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1、小升初英语语法专项46(C) 1.Yang Ling is good _English, but she _not do well in PE. A. in; do B. at; do C at; does解析:be good at 为固定搭配,she为第三人称,后接动词的三单形式(C)2.Whats this _ Chinese ? A. at B. to C. in 解析:用什么语言,固定介词in, 比如 in Japanese为用日语。该题的翻译为“这用汉语怎么说 ?”(B)3.Tom: Are there any students in the net bar ?John: Yes,

2、there are _ students the net bar. A .any B. some C. a/解析: students为复数,排除C,any一般用于否定句和疑问句,some一般用于肯定句(C)4. _ she go to work by bike ?A .Are B.Do C. Does解析:当主语为第三人称单数时,用does构成一般疑问句。(A) 5. I usually get up _ seven oclock in the morning. A .at B. on C. of解析:在几点,几分用介词at ( A ) 6.My sister is ( )engineer,m

3、y brother is ( ) doctor.A a;the B an;a Ca;/ 解析: engineer 的第一个字母的发音为元音,故用an ,doctor 的第一个字母的发音为辅音,故用A ( B ) 7.Isorry ,I cant help you-Thank you( )A very much B all the time C at all 解析: all the time 表示依然 还是,题目应为依然要感谢你 ( C ) 8.-( )are you going there?-On footA Why B Where C How 解析: 由On foot可知,提问应该是你如何去

4、那儿?如何为How ( B ) 9.Most of the child enjoy ( ) computer gamesA play B playing C to play解析: enjoy doing something 喜欢做某事 ( C ) 10.The doctor often tells him ( ) more exerciseA taken B taking C to take解析:tell sb to do something 告诉某人做某事(B)11. I _at a green light .A. mustnt walk B. can walk C. must stoppi

5、ng解析:a green light是绿灯,绿灯行,故B(A)12. Lets _with the computer ,tom.A. play B. plays C. playing解析:Lets do something 让我们做某事吧,故A(A)13.Dont talk _class.A. in B. at C. on解析:in class固定搭配,在教室内(B)14.Li Lei _like fish , but his sister likes.A. dont B. doesnt C. arent解析:Li Lei为第三人称单数,否定用doesnt(A)15.My sisters _play basketball after school.A. dont B. doesnt C. arent解析:主谓一致,故A



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