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1、期中英语试卷题号IIIIIIIVVVIVII总分得分一、阅读理解(本大题共4小题,共8.0分)AStephen Wiltshire is a famous artist His drawings - often drawn from memory and at great speed - are sketched (素描) on the spot at street level Stephen, who was born in London in 1974, didnt say a word as a small child, and found it hard to relate to ot

2、her people At the age of five, Stephen was sent to Queensmill School, London, where it soon became apparent that he communicated through the language of drawing His teachers encouraged him to speak by taking away his art materials for a short time; eventually he said his first words - paper and penc

3、il - but didnt learn to speak fully until the age of nine Stephen loved drawing and he was seldom to be found without pen and paper Once he took part in art competitions, news of his great talent began to spread Early fans included the late Prime Minister Edward Heath who bought his drawing of Salis

4、bury Cathedral, made when Stephen was just eight But Stephen came to wider public attention when the BBC featured him in the programme, The Foolish Wise Ones in 1987, when he was introduced by Sir Hugh Casson (a past president of the Royal Academy), as the best child artist in Britain After that, St

5、ephens reputation grew worldwide A second BBC documentary in 2001 showed Stephen flying over London in a helicopter and later completing a detailed drawing of London within three hours, which included 12 historic landmarks (地标性建筑) and 200 other structures In 2006 Stephen was recognised for his servi

6、ces to the art world, when he was made a member of the Order of the British Empire Today wherever Stephen goes, people are attracted by his outstanding talent1. What problem did Stephen have when he was a small child? _ ANo schools wanted him BNo teachers liked him CHe couldnt speak DHe couldnt spel

7、l2. When did Stephen become world famous? _ AAfter his second BBC documentary BAfter the programme The Foolish Wise Ones CAfter he met with the late Prime Minister Edward Heath DAfter Sir Hugh Casson bought his drawing of Salisbury Cathedral3. What is special about Stephens drawing of London? _ AIt

8、was his greatest work BIt was drawn in a helicopter CIt featured historic landmarks DIt was finished in a short time4. The text is likely to appear in _ Aa novel Ba biography Can official report Da history paper二、阅读七选五(本大题共5小题,共10.0分)Many people seem to love potatoes however they are cooked But have

9、 you ever asked yourself where they came from? It all started in Peru There, people grew potatoes over 2,000 years ago They werent like the ones we know today (1) The first Europeans to try to plant potatoes were the Spanish In 1537, Spanish explorers discovered people eating what they called papas

10、They brought this strange vegetable back to Spain in the 1550s People generally didnt like the potato Lots of other vegetables were introduced into Europe at the same time, like tomatoes and sweet potatoes, and people preferred those to the unattractive potatoes (2) Very slowly, they spread through

11、Europe There is a story that King Louis XVI of France liked the potato and planted them in his royal garden (3) So, what about chips? Well, the Belgians claim that they invented fried potatoes, although nobody really knows for sure The first mention of chips in England is by the writer Charles Dicke

12、ns in 1859 (4) The Americans call them French fries because soldiers from America went to France during the First World War and loved the dish Now, the Americans eat over twenty million tons of chips a year Crisps are an American invention, although they call them chips Everybody agrees that a nativ

13、e American chef, George Crum, made the first crisps in 1853 One day, a difficult customer wanted fried potatoes, sliced thinly When they arrived, he said they werent thin enough (5) In the end, Crum got annoyed and sliced the potatoes as thinly as he could and fried them, and then added lots of salt

14、 The dish was an immediate success Next time you are in your favourite fast food place eating chips with your friends, amaze them with your potato knowledge! A He kept sending them back to be cooked again B The original potatoes were smaller and tasted bitter C They were found to be a good source of

15、 vitamins, surprisingly D He mentioned chips of potato fried in oil in one of his books E He asked the fried potatoes to be mixed with butter and cheese F Ordinary people stole them and planted them in their own gardens G They were given to slaves and prisoners, because they were so cheap5. A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G6. A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G7. A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G8. A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G9. A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G三、完形填空(本大题共20小题,共30.0分)Many l


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