五年级英语下册 5B Module3 unit2一课一练(无答案) 外研版

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《五年级英语下册 5B Module3 unit2一课一练(无答案) 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语下册 5B Module3 unit2一课一练(无答案) 外研版(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Module 3 English FoodUnit2 Sam ate six hamburgers一、 Teaching objectives:1、 Words and phrases: ate hamburger gave tonight2、 Sentences: What did you eat/drink last night? I ate/drank 3、Function: Talk about eating habits and favourite food二、Teaching tools: 三、Teaching procedures:1、Warmer: T: Hello. Ss:

2、Hello teacher. T: What did you have for breakfast this morning? Ss: I had T: Whats your favourite food? Ss: My favourite food is3、 Presentation:Take out a picture of hamburger and ask the students “Do you like hamburger?” “How many hamburgers can you eat? Students answer the questions. T: Lets see h

3、ow many hamburgers Sam can eat. Then write the title on the board.4、 Teach new lesson:Step1 T: Take out some new word cards. Ask students to try to read out them, and then teach them these words.Step2 Put on a letter of this unit. Ask students to see the letter and at the same time to listen to the

4、tape. For the first time the students should draw a line under the new words. Then ask them to try to answer these questions:1、 Who ate hamburgers?2、 Who had a sandwich?3、 What is mum going to cook tonight?Step2 Play the tape, the students should read after it. Then check the answers.Step3 Ask the s

5、tudents to see the second part. Use the food to make some dialogues. Students do it in pairs. To see which group is the best.Step4 Game将全班分成几组,教师出示有关食物的卡片,要求学生看到食物后马上造句,哪组有一名学生先站起来,就算哪组先抢达到。抢到的小组每人要迅速造一个句子,只要有一个成员没有完成造句,就不得分,最后哪组抢达最多,造句最多,教师发给每个成员一枚粘贴作为奖励。Step5 Summary先让学生总结一下本节课学到了什么,老师对总结不完整的部分加以补充。


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