五年级英语下册 Unit 9(3)教案 新世纪版

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1、(新世纪版)五年级英语下册教案Unit 9 School Wall Newspaper第三课时:Grand Theatre教学目标1.知识目标:(1)掌握Grand Theatre中的重点词组、句子。(2)掌握like to do sth. 这一句式结构。(3)掌握情态动词引导句型的四种语态。2技能目标:(1)能够熟练地朗读本篇语言材料。(2)能够根据图片提示复述出本课内容。(3)能够自己用英语制作墙报,正确表达出自己的想法和心声。学生:要求学生在课前做好预习,听录音并朗读,以提高课堂上的学习效率。 教师:根据教案内容制作一个ppt课件。可以给学生一个鼓励和竞争的机制以提高学生上课投入度和回答

2、老师提问的热情。如回答老师的问题得一颗星,能够朗读所有的单词得一颗星课后比比谁的星数最多。 提供给学生们适合的语境,让学生们能够锻炼自己的口语表达能力。3.作业:对于基础较差的学生只要能够掌握grand theatre中主要句式能够熟练朗读即可,对于他们写的school wall newspaper也可降低要求;对于学习能力、基础较好的学生则要求他们自己说和写出自己的school wall newspaper. 课型:语段说话练习课堂活动:活动过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Pre-task preparationSong:Sing the song用一首轻松愉悦的歌曲调动起学生的情绪While-

3、task procedure1. Learn the contents of the 1st paragraph (show them a picture of school and let them answer the following questions)(1)Answer the questions: What is your school uniform like?Do you like wearing your school uniform? Do you need to wear it all the time? When do you need to wear it?(2)P

4、ractice the phrases need to, all the time. Let students make sentences with them. I need to _ at school. But I dont need to _ all the time. (3) Listen to the tape and then read it. (4) Retell it with the key words given. I like _. I like _. It is _ and the color is _. We can _. But we dont _. Do you

5、 _?2. Learn the contents of 2nd paragraph.(1)Look at the picture and listen to it. Then answer the following questions.Questions: Do you like to play basketball? Do you play basketball in your P.E. lessons? How often would you like to play basketball, once a month or twice a month?(2) Read it after

6、the tape.(3) Ask and answer the questions in pairs.(4) Retell it with the help of the questions.3. Learn the contents of 3rd paragraph.(1) Let someone say something about the school dining room.(2) Listen to the tape and then answer some relative questions.Questions: Does he go home for lunch? Where

7、 does he have his lunch? Does he like the school dining room? What is the school dining room like? What must he do after lunch? Whats their duty?(3) Retell it with the help of the questions.4. Learn the contents of 4th paragraph.(1) Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Questions: Why do you l

8、ike the school library? Whats in the library? What would you like to do in the library? Can you do your homework there?(2) Read the contents after the tape.(3) Retell it with the key words. I like _ Because _. There are _. Id like _. But I cant _.(4) Say something about their own school library with

9、 their own words.Answer the questions and get to know the phrases need to. , all the time.Practice the phrases by making phrases.Listen and read after the tape. Retell it with the key words given.Listen to the tape and then answer the questions.Read after the tape.Ask and answer in pairs.Retell with

10、 the help of the questions.Someone says something about the school dining room.Listen to the tape and answer the relative questions.Retell it with the help of the questions.Listen to the tape and answer the questions.Read after the tape.Retell with the help of the key words.Talk about their library

11、with their own words.学生已经对校服的话题很熟悉了,用关于校服的话题展开这次学习,既为下面的学习做铺垫,又能鼓励起学生说话的欲望。让学生自由发挥用这俩个词组在规定的结构内造句,让学生在练习中掌握这个结构和词组。让学生复述这段内容,训练学生的语段表达能力,用关键字降低难度。让学生带着问题去听,学生会听的更认真,同时也训练学生回答问题的能力和表达的能力。在这些问题提示的帮助下复述短文内容,并不要求和原文一模一样,目的在于训练学生说语段的能力。让学生新旧结合,用自己的语言描述图书馆。Post-task activitiesDo another reading comprehens

12、ion on Students Work Book or the one chosen by yourself.Do another reading comprehension.教学反思:请您就课前预习要求、课堂教学设计、课堂生成动态资源利用、家庭作业布置、个别辅导等进行反思。本课时练习Exercise1:根据中文提示完成句子1. I like _(我的校服)2. I like _(穿T恤) in summer. 3. We _(不必) study _(所有的时间)4. Do you _(同意我的观点)?5. We often play basketball _(在体育课上)6. They _

13、(想要买) some flowers _(给他们的老师)7. _(多久) do you eat in KFC? _(一个星期一次)8. _(我们学校的食堂) is bright and _(舒适的).9. _(我们的职责) is to _(保持食堂的干净)10. There are _(许多有趣的书) in the library.Exercise2: 回答下列问题1.What is your school uniform like?2. Do you like wearing your school uniform?3.Do you need to wear it all the time?


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