五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Period 5教案 人教(PEP)

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《五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Period 5教案 人教(PEP)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语下册 Unit 2 Period 5教案 人教(PEP)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、人教PEP五年级英语下册教案Unit 2 My favourite season Period 5Teaching materials: Part B Lets TalkTeaching objectives: Objective of Knowledeg:1能够听懂、会说句型:Whats your favourite season? SpringWhy do you like spring? Because I can plant tree2够听懂Lets try 部分的录音,完成听音、选择正确图片的任务。Objective of Ability:1培养学生的英语听、说、读的技能。2培养学生

2、团结协作的学习精神。Objective of Emotion1鼓励学生发表自己的喜好。2通过多种形式的活动激发和保持学生学习英语的兴趣。Main and difficult points:掌握和询问对方喜欢某个季节、原因及应答的句型:Why do you like ?Because I can .Teaching aids: recorder , tape, PPTBlackboard design:Unit 2 Part B Lets TalkWhats your favourite season? 排星榜I like . group 1 2 3 4Why do you like ?Beca

3、use .Step 1. Warm-up and review1. listen to a music: Whats your favourite season?2. A riddle : four English words竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。接天连叶无穷碧,映日红花别样红。一年好景君须记,最是橙黄橘绿时。梅须逊雪三分白,雪却输梅一段香。(Spring, fall , summer, winter)3. Lets chant Spring is warm. What can you do ?I can fly kites.Summer is hot. What can you d

4、o ?Swim in the sea.Fall is cool .What can you do?I can climb mountains .Winter is cold. What can you do?Make a snowman.Step2. Presentation1.Chat with studentsT: Hello. Whats your favourite season?/Which season do you like best?S: I like .(将这句型贴在黑板上)T: Why? S: Because . (将这单词贴在黑板上并跟读)( ask several st

5、udents like this)2.Main sentence: Why do you like.?Show a picture of spring: T: Which season?S: Spring.T: Why do you like spring? I like spring , because the trees are green. S: Because(将这句型贴在黑板上)Ask winter like this .Show them some pictures and ask them to work in pairs.A: Whats your favourite seas

6、on?/ Which season do you like best?B: I like .A: Why do you like.?B: Because.3. lets Talka.T : What about Chen jie and Sarah?( read the talk)Why does Chen like winter?Why does Sarah like spring?b. read after the tapec. read the talk: group1 and 2 is Chen, group 3 and 4 is Sarah. Then change4. Lets t

7、ryT: Excellent. Now listen and find : Why does Sarah like spring?Why does Zhang like winter?Check the answers.Step3. Consolidation and extension1. FoodT: After Sarah plants trees and flies kites,Sarah says: Oh , Im hungry. I go shopping.Show a picture of market.T: Wow, so many food. Whats your favou

8、rite food?S: I like T: Why do you like .?S: Because.(ask several students)Ask them to work in pairs2. CityT: Different people has different tates. What about Sarah?Sarah : I like Beijing duck. So my favourite city is Beijing .Show them some picture of cities.T: Whats your favourite city?S: I like .T: Why do you like ?S: Because.3. Make a surveyNameWhats your favourite city/food/fruit/ ?Why do you like ?SarahHainan/ tofu/ applesSwim/ tasty/ sweet4.Homework



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