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1、调整好心情的9大妙招Its not always easy to convince yourself to step away from the stress and do a little jig to release happy hormones from your brain. So start small, like I did. When you put a smile on your face, all of the muscles on your face respond. Your eyes brighten, facial muscles loosen and the bro

2、w becomes smooth and relaxed. Even your thoughts may change.要让自己远离压力,跳个吉格舞来释放快乐激素并不那么容易。所以,从小处着手吧,就像我一样。当你微笑的时候,你脸上所有的肌肉都会回应,你的眼睛会变得更明亮,面部肌肉会放松而眉毛则会变得顺滑而平和。甚至你的思想都会得到改变。The goal is to break your current, negative state by disrupting it with something that will shock your internal chemist into action

3、. Here are a few things I suggest you try to jump-start your productivity by adding some positivity. I admit a lot of them might make you look like a crazy person, but, in the pursuit of productivity, Im willing to try anything.你的目标是改变你现在那种消极的状态。你需要用一些会刺激到你体内的的化学元素产生作用的东西来搅乱它。以下是我建议你尝试的几个方法,它们能够通过一些

4、积极的元素刺激你的工作效率。我承认其中的几条会令你看起来像个疯子,不过,为了能提高效率,我愿意尝试任何事情!1. Smile at strangers. Step away from your stressful environment for a 20-minute walk. Smile at the people you meet along the way. You will more than make up for the time with your increased productivity levels when you return.1.对陌生人微笑。花20分钟远离你压力

5、山大的工作环境,一路上对你遇到的人们微笑。等你回到工作的时候,你工作效率上的提高能完全弥补你付出的时间。2. Bust a move. Put on some great dance music and have a little 5-minute party! Thats right, just dance. You dont even need a partner!2.纵情舞蹈。放一些劲爆的舞曲,开一个5分钟的小party!没错,跳舞吧,你甚至连舞伴也不需要!3. Fire up the YouTube. Find a favorite funny video on YouTube and

6、 take a laughter break. Cute cat videos have been shown to help as well. (Not kidding.)3.靠Youtube点燃激情。在Youtube上找一个你喜欢的搞笑视频仰天大笑。据称可爱猫咪的视频也同样有效。(真的)4. Talk to yourself. This sounds nuts, but take a cue from old-school motivational speakers and books: Pace around the room reciting empowering affirmatio

7、ns in a positive, confident tone of voice and great posture.4.自言自语。这听上去很疯狂,但看看那些老式学院的励志演讲家和书里怎么说吧:在房间踱着步,同时以积极,自信的声音和动作念一些励志的话语吧。5. Belt it out. Sing to your animals or children-just be silly and let them in on the fun!5.大声唱出来。对着你的宠物或小孩唱歌吧,傻一点也不要紧,让他们笑笑呗。6. Get physical. Do a series of jumping jacks

8、 with a big smile on your face. (Bonus: 100 jumping jacks is said to burn 100 calories. Have a snack!)6.运动起来。微笑着做一些跳爆竹运动。(额外奖励:做100个跳爆竹据说能燃烧100卡路里,尽情地吃零食吧!)7. Dial a friend. Pick up the phone and cheer up someones day with an I love you!7.给朋友打电话。拿起电话,跟某人说句“我爱你!”以此来振奋他的一天吧!8. Hoot and holler. Just le

9、t out a simple woo-hoo! and think about a goal or future event that really charges you up.8.放声大叫。简单地吼一声“woo-hoo!”,想象一个进球或者未来发生的一件令你欣喜若狂的事儿。9. Do a Julie Andrews. Think of one or two things that you are deeply grateful for and allow the thoughts to bring a smile of gratitude to your face. (You should think of a few of your favorite things several times a day anyway!)9.学朱莉安德鲁斯。想象一两件你深表感激的事情,为它们挂上感激的笑容。(无论如何,你每天总该想一些你最喜欢的事情。)



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