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1、the Juniper Treethen the bird flew away to a shoemaker, and lit on his roof and sang:My mother, she killed me, My father, he ate me, My sister Marlene, Gathered all my bones, Tied them in a silken scarf, Laid them beneath the juniper tree, Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.Hearing this, the s

2、hoemaker ran out of doors in his shirtsleeves, and looked up at his roof, and had to hold his hand in front of his eyes to keep the sun from blinding him. Bird, said he, how beautifully you can sing.then he called in at his door, Wife, come outside. There is a bird here. Look at this bird. He certai

3、nly can sing. Then he called his daughter and her children, and the journeyman, and the apprentice, and the maid, and they all came out into the street and looked at the bird and saw how beautiful he was, and what fine red and GREen feathers he had, and how his neck was like pure gold, and how his e

4、yes shone like stars in his head.Bird, said the shoemaker, now sing that song again for me.No, said the bird, I do not sing twice for nothing. You must give me something.Wife, said the man, go into the shop. There is a pair of red shoes on the top shelf. Bring them down. Then the wife went and broug

5、ht the shoes.there, bird, said the man, now sing that piece again for me. Then the bird came and took the shoes in his left claw, and flew back to the roof, and sang:My mother, she killed me, My father, he ate me, My sister Marlene, Gathered all my bones, Tied them in a silken scarf, Laid them benea

6、th the juniper tree, Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.When he had finished his song he flew away. In his right claw he had the chain and in his left one the shoes. He flew far away to a mill, and the mill went clickety-clack, clickety-clack, clickety-clack. In the mill sat twenty millers app

7、rentices cutting a stone, and chiseling chip-chop, chip-chop, chip-chop. And the mill went clickety-clack, clickety-clack, clickety-clack.then the bird went and sat on a linden tree which stood in front of the mill, and sang:My mother, she killed me,then one of them stopped working.My father, he ate

8、 me,then two more stopped working and listened,My sister Marlene,then four more stopped,Gathered all my bones, Tied them in a silken scarf,Now only eight only were chiseling,Laid them beneathNow only five,the juniper tree,Now only one,Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.then the last one stoppe

9、d also, and heard the last words. Bird, said he, how beautifully you sing. Let me hear that too. Sing it once more for me.No, said the bird, I do not sing twice for nothing. Give me the millstone, and then I will sing it again.Yes, he said, if it belonged only to me, you should have it.Yes, said the

10、 others, if he sings again he can have it.then the bird came down, and the twenty millers took a beam and lifted the stone up. Yo-heave-ho! Yo-heave-ho! Yo-heave-ho!the bird stuck his neck through the hole and put the stone on as if it were a collar, then flew to the tree again, and sang:My mother,

11、she killed me, My father, he ate me, My sister Marlene, Gathered all my bones, Tied them in a silken scarf, Laid them beneath the juniper tree, Tweet, tweet, what a beautiful bird am I.When he was finished singing, he spread his wings, and in his right claw he had the chain, and in his left one the

12、shoes, and around his neck the millstone. He flew far away to his fathers house.In the room the father, the mother, and Marlene were sitting at the table.the father said, I feel so contented. I am so happy.Not I, said the mother, I feel uneasy, just as if a bad storm were coming.But Marlene just sat

13、 and cried and cried.then the bird flew up, and as it seated itself on the roof, the father said, Oh, I feel so truly happy, and the sun is shining so beautifully outside. I feel as if I were about to see some old acquaintance again.Not I, said the woman, I am so afraid that my teeth are chattering,

14、 and I feel like I have fire in my veins. And she tore open her bodice even more. Marlene sat in a corner crying. She held a handkerchief before her eyes and cried until it was wet clear through.then the bird seated itself on the juniper tree, and sang:My mother, she killed me,the mother stopped her

15、 ears and shut her eyes, not wanting to see or hear, but there was a roaring in her ears like the fiercest storm, and her eyes burned and FLASHed like lightning.My father, he ate me,Oh, mother, said the man, that is a beautiful bird. He is singing so splendidly, and the sun is shining so warmly, and it smells like pure cinnamon.My sister Marlene,then Marlene laid her head on her knees and cried and cried, but the man said, I am going out. I must see the bird up close.


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