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1、Unit8HaveyoureadTreasureIslandyet SectionB3a SelfCheck Objectives Toreviewthepresentperfecttense Tolearntowriteanarticleaboutasingerorwriter Fillintheblanksaccordingtothearticle usedto hear call with from abroad change notsee hope successSarah fightoveralmosteverything herparents Latershe asongwhens

2、hestudied Thesong herlifeforever Thesongis acountrymusicsinger GarthBrooks the musicianinAmericanhistory Sarah thesingeryet butshehaslistenedtomanyofhissongs She toseehimoneday usedto with heard abroad changed from called mostsuccessful hopes hasn tseen Thinkofasingerorwriteryouknowwell Makealistoff

3、actsabouthim her Thinkofthefollowing 1 Whoisthesinger writer 2 Whendidthesinger writerfirstbecomefamous 3 Howandwhydidhe shefirstbecomefamous 4 Whatfamoussongs bookshashe sherecorded written When 3a 5 HowmanyCDs bookshashe shesold 6 Howdidyoufindoutabouthim her 7 Ishe shestillpopulartoday 8 Haveyoui

4、ntroducedthissinger writertoothers 9 Howdoyoufeelabouthis hermusic books 10 Haveyoueverplayed sunghis hersongsyourself thefirstlineinthesong bookthebook songwaswritten recordedbyenjoyedsuccessinsuccessfulsong CD bookIlistentothissong readthisbookwhen Thesong bookmakesmefeel Writeanarticleaboutthesin

5、gerorwriter Herearesomewordsandphrasesyoucanuse 3b Writing Samplewriting MyfavoritesingerisJayChou ZhouJielun Ittookhimafewyearstobecomefamous WhileJaywrotesongsforotherpopsingers healsolearnedrecordingandsoundmixing Hisfirstalbumwasreleasedin2000 andsincethen hehasreleasedaboutonealbumperyear Hisal

6、bumshaveenjoyedgreatsuccessinmanycountries andhissongsarepopularwithlistenersofallages Ilikehismusicverymuch Itispopmusic butithasamixofotherkindsofmusic suchasR B rap androck Manyofhissongsareabouttheworldwelivein OneofmyfavoritesongsisDaoXiang whichencouragespeoplenottogiveupevenwhenlifeisdifficul

7、t IfeelhappyandfullofenergywhenIlistentohissongs IhaveintroducedmybestfriendtoJay ssongs andheenjoysthesongs too 1 Whatdoyouthink thisdress Doyouthinkitlooksgoodonme 2 Thelittleboywassohungrythathedidn tputhisspoon atall Hejustkeptoneating 1Fillintheblankswiththecorrectwordsinthebox of down downofab

8、outbackup SelfCheck 3 Shegrew inasmalltown althoughshelivesinabigcitynow 4 Forhomework ourteachertoldustowrite oursummervacation 5 Attheendoftheday thebusbroughtus toourschool up about back 1 I join thebookclublastmonthandI read fivebooksalready 2 Ionly start takingFrenchclasseslastweekandI learn 50

9、Frenchwordsalready Fillintheblankswiththecorrectformsofthewordsinbrackets joined haveread started havelearnt 3 Tony buy apopmusicCDyesterdaybuthe listen toityet 4 They listen tomanysongsbyTheBeatles buttheycannot sing anyofthem 5 She see thenewspaperonthetablethismorning butshe have anytimetoreadity

10、et bought hasn tlistened havelistened sing saw hasn thad 3Makealistofthethingsyouhavedoneandtheonesyouhaven tdoneyetthisweek Thenasktwootherstudents Makeaconversation A Haveyoudoneyourhomework B Yes Ihave No Ihaven t A Whathaveyoudone Whathaven tyoudone B Ihave Ihaven t A You vedonewell Comeon Ah yo

11、ushouldhurryup 1 you see themovieyet 2 Mybrother notbe backyet 3 Bothofthem come toHongKongtendaysago 4 Mary lose herpen you see ithereandthere 用适当的时态填空 came haslost Have seen Have seen Exercises hasn tbeen 6 you find yourwatchyet 7 Areyouthirsty NoI just have someorange 8 We already return thebook

12、9 they build anewschoolinthevillage 10 I notfinish myhomework Canyouhelpme 11 Myfather read thenoveltwice Have found have had have returned Have built haven tfinished hasread 根据提示填空 1 Hisnameisonthebook soitb tohim 2 M ofpeoplegoabroadeveryyear 3 What 别的 wouldyoulike 4 HainanIslandisinthe south part

13、ofChina 5 Thereasonforhiss isthatheworkedveryhard elongs illions else southern uccess 你曾经吃过鱼和薯条吗 2 我刚刚丢了我的化学书 3 他已经吃过午饭了 翻译下列句子 Haveyoueverhad eatenfishandchips Ihavejustlostmychemistrybook Hehasalreadyhadlunch U8S 2019 莱芜区 Itis4 30pm BenandLeon theirwork sotheyareplayingchessnow A finishB finishedC havefinishedD willfinish 中考链接 答案 C 解析 句意 现在是下午4点半 本和莱恩已经完成作业 所以他们现在在下棋 根据句意可知此处表示已经完成的事情对现在产生的影响 要用现在完成时 故选C 1 Reviewthewordsandphrases2 Writeanarticleaboutyourfavoritesingerorwriter usetheusefulphrasesin3b Homework



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