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1、六年级英语上册复习资料Unit 11.会旗(The Olympic Flag)2.Did you watchthe Olympic Games on TV? (你们从电视上看到奥运会了吗?) Yes,we did.(我们看了。)3. What do you know about the Olympic Games?(你们对奥运会了解多少?)They take place every four years.(奥运会每四年举行一次。)4. China held the 29th Olympic Games in Beijing.(中国在北京举办了第29届奥运会。)5. The games bega

2、n on August 8,2008. (第29届奥运会于2008年8月8日开幕。)6. One word,one dream.(同一个世界,同一个梦想。)7. They stand for all people of the world.(奥运五环代表全世界的人民。)stand for 是“代表,象征”的意思。8. There are Summer Olympics and Winter Olympics.9. 同一个世界,同一个梦想。(One world,one dream.)10. Faster,higher and stronger.(更快、更高、更强。)11. There are f

3、ive rings on the Olympic Flag.12. the Olympic GamesUnit 21. Whos the boy between the two women? (坐在那两位女士之间的男孩是谁?)2. He looks strong and healthy.(他看起来很健康强壮。)3. Does he exercise every day?(他每天锻炼吗?)Yes, he does.No, he doesnt.4. He always gets up early in the morning.(他早上总是起得很早。)5. Then he goes running.

4、(然后他去跑步。)go swimming (去游泳), go shopping (去购物), go boating (去划船)6. Does he often play basketball?(他经常打篮球吗?)Yes.Sometimes he also plays football.(是的。有时他也踢足球。)7.Does he often do high jump?(他经常跳高吗?)No,he doesnt.(不,他不经常跳高。)8. The game is between Class One and Class Two.(比赛在1班和2班之间进行。)9. Wang Tao is passi

5、ng the ball to Peter.(王涛正把球传给彼得。)pass the ball是“传球”的意思。10. Some girls are cheering for their class team.(一些女生正为他们的班队喝彩。)cheer for 是“为喝彩叫好,为鼓劲加油”的意思。11. Some pupils are watching.Some girls are cheering for their class team.Unit 31. Bring me a basket,please.(请给我拿一个篮子来。)bring的意思是“拿来,带来”,指把东西从别处拿到说话者所在的

6、地方来,动作由远到近。take的意思是“拿走,带去”2. Its raining. Take an umbrella with you.(下雨了,带一把伞去。)3.Youre eating candy again,Ben.(本,你又在吃糖果。)Its sweet. I like it.(糖果很甜,我喜欢吃。)4. But its bad for your teeth.(但是糖果对你的牙齿不好。)5.Why not come with me?Im going to pick some vegetables.(为什么不跟我一起去?我要去摘一些蔬菜。)6.a cup of water是“一杯水”的意

7、思7. Now lets talk about our food.(现在我们来谈谈我们的食物。)talk about是“谈论某人/某事/某物”的意思。8.Is there any problem with Menu A?(菜单A有没有问题?)There arent any fruits or vegetables.(没有水果或蔬菜。)9. Can you buy some candy for me,Mom?(妈妈,能给我买一些糖果吗?)10.-What do you usually have for lunch? - We have fish, vegetables and dumplings

8、.Unit 41. My daughter wants a dress.And my son wants a pair of shorts.(我女儿要一件连衣裙,我儿子要一条短裤。)2.a pair of是“一双,一对,一副”的意思。a pair of glasses(一副眼镜),a pair of shoes (一双鞋)a pair of shorts(一条短裤),a pair of trousers(一条长裤)3.Can I try it on?(我可以试穿吗?)put on(穿上),take off(脱下),try on (试穿)4. She looks beautiful in her

9、 new dress.(她穿着新的连衣裙看起来很漂亮。)5. Girls can wear shorts,trousers and Tshirts like boys.(女孩子可以像男孩一样穿短裤、长裤和T恤衫。)6. These clothes are very boring.(这些衣服非常单调。)7. .Its getting cool.(天气渐渐凉爽了。)8. Boys cant wear skirts or dresses like girls.男孩不能像女孩一样穿裙子。9.- Can I help you,madam?Can I help you,sir? - Yes, I need

10、 a dress.Unit 51. Lets do some housework together.(我们一起来做家务吧。)2.Whose dirty socks are those?(那些是谁的脏袜子?)I think theyre Bens.(我想是本的。)3. Put them in the washing machine.(把它们放到洗衣机里。)4. Are those your toys?(那些是你的玩具吗?)Yes,they are.(是的,是我的。)5. Now clean your bedroom.(现在整理你的卧室。)6. Can you water the plants,

11、Ben?(本,你能给这些植物浇水么?)OK. Its a piece of cake.(好的,这是很容易的事。)7. Please help me clean the toilet.(请帮助我整理卫生间。)8. make the bed clean the room tablewindowfloordoortoilet water the plantsflowerstrees pick up the toys wash the clothesUnit 61. Wang Tao usually gets up at half past six.But this morning he got up

12、 at half past seven.(王涛通常在6:30起床,但是今天早上他7:30起床。)this morning是“今天早上”的意思,类似的表达法有:this afternoon (今天下午),this evening(今天傍晚)。2. He usually walks to school.But this morning he took a taxi.(他通常步行上学,但是今天上午他乘坐出租车上学。)3. He usually walks to school.= He usually goes to school on foot.4. He usually gets to schoo

13、l at seven twenty.But this morning he got to school at eight oclock.(他通常在7:20到校,但是今天上午他8:00到校。)5. May I come in?(我可以进来吗?)Come in,please.(请进。)6. Go to your seat,please.Dont be late again.(到你的座位上去,不要再迟到。)7. Why were you late today?(你今天为什么迟到?)I got up late this morning.(我早上起床迟了。)8. Why did you go to be

14、d so late?(你为什么那么迟去睡觉?)I watched a football game on TV.(我看电视上的足球比赛。)Oh. Youre a little football fan.(哦,你是个小足球迷。)9. Last night Wang Tao watched a football game.(昨晚王涛观看了一场足球赛。)last night是“昨晚”的意思,last week (上星期),last month (上个月),last winter (去年冬天),last year (去年)Unit 71. Whats the date today?(今天是几月几号?)I

15、ts November 25.2. Can I invite my friends to dinner?(我可以邀请我的朋友来吃晚饭吗?)3. We also invite friends to join us.(我们也邀请朋友和我们一起吃晚饭。)4. When is it?(感恩节是什么时候?)The last Thursday of November.(十一月份的最后一个星期四。)Tree Planting Day(植树节)5. Please help yourselves to the food.(请你们自己随意取食物吧。)6. Pass me the corn,please.(请把玉米递给我。)7. Would you like some soup,Miss Gao?(高老师,你要不要喝点汤?)Yes,please. Its delicious.(好的,谢谢。汤的味道真好。)8. Im happy you like it.Please try some fruit salad.(我很高兴你喜欢它,请尝一尝水果沙拉。)9. They hope for a better



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