五年级英语上册 Unit 2 His hobby is drawing(第一课时)教案 教科版(广州三起)

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五年级英语上册 Unit 2 His hobby is drawing(第一课时)教案 教科版(广州三起)_第1页
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五年级英语上册 Unit 2 His hobby is drawing(第一课时)教案 教科版(广州三起)_第2页
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《五年级英语上册 Unit 2 His hobby is drawing(第一课时)教案 教科版(广州三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语上册 Unit 2 His hobby is drawing(第一课时)教案 教科版(广州三起)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 2 (第一课时)课题Unit 2 (第一课时)课型新授课教材教学内容Unit 2 His hobby is drawing教学目标1. The new words:Coloured, sky, place, drawing2. Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction.3. Have fun in learning and using English.4. Go over the plants, animals and the preposition of places.5. Personal pu

2、rposes: To give instruction and thus help Ps pick up chunks of imperative sentencesTo try to motivate the different types of learners to be more interested in learning English. The visual, the audio and the kineasthetic types.To try to be closer to the children.To motivate the slow ones, such as App

3、le and Jimmy.To use the teaching method of grouping and organizing.教学重点1. The new words: Coloured, sky, place, drawing教学难点1. Go over the stationary and the preposition of places.2. Listen to English and understand and then do as the instruction.板书设计Unit 2 His hobby is drawingColoured, sky, place, dr

4、awing教学过程1. Free talk: whats your hobby? Braintorm and draw the mind map, thus encourage the children to think over and sum up the activities.2. Show the picture and teach “sky”, “drawing”. Then T says, “This drawing is drawn by coloured pencils. Then teach “coloured”.3. Lets try to draw. Ps draw on

5、 Activity book, P 8 空白位置, and T draws on a piece of large paper.(1) Draw a big tree. There are many red apples on the tree.(2) Under the tree, there is a duck. It is sleeping.(3) Behind the tree, there is a fox. He is looking at the dog.(4) Far away from the tree, there are some birds. They are flyi

6、ng in the sky. They are white.(5) Near the tree, there are some flowers.(6) Next to the flowers, there is a pond. (7) In the pond ,there are many fish. Some fish are small, and some are big. They are swimming.(8) Well, this is our drawing.4. Tell the drawing together in order.5. Focus on the new words.6. Ask some questions about places and encourage the slow ones to concentrate and answer.教学反思


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