小学英语 英语故事(童话故事)The Wind Tells About Waldemar Daa and His Daughters

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小学英语 英语故事(童话故事)The Wind Tells About Waldemar Daa and His Daughters_第1页
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小学英语 英语故事(童话故事)The Wind Tells About Waldemar Daa and His Daughters_第2页
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1、TheWindTellsAboutWaldemarDaaandHisDaughtersWhen the wind sweeps across the grass, the field has a ripple like a pond, and when it sweeps across the corn the field waves to and fro like a high sea. That is called the winds dance; but the wind does not dance only, he also tells stories; and how loudly

2、 he can sing out of his deep chest, and how different it sounds in the tree-tops in the forest, and through the loopholes and clefts and cracks in walls! Do you see how the wind drives the clouds up yonder, like a frightened flock of sheep? Do you hear how the wind howls down here through the open v

3、alley, like a watchman blowing his horn? With wonderful tones he whistles and screams down the chimney and into the fireplace. The fire crackles and flares up, and shines far into the room, and the little place is warm and snug, and it is pleasant to sit there listening to the sounds. Let the wind s

4、peak, for he knows plenty of stories and fairy tales, many more than are known to any of us. Just hear what the wind can tell.Huh-uh-ush! roar along! That is the burden of the song.By the shores of the Great Belt, one of the straits that unite the Cattegut with the Baltic, lies an old mansion with t

5、hick red walls, says the Wind. I know every stone in it; I saw it when it still belonged to the castle of Marsk Stig on the promontory. But it had to be pulled down, and the stone was used again for the walls of a new mansion in another place, the baronial mansion of Borreby, which still stands by t

6、he coast.I knew them, the noble lords and ladies, the changing races that dwelt there, and now Im going to tell about Waldemar Daa and his daughters. How proudly he carried himself-he was of royal blood! He could do more than merely hunt the stag and empty the wine-can. It _shall_ be done, he was ac

7、customed to say.His wife walked proudly in gold-embroidered garments over the polished marble floors. The tapestries were gorgeous, the furniture was expensive and artistically carved. She had brought gold and silver plate with her into the house, and there was German beer in the cellar. Black fiery

8、 horses neighed in the stables. There was a wealthy look about the house of Borreby at that time, when wealth was still at home there.Four children dwelt there also; three delicate maidens, Ida, Joanna, and Anna Dorothea: I have never forgotten their names.They were rich people, noble people, born i

9、n affluence, nurtured in affluence.Huh-sh! roar along! sang the Wind; and then he continued:I did not see here, as in other great noble houses, the high-born lady sitting among her women in the great hall turning the spinning-wheel: here she swept the sounding chords of the cithern, and sang to the

10、sound, but not always old Danish melodies, but songs of a strange land. It was live and let live here: stranger guests came from far and near, the music sounded, the goblets clashed, and I was not able to drown the noise, said the Wind. Ostentation, and haughtiness, and splendour, and display, and r

11、ule were there, but the fear of the Lord was not there.And it was just on the evening of the first day of May, the Wind continued. I came from the west, and had seen how the ships were being crushed by the waves, with all on board, and flung on the west coast of Jutland. I had hurried across the hea

12、th, and over Jutlands wood-girt eastern coast, and over the Island of Fuenen, and now I drove over the Great Belt, groaning and sighing.Then I lay down to rest on the shore of Seeland, in the neighbourhood of the great house of Borreby, where the forest, the splendid oak forest, still rose.The young

13、 men-servants of the neighbourhood were collecting branches and brushwood under the oak trees; the largest and driest they could find they carried into the village, and piled them up in a heap, and set them on fire; and men and maids danced, singing in a circle round the blazing pile.I lay quite qui

14、et, continued the Wind; but I silently touched a branch, which had been brought by the handsomest of the men-servants, and the wood blazed up brightly, blazed up higher than all the rest; and now he was the chosen one, and bore the name the Street-goat, and might choose his Street-lamb first from am

15、ong the maids; and there was mirth and rejoicing, greater than I had ever heard before in the halls of the rich baronial mansion.And the noble lady drove towards the baronial mansion, with her three daughters, in a gilded carriage drawn by six horses. The daughters were young and fair-three charming

16、 blossoms, rose, lily, and pale hyacinth. The mother was a proud tulip, and never acknowledged the salutation of one of the men or maids who paused in their sport to do her honour: the gracious lady seemed a flower that was rather stiff in the stalk.Rose, lily, and pale hyacinth; yes, I saw them all three! Whose lambkins will they one day become? thought I; their Street-goat will be a gallant knight, perhaps a prince. Huh-s


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