二年级英语上册 Unit9(8)教案 苏教牛津版

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1、苏教牛津版二年级英语上册教案Unit 9 Merry Christmas第三课时教学设计教学内容:1.Part C Sing a song2.完成学生活动手册教学目标:1.能使用Merry Christmas!向别人祝福圣诞快乐,语音语调正确。能用The is for you.赠送礼物。2.会唱歌曲Merry Christmas!3.完成学生活动手册教学重点:1.能熟练运用Merry Christmas!与The bell is for you.互送圣诞祝福,互赠礼物。2.会唱Merry Christmas!教学难点:能在适当的场合运用所学知识,树立西方文化意识。课前准备:多媒体,课件PPT,

2、 图词卡,实物,.课前请小朋友带好礼物教学过程:Step 1 Warm up 1.Sing a song Merry Christmas We wish you a Merry Christmas2.Greetings3.Free talk T: Merry Christmas! Happy new year! The is for you.Step2 Presentation and Practice1.出示A部分对话图片,个别说对话听录音,齐读对话分角色表演对话。(评一评,奖一奖)2.Learn the song Merry Christmas (1) 情景导入,T戴上圣诞帽,扮成圣诞老人

3、,背一大袋礼物T: Merry Christmas!Ss: Merry Christmas! (2) T摇着铃铛,教ding-dongSs学说ding-dong,边做相应动作 (3)模仿学唱:先听歌曲,再让学生跟着录音逐句学唱。在学生学唱时,强调Merry Christmas的发音。 (4)趣味练唱:引导学生边演边唱,或者齐唱,分组唱比一比,赛一赛。3.Play a game T将教室布置成圣诞节的真实场景,请小朋友们拿出课前准备好的礼物。先由教师扮成圣诞老人与一生示范对话,以明确游戏要求。 T: Merry Christmas! S1: Merry Christmas! T: The cho

4、colate is for you. S1:Thank you! T将学生分成4人一组,互送祝福,互赠礼物,其间播放圣诞歌曲 请几组表演,并请小朋友给予评价。Step 3 Consolidation 1.齐读Unit 9 Merry Christmas2.单词巩固 Whats missing?3.完成活动手册A. Listen and tick做题前先与学生结合图片,用Whats this/that? What are these/those?等句型复习图片中的物品,并请小朋友说一说图意。B. Listen and judge 做题前,除了认识图中的物品,还要复习图片中的人物,并结合本单元的相

5、关句型对话,如:The bell is for grandpa.C. Look, find and circle做题前,先读一读框内的单词,并拼一下单词。再用Whats this/that?复习图片中的物品。D. Act and say做题前,先请小朋友个别说说图意,先师生示范,再全班操练,最后分组表演对话。1.Happy birthday. How old are you? The is for you. 2.Happy new year. The is for you.3.Merry Christmas! The is for you.Step4 Homework1.唱歌曲3遍2.复习本单

6、元的单词与日常交际用语3.与爸爸妈妈查找有关Merry Christmas的歌曲。板书设计: Unit 9 Merry Christmas (3 )A: Merry Christmas! a gift B: Merry Christmas! a bell A: The is for you! a chocolate B: Thank you. a sweet 第四课时Teaching aims and demands.1 能听懂,会说初步认读 a gift, a bella chocolate, 和sweet, 发音正确。2 能使用Merry Christmas ! 向别人祝福圣诞节快乐,语音

7、语调正确。能使用Theis for you. 赠送礼物。3 会唱歌曲 Merry Christmas .Teaching stress.能听懂、会说,初步认读 a gift, a bellA chocolate 和 a sweet, 发音正确。Teaching difficulties.能使用The is for you 赠送礼物。Teaching aids: 挂图.课件.单词卡片,实物Teaching steps:A Free talkT: Good morning/afternoon. Boys and girlsSs: Good morning/afternoon. Miss Liu.T

8、: Boys and girls,Lets say some rhymesAnd sing some English songs. Follow me ,ready go.B. Presentation1 T (将圣诞老人介绍给学生) Hello, this is myFriend, father Christmas, ( 帮圣诞老人配音)He said Hello,Chidren.Christmas is coming hi haveSome gifts for you merry Christmas.Ss:(在教师引导下) Merry Christmas.T: Good ! Today ,

9、well learn Vnit 9 MernyChristmas .And youu get a gift from myFriend. Father Christmas.Ss: Wow!教师板书并领读。2 T:Do you know Christmas Day? Look(电脑显示 12月25日的日历) This is Christmas Day.All the people are very happy. They are dancing. They are singing .They are laughingAnd they are eating. Do you like Christm

10、as day?T:指导学生用高兴欢快的语气读 Christmas3 复习旧单词,呈现新单词T:At Christmas Day. Father Christmas is coming. Look.This is Father Christmas Wow,so many presents,now,lets play a game.Can you guess, Whats in it ? If you are right .You can pick an apple. (黑板上有一颗苹果树)T: Maybe you are right . Lets have a look.(点击出现图片,复习水果

11、 食品类单词 hot dog pizza banana.)T:Whats in it? Lets have a look.(屏幕出现喜欢的图片,老师配上小小粉刷匠伴音乐单词bell 图片Ss : bellT: Bell bell a jingle bell(出示单词a gift 的图片) Father Christmassaid, He has lots of gifts for you. The gift isfor you. Gift ,gift ,the gift is for you”Ss:跟读。T : The chocolate is for you.Chocolate chocol

12、ate (慢速)Ss:跟读 (高低声,小组读)同法 教 sweet( 男女生读,开火车读)4 固定新单词 。T: Lets play some games 看嘴形说单词.大小声说单词中英文互译说单词 听单词指图片T :Lets drawing (学生在事先准备好的卡纸上C Consolidation .T: Boys and girls ,Can you belive FatherChristmas is coming? Lets say “come out, FatherChristmas! Come out ! Father Christmas !”(电脑显示圣诞老人)即 Part A 对话Father Christmas: Merry Christmas !Ss: Merry Christmas !T: The bell is for youSs: Thank you.学生扮演圣诞老人小组分角色表演D Sing a song1 模仿学唱:学生跟着录音逐句学唱。在学生学唱时,教师强调 Merry Christmas! 的发音2 趣味练唱:引导学生配上动作,边演边唱。(齐唱。分组唱 对唱)E Assign home work1 读A,B 部分2 唱 C 部分。3 对父母说 Merry Christmas



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