与瓦斯突出矿井无人工作面开采保护层的论文.doc_第4页
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潘三矿400 万ta新井初步设计-浅析深井巷道支护技术-关于煤与瓦斯突出矿井无人工作面开采保护层的论文.doc_第5页
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《潘三矿400 万ta新井初步设计-浅析深井巷道支护技术-关于煤与瓦斯突出矿井无人工作面开采保护层的论文.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《潘三矿400 万ta新井初步设计-浅析深井巷道支护技术-关于煤与瓦斯突出矿井无人工作面开采保护层的论文.doc(102页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第VI页中国矿业大学2012届本科生毕业设计摘 要本设计包括三个部分:一般部分、专题部分和翻译部分。一般部分为潘三矿400 万t/a新井初步设计,共分10章:1.矿区概述及井田地质特征;2.井田境界和储量;3.矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限;4.井田开拓;5.准备方式采区巷道布置;6.采煤方法;7.井下运输;8.矿井提升;9.矿井通风与安全技术;10.矿井基本技术经济指标。城郊矿井田位于河南省永城市境内,东南距淮南市洞山约34公里。地处凤台县城正北,相距县城15公里左右。行政区划属淮南市潘集区所管辖,井田范围地跨潘集、芦集、田集、贺疃四个乡。潘三矿濒临淮河,东起自第九勘探线与潘一矿相毗邻

2、,西至第十五勘探线和丁集勘探区相邻,矿井北部以F1断层作为与未来的潘四矿之分界线,南部以13-1煤层-900m水平的底板等高线作为深部的井境界,矿井东西走向长约9.3km,南北倾斜宽约5.8km,面积约54km2。矿区铁路专用线与阜淮线、淮南线连接,向东南经合肥至芜湖,可延伸至沪杭、皖赣线,向西约90公里经阜阳至京九线各站,公路30公里与206国道相接。水运由淮河进入长江,在淮河建有自营码头,专门从事煤炭的水运业务。煤炭主要销往淮南平圩与洛河电厂及江浙一带,交通十分便利。矿井最大涌水量为1000m3/时,正常涌水量为700 m3/时;煤质为气煤;全矿井最大绝对瓦斯涌出量为50 m3/min,属

3、高瓦斯矿井;煤层具有一定的自燃发火危险性,自然倾向性等级为级,煤尘具有一定的爆炸危险性。矿井采用立井单水平上下山开拓,采用中央并列式和两翼对角式混合通风。一矿一面,采煤方法为长壁综采一次采全高开采。煤炭运输采用阻燃胶带和底卸式矿车,辅助运输采用蓄电池电机车牵引矿车。矿井年工作日为330 d,每天净提升时间16 h。矿井工作制度为“三八”制。专题部分题目是浅析深井巷道支护技术。翻译部分是一篇关于煤与瓦斯突出矿井无人工作面开采保护层的论文,英文原文题目为:Study on mining the protective seam with the manless working face in coa

4、l and gas outburst mines。 关键词:立井;采区;综采;中央并列式;两翼对角式 AbstractThis design includes of three parts: the general part, special subject part and translated part.The general part is a new preliminary design of Pansan wells that annual output is 1.8Mt . The design includes ten chapters: 1. Mine and mine geo

5、logical features outlined; 2. Waida realm and reserves; 3. Mine system, design capacity and length of service; 4. Waida develop ; 5. to prepare the way - with the district roadway layout; 6. mining methods; 7. underground transport; 8. mine hoist; 9. mine ventilation and security technologies; 10. m

6、ine the basic technical and economic indicators.Pansan Mine located in the northwest of Huainan City Anhui Province Huaihei River, south-east of Huainan City Dongshan from about 34 km. Is located in Fengtai County, due north, about 15 km away from town. An administrative division under the jurisdict

7、ion of Huainan City area, Ida range across Panji, Luji, Tianji and Hetuan.Pansan Mine the verge of the Huaihe River, the east from the 9th line and the Panyi Mine adjacent to the west, the 15th exploration lines and the small set of exploration area adjacent to the north F1 fault as mine and mine of

8、 the future four-line Pansi Mine , 13-1 coal-900m south to the level of bottom contour as the realm of deep wells, mines east-west length of about 9.3km, North-south tilt width of 5.8km, an area of about 54km2.Mine special railway line and the Fuyang-Huainan, Huainan cable connection, to the southea

9、st by the Hefei-Wuhu, can be extended to Hangzhou, Anhui and Jiangxi line, about 90 kilometers west to Beijing-Kowloon line by the Fuyang stations, highways and 206 national highway 30 km phase. Shipping from the Huaihe River into the Yangtze River, Huaihe River built in the self-terminal, specializ

10、ing in coal shipping business. Huainan coal are sold to power plants and Zhejiang area, the traffic is very convenient. Mine the maximum discharge is 1000m3/h, the normal discharge is 700 m3/h; coal to gas coal; all mine gas emission in the absolute maximum for the 50 m3/min, a high-gas mines; coal

11、has a certain risk of spontaneous combustion , and the natural tendency of grade and coal dust explosion has a certain risk.Mine uses shaft single the level of development and uses Central parallel and the two wings of the roles of ventilation.Side of a mine ,mining method for a fully mechanized lon

12、gwall mining height. Coal Transportation by the end of flame-retardant tape and bottom dump car . Auxiliary transport uses battery Locomotive traction tramcar.Mine is working days for 330 days, the net every day to enhance the time 16 hours. Mine system is 38 structure.Special subject part is about

13、the research of Deep roadways Supporting Technology. Translation part of an article on mining the protective seam with the manless working face in coal and gas outburst mines.the original English text of the title: Study on mining the protective seam with the manless working face in coal and gas out

14、burst mines.KEYWORDS: SHAFT; PANELS; FULLY MECHANIZED MINING; CENTRAL PARALLEL; WINGS DIAGONAL VENTILATION目 录1 矿区概述及井田地质特征11.1 矿区概述11.1.1 矿区地理位置与交通11.1.2 地形地貌11.1.3 主要河流11.2 井田地质特征21.2.1 井田地质构造21.2.2 煤层特征21.2.3 煤质31.2.4 水文地质特征41.2.5 其他开采地质条件42 井田境界与储量52.1 井田境界52.2 矿井工业储量计算52.2.1 储量计算依据52.2.2 矿井工业储量5

15、2.3 矿井可采储量计算62.3.1 安全煤柱留设原则62.3.2 矿井永久保护煤柱损失量62.3.3 矿井可采储量82.3.4 井型校核83 矿井工作制度、设计生产能力及服务年限103.1 矿井工作制度103.2 矿井设计生产能力及服务年限103.2.1 矿井设计生产能力及服务年限确定依据103.2.2 矿设计生产能力103.2.3 矿井服务年限103.2.4 井型校核114 井田开拓124.1 井田开拓的基本问题124.1.1 确定井筒形式、数目、位置124.1.2 工业场地的位置134.1.3 开采水平的确定144.1.4 大巷和井底车场的布置144.1.5 开拓方案比较144.2 矿井基本巷道224.2.1 井筒224.2.2 井底车场及硐室254.2.3 主要开拓巷道275 带区巷道布置315.1 煤层地质特征315.1.1 带区位置及范围315.1.2 带区煤层特征315.1.3 地质构造315.1.4 顶底板特性315.1.5 水文地质315.1.6 地表情况315.2 带区巷道布置及生产系统(见首采区巷道布置平剖面图)315.2.1 带区准备方式的确定325.2.2 生产系统325.2.3 带区内巷道掘进


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