五年级英语下册 Unit 6 练习题一课一练(无答案)新人教版

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1、五年级Unit 6 练习题一、看图回答问题.1. What is Zhang Peng doing ? _2. What is Wu Yifan doing ? _3. What are Mike and Chen Jie doing ? _4. What is Sarah doing ? _5. What are John and Mike doing ? _二、根据图片提示回答问题.1. Is Sarah writing a report ? _2. Is Wu Yifan picking up leaves ? _3. Is Mike watching insects ? _4. Are

2、 John and Mike playing chess ? _5. Are Chen Jie and Mike having a picnic ? _ .三、根据上下文的意思填上所缺单词,使其意思完整、通顺、合理。1. A: _ are you doing ? B: Im _ up leaves .2. A: _ is Sarah doing ? B: Shes _ pictures .3. A: _ is John doing ? B: Hes _ pictures .4. A: _ are John and Zhang Peng doing ? B: Theyre _ chess .5.

3、 A: _ are they ? B: They are _ the woods .6. A: _ is Chen Jie ? B: She is _ the classroom .7. A: _ they taking pictures ? B: No , they _ .8. A: _ you eating dinner ? B: Yes , _ are .9. A: _ he counting insects ? B: No , he _ .10. A: _ Mike playing chess ? B: Yes , he _ .11. A: _ is Amy ? B: She is _

4、 there .12. A: _ Amy writing a report ? B: No , she _ .13. A: _ the ants eating the honey ? B: Yes , they _ .14. A: _ a big nature park ! B: Its nice .15. A: _ you see any animals ? B: Yes , I _ .16. A: _ are the animals ? B: They are _ the forest .17. A: _ are the tigers doing ? B: They are _ in the lake.18. A: _ the birds fly ? B: Yes , they _ .19. A: _ the pandas climb trees ? B: Yes , they _ . They are good climbers .20. A: _ is the monkey doing ? B: _ is swinging .


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