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1、学 海 无 涯2016年湖州中考英语试卷本卷共有五大题,56小题,满分66分1 听力(本题有15小题,其中1-10小题每题1分,11-15小题每题2分,共20分) 注意:听力公分三节,答题时,请先将答案标在试卷上,听力部分结束后,请将答案转涂到答卷上,听每段对话或独白前,你都有五秒钟的时间阅读这一小题,听完后你将有五秒钟的时间回答这小题。第1节 :听下面五段对话,每段对话有1表小题,请从所给的A,B,C三个选项中选择正确胡选项,每段对话仅读一遍。1. when will the man give the report?A. Next Sunday B. Next Monday C. Next

2、Friday2. What does Linda like about the restaurant?A. The food B. The service C. The environment3. Who went to the movie with the woman?A. Her sister B. Her brother C. Her cousin4. Why is the man going to London?A. To work there B.To visit a friend C. To have a vacation5. Where are the speakers goin

3、g next Sunday?A. To the park B. To the zoo C. To the museum第2节 ,听下面两段较长对话,每段对话后有2至3小题,请从题中所给的A,B,C,三个选项中选择正确的选项,但每段对话读两遍。听下面对话回答第6-7题6. Where is Daisy at the moment?A. In the school B. On a bus C. At a bus stop7. How might Daisy go home?A. By taxi. B. By car. C. On foot.听下面一段较长对话,回答8-10题。8. What do

4、you know about Sam?A. He is lazy. B. He is impolite C. He is careless.9. Where may Sam find his glasses?A. In the bathroom. B. In the living room. C. In the bedroom.10. Whats the relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and son. B. Teacher and student C. Wife and husband.第3节 ,听下面一段独白,独白后有5表小题,请从题

5、目中所给的A.B.C三个选项中选择出正确胡选项。独白读两遍。11. Whats the main rule Tom has to follow?A. Studying hard. B. Going to bed early. C. Cleaning his room.12. What time does Tom have to go to bed on school nights?A. By 10 p.m. B. By 11 p.m. C. By 12 p.m.13. How will Toms parents feel if he leaves things everywhere?A. Bo

6、red. B. Angry. C. Sad.14. What does Tom often put on the wall?A. Maps. B. Rules. C.Posters.15. Whats the passage mainly about?A. Family photos. B. Family rules. C. Family members2 完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A.B.C.D四个选项中选出最佳选项。I strongly believe the right words at just the right ti

7、me could change soneons life. When I was 3 years old, my parents 16 I was totally deaf. But from the third grade, they decided to put me in a “mainstream” school where all of my classmates had 17 hearing. So I was the only deaf child at Blue Creek Elementary School. From the first day there, the oth

8、er kids often 18 me and called me names mainly because of my hearing aid(助听器) and the way I talked.I was 19 throughout elementary school. Besides the problems of “fitting in” with the other students, I also had 20 with most of my schoolwork.One morning, Mrs Jordan, my fifth-grade teacher, asked 21 a

9、 question in her math class. She was a large woman with a 22 that bounced off the walls of her tiny classroom, and it could even spread to the hallway.I 23 her lips(嘴唇)and immediately raised my hand. For once I know the answer! 24 I was afraid when she called on me. Then I answered her question 25 .

10、 I will never forget what happened next.Mrs. Jordan pointed directly at me. With sparkling(闪光的) eyes and a wide 26 ,she cried, “THATS RIGHT, STEPHEN!”For the first time in my young life, I became a shining star, I had 27 been so excited before!Right then and there I made a 28 that I would make a pla

11、ce for myself in this world. No matter how many difficulties I might 29 in life, I know I could overcome them.A simple three-word phrase had totally 30 my young life, “THATS RIGHT, STEPHEN!”16.A.explained B.heard C.discovered D.agreed17.A.normal B.poor C.strange D.special18. A.thought of B.laughed a

12、t C.heard of D.looked after19. A.excited B.pleased C.surprised D.worried20. A.practice B.experience C.progress D.trouble21. A.us B.them C.me D.her22. A.body B.mouth C.voice D.look23. A.found B.read C.followed D.touched24. A.And B.So C.But D.Or25. A.happily B.quietly C.luckily D.nevously26. A.smile B.heart C.mind D.interest27. A.often B.always C.never D.ever28. A.decision B.story C.rule D.difference29. A.understand B.remember C.imagine D.meet30. A.protected B.changed C.controlled D.star


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