五年级英语下册 Module 4 Unit 11(2)教案 广州版

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1、广州版小学英语五年级下册Module 4 Wild AnimalsUnit 11 What animals run fastest?Work With Language(巩固课)一、 教材分析:Unit 11 Work With Language二、 教学目标:a) 语言知识目标句型:能够听说并灵活运用最高级的各种形式进行交际,能够掌握各种人称代词的不同用法。b) 语言技能目标提高听说读写能力。c) 情感态度目标让学生通过参与各种课堂活动提高学习英语的兴趣,建立学习自信心。d) 学习策略目标能够通过参与课堂活动养成良好的学习习惯并掌握有效的学习策略。e) 文化意识目标初步了解中国和一些其他国家

2、的世界之最。三、 教学重难点:重点:能够熟练运用比较级和最高级句子进行交际,难点:代词的运用。四、 教学媒体:课件。五、 教学过程:1导入:(1) Greeting.(2) Warming-up: 用动作配合手势说一首小诗。Teacher: tall Girls: taller Boys: tallestTeacher: short Girls: shorter Boys: shortest(这里注意要强调good-better-best, many-more-most, beautiful-more beautiful-most beautiful的特殊之处)(3) Free talk. (

3、用比较级和最高级的句子问一些关于学生家庭信息的句子,如:Are you taller than your mother? Does your mother get up earliest in your family? Are you the youngest in your family? Who is the oldest in your family?等等) 2新课呈现:(1)Presentation课件呈现两幅动物图pig,dog让学生用比较级说出两者区别如:The pig is fatter than the dog. The dog can run faster than the

4、pig. The pig is stronger than the dog. 然后再出现一幅elephant图,老师提问:Which is the fattest/ strongest? Whose ears are the biggest? Whose nose is the longest? Who runs the fastest? Who eats the most? (要求学生用完整的句子回答)(2)Summarya要求学生再次总结归纳比较级与最高级的不同之处,口头表达出来。b初步解释形容词和副词的用法,be动词和行为动词用法之区别,最高级形式前何时加the何时不用加。(3)Game

5、s (小组比赛形式)a课件练习形容词的最高级,每次呈现三个以上物体,遮挡住图片的一部分,让学生用一般疑问句Is No. 1 the biggest of the three? 来猜,看谁猜对。b. 课件练习副词的最高级,每次呈现三个以上物体,点击之后会出现跳,跑,飞等动画,学生用Does jump the highest? 来猜,看谁猜对。c综合:课件呈现几个人物图,分别标有人名(最好用班里同学的名字,容易记),学生看了几秒钟以后教师提问Who is the tallest/ shortest/ strongest? Whose eyes are the biggest? Who is the

6、 most beautiful? 等等。(4) ExercisesP52 Exercise 3问答。(5) 小组讨论,完成P52 Exercise 2,然后汇报小组成果。(每人都要说)3巩固和拓展。(1) 笔头练习:(课件呈现)用括号里的词的适当形式填空。 1. Tom can jump _ (high). He jumps _ (high) than the other boys in his class. 2. Janet sing _ (well) in her class. She can sing _ (well) than her music teacher, too. 3. My

7、 father is _ (handsome). But my brother is _ (handsome) than him. He is _ (handsome) in my family. 4. I have _ (many) books in my class. But my teacher has _ (many) books than _ (I). 5. _ (they) house is much _ (old) than _ (we). 6. _ (she) dances _ (well) than _ (he). 7. _ (he) house are _ (small)

8、of the four. 8. Does _ (she) mother get up _ (early) than _ (you)? 9. Which eats _ (many), the mouse, the dog or the horse? 10. Are _ (we) going to play football with _ (they)?(2)听力练习:Mike, Tom, Peter and Amy are good friends. Peter and Mike are 11 years old. Tom is one year older than them and Amy

9、is one year younger than them. All of them like studying English and Amy sturdiest best. But Amy doesnt like sports. She is not good at sports. The boys like to play football and basketball after school. Mike plays basketball better than Tom and Peter. Tom plays football better than the other two. W

10、hat about Peter? Is he good at anything? Oh yes, hes very good at drawing. He draws best in his class.Everyone has his own gift.Questions: 1.Who is the oldest of the four? 2. Who is the youngest? 3. Who studies English best? 4. Does Amy play basketball best? 5. Who plays basketball best then? 6. What about football? 7. Which subject is Peter good at? 4.拓展Task: 全班分四大组,小组讨论找出小组里每一个同学的优点,用最高级的形式说出来。(时间不够的话讨论完毕之后晚上用笔头形式写在作业本上)5作业布置:1. 写出小组成员的优点。 2完成活动手册Unit 11教学反思:通过课堂我意识到学生对国外的文化了解的还不够广,特别是世界各国之最了解的还不够多。因此加强学生的文化意识,扩展学生的知识面势在必行。


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