六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1(1)教学实录 外研版(一起)

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《六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1(1)教学实录 外研版(一起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 1(1)教学实录 外研版(一起)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版一起六年级英语下册教学实录Module 9 Unit 1 Whats the matter?教材分析:语言功能:学习正确表达如何询问原因及做出合理的回答。语言结构:Whats the matter?Why are you laughing?Why are you wearing cups on your heads?教学目标:a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句 Whats the matter?Why are you laughing?Why are you wearing cups on your heads?b.语言技能目标:能够听懂会说本模块句型,能运用所学语言正确表达如何询问原因及做

2、出合理的回答。通过游戏和各种学习活动的开展,培养学生的合作能力、竞争意识和综合运用语言知识的能力。c.情感态度目标:通过本课的学习,使学生了解到学习语言的乐趣,体会到学习所可能遇到的困难,要有良好的学习习惯与乐观的学习志趣。教学重、难点:重点:Whats the matter?Why are you laughing? Why are you wearing cups on your heads? 并能在实际情景中运用。难点:学生能够流利地使用正确时态来表达如何询问原因及做出合理的回答。学生分析六年级的学生经过几年的学习,已经由最初对英语的神秘感和简单的兴趣,发展到基本具有稳定的学习兴趣,大部


4、缺乏意义的操练活动并不利于学生保持持久参与学习活动的兴趣,不利于学生获得语言知识和技能,因此,在英语教学中,教师要力争创设真实的语言情景,开展有意义的活动,使学生在学习中享受到乐趣,做学习真正的主人。教学准备教学挂图,单词卡片、录音机、多媒体教学过程一、Warm- up(热身活动)1. GreetingT: Hello, everybody! Welcome to our English class again. Now would you like to sing a song with me? OK! Lets sing together: If you are happy. (师生共同演

5、唱英文歌曲,为本课教学内容作铺垫,并调节课堂气氛) 2. Free talk T:Are you happy now? Im so happy to see you are all very happy. Would you like to tell me why you are so happy? (由歌曲的内容If you are happy自然引入Free talk环节)T: But look at this boy. Is he happy? (可以指着本班的一个小男生)S: No, he isnt happy. Hes sad. (引导学生回答)T: Do you know what

6、 the matter is? Lets ask him. T: Whats the matter? Why are you sad? S: Yesterday I left my English book in the classroom, so I didnt read the story Helen Keller. Sorry, teacher.T: No problem. Lets do some revision. (自然引入复习)二、Presentation(介绍新语言项目)1. T: Look at this picture. I think youll still rememb

7、er this story. Can you still know and answer these questions? Why couldnt Helen Keller hear? Why couldnt Helen Keller see? (教师出示挂图或课件,提问并引导学生回答,让学生在思考与回答中体会如何使用“Why”句型)2. T: Now look at this photo. Can you guess: Whos he? What is he doing? Why is he laughing? (教师出示一张学生正在大笑的照片,鼓励学生大胆猜测)三、New teaching

8、(课文教学)1. T: Did you remember our old friends, Lingling, Amy, Sam? Look! They are laughing. Would you like to know what the matter is? OK! This class, well learn Module 9 Unit 1 Whats the matter? (读课题,导入新课)2. Learn the dialogue(1) T: First look at these questions. Who can read?Questions: What the mat

9、ter? Why are they laughing?Why are they wearing cups on their heads?What has Sam got in his bag? (课件出示问题,请学生读问题)(2) T: Now listen carefully, then try to answer these questions.(请学生看问题,听课文录音,边听边思考,以此进行信息差教学,初步整体感知课文内容)(3) T: Ok! Are you ready for these questions?(学生听录音回答问题,教师予以指导,如果学生回答问题有困难,可以再听录音,视

10、情况而定)(4) Learn these new words and expressions. Pay more attentions to these sounds: matter , mistake (请学生提出自己认为不容易理解和掌握的知识点,由教师帮助学生利用卡片或图片讲解词语与句型)(5) T: Listen again. Read after that, one by one.(听录音,再读课文,小组练读,分角色朗读)四、Practice(练习)1. T: Now, look and listen to the important sentences in the dialogue

11、, please read and then recite.(出示本课的重点句型,学生看图片、听录音,小声模仿,一分钟内循环播放句子录音,学生背诵。大量的口头练习和背诵可以使学生的嘴部肌肉更加发达,说起语言更加游刃有余。)2. T: Ok, this time, take out your exercise book and turn to Page 34 . Please listen to the questions and try to finish this story.(课件出示图片与练习题,学生听录音,根据图示写出回答,完成小故事,学生做完后,进行集体核对,一目了然。再以小组为单位

12、,讲故事比赛)3. T: OK! Now lets do some listening practice. Activity Book Page 35. Listen and circle. Then check your answers in small groups.(请学生做听力练习,小组内订正) 五、Production(任务完成)1. T: This time lets play a game. Look at these pictures or these cards. One child will do some actions to show what the word mea

13、ns. The others will guess the word. Then we can ask himher some questions: Whats the matter? Why are you laughing? (大家做“猜词游戏”,教师出示图片或卡片,请一名学生到前面看图,用肢体语言表现该词,其他学生猜词,并引导学生提问,学生要展开想象,作出回答)2. T: Now this time would you like to talk in pairs? OK! Lets finish Exercise 2 on Page 35.(请学生两人一组,互相交流,写出问题与回答,再请

14、几组汇报)3. T: In the dialogue Lingling made mistakes with these two words: cups and caps. I think it is also easy for our classmates to make mistakes with English. Sometimes like these words: cats and kites, thirty and thirteenDo you have the same feelings? Can you give us some other words?(请学生说一说自己在英语

15、学习中容易混淆的词语)六、Summary and Homework(小结和作业)T: OK! Now I believe you all know that it is interesting to learn English and it is not so easy. Please try your bests. Just do it! Todays homework:1. Read this dialogue.2. Try to retell the story to your friends and your parents.3. Write down these words that you make mistakes.And you for your good cooperation. So much for this class, see you.



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