六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(1)教学实录 外研版(一起)

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六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(1)教学实录 外研版(一起)_第1页
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《六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(1)教学实录 外研版(一起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《六年级英语下册 Module 9 Unit 2(1)教学实录 外研版(一起)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版一起六年级英语下册教学实录Module 9 Unit 2 Why are you scared?教材分析语言功能:学习正确表达如何询问原因及做出合理的回答。语言结构:Why are you scared? Because there is a snake.Why is it here?Because it escaped from the zoo.教学目标:a.语言知识目标:学习目标语句Why are you scared? Because there is a snake.Why is it here?Because it escaped from the zoo b.语言技能目标:能

2、够听懂会说本模块句型,能运用所学语言正确表达如何询问原因及做出合理的回答。通过游戏和各种学习活动的开展,培养学生的合作能力、竞争意识和综合运用语言知识的能力。c.情感态度目标:通过本课的学习,使学生了解到学习语言的乐趣,以积极乐观的学习态度对待学习中的困难,在学习交流中体会他人感受,学会关爱。教学重、难点:重点:Why are you scared? Because there is a snake. Why is it here?Because it escaped from the zoo 并能在实际情景中运用。难点:学生能够流利地使用正确时态来表达如何询问原因及做出合理的回答。学生分析


4、学生为主体,教师为主导,采用多种教学形式,激发学生学习英语的兴趣及运用英语交流的热情。过多机械性的和缺乏意义的操练活动并不利于学生保持持久参与学习活动的兴趣,不利于学生获得语言知识和技能,因此,在英语教学中,教师要力争创设真实的语言情景,开展有意义的活动,使学生在学习中享受到乐趣,做学习真正的主人。教学准备录音机,教学挂图,图片,卡片教学过程一、Warm- up(热身活动)1. GreetingT: Hello, Boys and girls! Nice to meet you here again! What day is it today? Whats the date today? Wh

5、ats the weather like today? 2. Sing a songT: Now first lets sing a song, OK? Would you like to tell us what you can hear and see in the song? (师生共同欣赏本课的英文歌曲,引导学生说一说从歌中听到了什么) 3. Do some revision T:Boys and girls, did you still remember the story? Did you still remember the baseball cups? OK! Now take

6、 out your baseball caps and act out the dialogue together.(复习表演对话) 二、Presentation(介绍新语言项目)1. T: Look! This is a photo. Do you know it? She looks very happy. Why is she so happy? Can you guess? S: She is happy because she is(教师可以出示本班某个小女生的一张照片,只露出她高兴的笑脸,让学生猜一猜原因,并引导学生用“Because”句型来回答)三、New teaching(课文

7、教学)1. T: You know, this girl is very happy. And look at that girl! Does she look happy? S: No, she looks scared. (教师出示本课的教学挂图,指着其中的小女孩,引导学生回答)T: Yes, she is not happy. She is so scared. Would you like to know what the matter is? Why is she scared? OK! This class, well learn Module 9 Unit 2 Why are y

8、ou scared? (读课题,导入新课)2. Learn the dialogue(1) T: First look at the pictures and just think: Why is the girl scared? Why is the snake here? OK! Now listen carefully, then try to answer these questions.(请学生带着问题,听课文录音,边听边思考)(2) T: Ok! Can you answer these questions?(学生听录音回答问题,教师予以指导,如果学生回答问题有困难,可以再听录音,

9、视情况而定)(3) Learn these new words and expressions. Pay more attentions to these sounds: scared, escaped (请学生注意scared, escaped的读音)(4) T: Listen again. Read after that, one by one.(听录音,再读课文,小组练读,分角色朗读)四、Practice(练习)1. T: Now open your books ,turn to Page 36. Look at these pictures and talk in pairs acco

10、rding to these questions. (请学生看图,大胆描述,两人一组,问答练习)2. T: Ok, this time, take out your Activity books and turn to Page 37 . Please look and write these sentences.(请学生参照例题独立完成,然后在小组交流,再请学生回答,进行集体核对)3. T: Now lets have a rest. Listen to the song again. Try to understand it and you can do the actions while

11、 you are singing.(听歌曲,让学生理解歌词大意,鼓励学生边唱边演,活动起来,以此放松休息)4. T: This time lets have a match. Students Book Page 37. Look, listen and point. Can you read them loudly and quickly? Please try to read it as fast as you can.(学生看图片、听录音,小声模仿,快速练习,大声朗读,并展开比赛,这样的大量的口头练习可以使学生的嘴部肌肉得到锻炼,发音更流利优美)五、Production(任务完成)1.

12、T: OK! Now lets do some listening practice. Activity Book Page 36. Can you answer these questions: Where does Anna live? Is she a school girl? Where did Anna visit yesterday? (请学生做听力练习,鼓励学生看图仔细听,能回答教师的问题)2. T: After reading this passage, please do Exercise 2 by yourselves. Then talk in small groups.

13、(请学生自己读懂短文做练习2,小组内订正) 3. T: OK, children! Are you happy today? Why are you happy? I guess maybe somebody feels tired, hungryNow here is a task for you: Today you are a little reporter. If you want to know your friends feelings, you can ask them: What are you feeling today? Why are you? And the answe

14、r should be: “Because” (开展“我是小记者”活动,以此促进学生对所学语言的运用)六、Summary and Homework(小结和作业)T: OK! Now I believe we all feel very happy this class because weve been enjoying English all the time. Well done, everybody! Todays homework:1. Read these sentences on SB Page 37 freely.2. Play games with your friends: Magic Sentences Box1:sad, happy, sleepyBox2: different kinds of reasonsChoose one from each box to make a sentence.


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