小学英语 英语故事(幽默故事)They&ampamp;#039; re all in the same at

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小学英语 英语故事(幽默故事)They&ampamp;#039; re all in the same at_第1页
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1、TheyreallinthesameatThey re all in the same at同舟共济Three men were sitting on a bench in the park. The middle one was reading a newspaper,and the others were pretending to fish. They baited imaginary hooks,cast lines and reeled in their catch.A passing policeman stopped to watch the spectacle and aske

2、d the man in the middle if he knew the other two. Oh, yes,theyre my friendsl ln that case,n the police officer warned him, you had better get them out of hereYes,Sir!the man replied,andhe began rowing furiously.有三个男人坐在公园的长椅上,中间那位在看报纸,另外两位则假装在钓鱼,他们用假想的鱼钩挂饵、抛出钓鱼线,再收线拉回他们钓到的东西。一位警察路过这里,他停下来看着这奇怪的一幕,然后问中间这个人是否认识其他两位。“喔,是的,他们是我的朋友!”警察于是警告他说:“既然如此,你最好把他们带走。”他回答:“是,警案先生I然后开始奋力地划船。”



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