五年级英语上册 Unit 3综合能力和应用创新能力 人教版PEP

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《五年级英语上册 Unit 3综合能力和应用创新能力 人教版PEP》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语上册 Unit 3综合能力和应用创新能力 人教版PEP(7页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、五年级英语上册Unit 3综合能力和应用创新能力姓名 班级 分数 一、听音,判断句子对错。(10分) 1Toms favourite food is bread 2Watermelons are not my favourite 3I like lemonsTheyre sour 4Amy likes some fish,some soup and vegetables for dinner 5Zhang Peng likes MondayThey have potatoes for lunch on Mondays二、将单词与相应的音标连起来。(8分)heli windowbrownflau

2、teisti healthy fridge gut windutasty flower braunsnu snow goat frid三、看图写单词。(l0分)四、读对话勾出正确的图。(8分)1A:What do you have for lunch today,Mike? B:I have cabbagemutton and carrotsTheyre tasty2A:What would you like for dinner? B:Id like green beans and fishTheyre healthy3A:Whats your favourite food? BEggpla

3、ntIts tasty4A:Can I have some eggplant and tofu,please? B:Sure五、用所给的单词填空。(12分)1The pear is_The orange is_2The chicken is_The pork is_3The cucumber is_The tofu is_六、读句子,选答句。(10分) 1Whats your favourite fruit? ( ) AI like applesBI like milk 2What would you like for lunch? ( ) AId like some tomatoes and

4、 muttonBYes,I do 3What do you have for lunch on Fridays? ( ) AI have eggplant and potatoesBI like eggplant and potatoes very much 4Whats your favourite food? ( ) AFish BWhat a big fish! 5Do you like grapes? ( ) AIm hungry BNoI dont like grapesTheyre sour七、排列顺序。(5分)( )I like grapesDo you like grapes?

5、( )Whats your favourite fruit?( )Why?( )No,I dont like grapes( )Theyre sourStrawberries are my favourite八、按要求改写下列句子。(10分)1Id like fish and tofu for dinner(对画线部分提问) _2Do you like apples? (作肯定回答) _3My favourite drink is tea(对画线部分提问) _4We have tomatoes,tofu and fish for lunch on Mondays(对画线部分提问) _5I am

6、 hungry(改为一般疑问句) _九、火眼金睛。下列各句中都有一处是错的,圈出来并改正。(5分) 1What does you like to eatMike?_ A B C 2I dont like porks_ A B C 3There is some green beans on the table_ A B C D 4一How much is the tomatoes? 一Ten yuan_ A B C 5一How much are you? 一Im 10_ A B C十、你能回答下列有关你自己的问题吗?(12分) 1Whats your favourite food? _ 2Wha

7、ts your favourite drink?_ 3Whats your favourite class?_ 4Whats your favourite colour?_ 5Whats your favourite animal?_ 6Whos your favourite teacher?_十一、阅读理解。(10分) A:Hi,AmyLets go shopping B:Good ideaI am going to buy some peachesTheyre sweetI like peachesAnd you,Chen Jie? A:Me tooBut bananas are my f

8、avouriteTheyre tasty B:Look at those yellow lemons! A:They look freshI want some lemons B:I dont like lemonsTheyre sourI want some orangesMy mum likes them very much A:I want to buy some chickenMy brother likes chickenIts yummy and saltyLets go 阅读短文,判断对错。 1Amy and Chen Jie want to do some shopping 2

9、Amys favourite fruits are peaches 3Chen Jie likes bananas and oranges 4Chen Jies mum doesnt like oranges 5Amys brother likes chickenIts yummy and salty参考答案一、l一Whats your favourite foodTom? 一I like bread very much 2一Whats your favourite fruit? 一I like watermelonsTheyre sweet and juicy 3一I dont like l

10、emonsTheyre sour 一What would you like for dinnerAmy? 4一Id like some fishtofu and vegetables for dinner 5一Zhang Peng,what day do you like? 一MondayWe have potatoes for lunch on MondaysI like potatoes (15 )二、略三、略四、略五、sweet sour tasty salty flesh healthy六、lA 2A3A 4A 5B七、2,l,4,3,5八、1,What would you like for dinner? 2Yes,I do 3What is your favourite drink? 4What do you have for lunch on Mondays? 5Are you hungry?九、lAdo2Cpork 3Aare 4Bare5AHow old十、略十一、15


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