四年级英语下册 Unit 1 Lesson4 where is it教案 冀教版(三起)

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1、Unit1 Lesson4 where is it 教学目标:1、掌握单词 eraser paper2、认识单词 pencil case scissors3、掌握句型 Where is it?以及方位词 in on under above below beside behind in fontof教学重点:1、eraser paper2、句型 Where is it?及回答。教学难点:句型 Where is it?及回答。教具使用:图片、录音机教学过程:一、 GreetingTeacher: How are you ?Students: Fine , thank you. How are yo

2、u?Teacher : Fine ,thanks.二、 Review1、 Teacher:Whats your name?Student: My name is_.Teacher :Whats his/her name?Student: His / Her name is _.学生之间互相练习。2、 What is it?What s this? What are these?三、 New concept1、 Whats this?A、教师利用实物提问Whats this?学生用汉语回答生词。教师将pen ,eraser, paper, perncil case,scissors图贴在黑板上并

3、将英语写在图下。B、播放录音,学生看书跟读。C、练习:Whats this? T his is aW hat are these? These are2、 Where is it?A、教师继续学生的练习。Teacher: Whats this?S tudents: This is a pencil.教师将铅笔放在课桌上 ,问:Where is the pencil? The pencil is on the desk.B、带领学生复习以前学过的方位词。并将单词写在黑板上。C 、练习1、 教师说指令学生做:put sth in(on ,under, on ,beside)the_2、 学生之间互

4、相练习。More: Edit:key071wk3、 教师提问:Where is the _?The _is _the _.D、播放录音,学生看书跟读。4、 作业:活动手册1、2 Unit7Atweekends单元教材分析: 本单元谈论的话题是周末活动,教师可以结合学生用书四年级下册Unit2 After school和五年级上册unit4 Hobbies的内容,综合呈现语言知识。教师可以和学生一起复习有关课外活动和业余爱好的词汇,作为导入或巩固活动。涉及的周末活动有上网和远方家人聊天、放风筝、看电影、野餐等,教师可以在教学中利用挂图、照片或多媒体呈现一些孩子周末活动的情景,也可以要求学生课前准

5、备一张家庭周末活动的照片。教学目标:1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:at weekends, grandparents, play with, very much, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, a lot, come out, get out.2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词:visit, often, always, sometimes, there.3. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型与日常用语:What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .4. 能熟练运用本单元所学句型及

6、频率副词谈论周末活动。5. 知道字母s在单词中的读音。教学重点:1. 句型:What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .2. 词汇:at weekends, grandparents, play with, very much, chat, Internet, go to the cinema, a lot, come out, get out.3. 语音:字母s在单词中的读音。教学难点:1. 句型:What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes

7、 . . .的使用。2. 词汇:always,usually,often和sometimes频率副词的区别及正确用法。3. 语音:字母s在单词中的读音。课时安排:第1课时:Story time (text, Look and write)第2课时:Grammar time and fun time 第3课时:Cartoon time, Culture time 第4课时:Checkout time , Sound time第一课时教学设计(主备)复备Step1. Lead-in1. PPT出示学生学过的体育运动类、兴趣爱好类、日常活动类词汇,齐读。T: Look at these phrase

8、s and words, you can ask your partner a question . For example: What do you like? When do you get up ? . . .Work in pairs.2.T: Boys and girls, when do you go to school in the morning?S: . . .T: We always go to school from Monday to Friday.3. PPT出九月份的日历生齐读一周七天的单词T: We always go to school from Monday

9、to Friday. But We dont go to school on Sunday and Saturday.PPT: on Sunday and Saturday= at weekends教读“at weekends ”Step2. Presentation and practice1. T: At weekends you dont go to school. What do you do at weekends?S: I usually . . .Work in pairs.T: At weekends I always visit my parents, sometimes I

10、 chat with my friend on the Internet.教读此句。2. T:(PPT出示书中人物)What do they do at weekends? Read and matchPPT: visit grandparents play football Mike fly a kite go to the cinema Helen chat with grandparents on the Internet play with Kitty the cat SH&SY have a picnic have a dancing lesson have dinner with

11、grandparents3. 学生自读课文并在文中画出关键词。4. 汇报T: What does Mike do at the weekends?S: . . . T: What does Mike do at the weekends?S: . . . T: What do Su Hai and Su Yang do at the weekends?S: . . . 5. 再读课文,深入理解课文师引导学生将人物的周末活动按照发生频率进行归类,然后引导学生用频率副词介绍四人的周末活动:6. 跟录音读课文。7. Look and write规则:同桌一个以书中人物自述,另一个以第三人称进行转述,

12、 以便进一步操练一般现在时第三人称单词形式。Step3. Consolidation1. 复述课文引导学生复述书中四个人物的周末活动,提示学生正确使用动词的第三人称单数形式。然后让学生将自己复述的人物活动写下来,加强写的练习。2. Ask, Choose and say以小组为单位,完成此调查表。Step4. Homework1. Read “ story time” after the tape.2. 试着介绍家人的周末活动。板书设计: Unit7 At weekends What do you do at weekends? I alwaysusuallyoftensometimes . . .教学反思:第二课时教学目标:1. 了解助动词do和does区别2. 词汇always,usually,often,sometimes频率副词的区分和正确用法。3. 句型 What do you do at weekends?I always/usually/often/sometimes What does he/she do at weekends?He/she What do they do at weekends?They的使用 教学难点: 句型 What do you do at weekends?I a



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