五年级英语上册 Unit8Fun with Language教案 教科版(广州三起)

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《五年级英语上册 Unit8Fun with Language教案 教科版(广州三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语上册 Unit8Fun with Language教案 教科版(广州三起)(3页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit8Fun with Language教学内容Unit8Fun with Language教学时数2教学目标To listen to a girl talking about what she will cook for her parents on her birthday? The . and . are + 价钱 each. That will be + 价钱 -What should we have for lunch/dessert ? -For lunch / dessert we can have . 日常用语 Thanks very much. You worry too

2、 much. Lets have both. 其它 知道西餐有前菜、主菜和甜点之分。 知道常见的前菜、主菜和甜点。教学重难点 能表达自己想吃什么东西。 能听懂或读懂与课文难度相当的有关能力和特长的文段。 能就准备食物提出自己的建议教学资源PPT, Kingsun作业设计板书设计1、Recite the words.2. Recite the dialogue.Unit8 Fun with Language The . and . are + 价钱 each. That will be + 价钱 -What should we have for lunch/dessert ? -For lunc

3、h / dessert we can have . 教学反思在教学环节上层层相扣,而且目标明确,突现了由浅入深的层次性,符合儿童的认识规律。教学过程教学随笔教师活动学生活动1.lead Ss to sing a song on the book.2. chant1. Tell the learning object of this lesson2.Look at the pictures and read out the words with the teacher.3. Ask the kids to take out the photos of the new year party, th

4、en let the students watch the screen and try to ask some questions.4Lead the kids use these drills to ask questions: 5、Present the picture of the dialogue and then tell the children that alien Dim went to Jiamins house, and look at the photos of Jiamins family, What are they talking about? Lets list

5、en and see. 6、The teacher ask some questions about the dialogue then invite the kids to listen to the tape again, then try to answer the questions.1Read the text after the tape. Then read in groups/choral/roles.2Read out the dialogue in groups, and help each other.3Use this time to help the unable students.4、Kids sum up the key points of this lesson.Act out the dialogue.1Sing the song together.2Chant together1.Listen and be ready to learn new things.2.Watch and read together.3.watch and listen.4.Pair work in groups.Listen and read.


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