五年级英语 作文 失踪的小狗 The Missing Dog

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五年级英语 作文 失踪的小狗 The Missing Dog_第1页
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失踪的小狗TheMissingDogThere is a lovely dog in Lukes house. The family has raised it for two years. One day, when Luke walks his dog in the evening, the dog runs away and then misses. Luke is very panic, because he worries about the dog will be caught by the bad guys. Then the next morning, the dog goes home, what a surprise it is. 在卢克的房子里,有一只可爱的狗。他们家养了快两年了。有一天,当卢克晚上溜狗时候,狗跑了,然后就失踪了。卢克很恐慌,因为他担心狗会被坏人抓住了。然后第二天早上,狗狗回家了,这是多么大的一个惊喜啊。


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