二年级英语下册 Unit 6(4)教案 新世纪版

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1、(新世纪版)二年级英语下册教案Unit 6 No school today一、教学目标:认知目标: 理解对话内容,能流利地朗读对话,并能熟读成诵。技能目标: 在理解的基础上学会表演对话。情感目标: 合理安排好每一天。发展目标: 在特定的情景中学会灵活运用对话内容进行交流。二、教学过程:Step 1. Pre-task preparation1. Sing together. Days of the Week.Step 2. Daily talk.T: Good morning, . What time is it? What day is today? Where are you from?S

2、tep 3. While-task procedureShow the slide of Page 37.1. Picture 1.T: Whos she? Whos he? Now girls act as Alice and boys act as Norman. Lets say “Good morning” to each other.2. Picture 2. T: Look, whats on Normans back? Why does Norman carry a bag? Wheres he going?Play the cassette. Students listen t

3、wice.Write the sentences on the board: Where are you going? To school.Role-play. T: Now look at these pictures. Lets do some pair work. S1: Where are you going? S2: To Beijing/ London/ Paris/ Sydney/ the garden.3. Picture 3.Play the cassette.Students listen to the tape then read after the tape.Show

4、the sentence: We have no school today.T: We have no school on Sunday and Saturday. What day is today? Who can answer Nomans question?S1: Its Saturday.4. Picture 4.T: Today is Saturday. Maybe today is Sunday. Lets listen. How does Alice answer?Ss: Today is Saturday.T: You are right.Step 4. Post-task activities1. Play the cassette. Listen to the whole dialogue. Read after the tape.2. Read and act. Read in pairs. Ask some groups to act out.


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