三年级英语下册 Unit 9 A Fruit Salad(2)教案 新世纪版

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《三年级英语下册 Unit 9 A Fruit Salad(2)教案 新世纪版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语下册 Unit 9 A Fruit Salad(2)教案 新世纪版(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、新世纪版三年级英语下册教案Unit 9 A Fruit Salad一、能力目标:1.能简单介绍自己喜欢吃的水果。2.能用there be 句子操练。3.听懂或读懂某个场所的 简单话语。(pair work)二、知识目标:1.学习掌握单词8个。2.能用8个单词造句。3.学习掌握基本句型及相关的语法知识 There be.4.听、读后能理解课文内容,完成Language Lab 中的练习。5.了解Disneyland, kids palace 中的语法内容。三、情感目标:通过学习,教育学生喜欢各种水果四、学习策略目标:在学习过程中做pair / group work 时要积极开动脑筋,介绍自己记忆

2、单词的方法,培养合作完成的意识。五、文化目标:了解there be 的用法。难点分析there be 与 has got, have got的区别。第一课时 Wonderland教学目标一、基本目标: (1) Learn to express these fruits in English: apple, peach, banana, orange, pineapple, lemon, grapes. (2) Pronounce and spell the new words properly.(3) Using the sentences the students learned befor

3、e.二、发展目标:Make some simple sentences with these new words.Let the students be able to ask and answer about these words.教学过程课前准备1. Say the rhyme: The beautiful world.2. Daily talk:Pre-task preparation1. an apple, an orange1)Show an apple, an orange and present the new words.T: Whats in my hand? Theres

4、 an apple.Do you like apples/oranges?2)Read and spell the new words.3)Make some sentences.4) Questions: Whats in.? Theres.2. a pear, a peach, a pineapple, a lemon1) Show a basketball. In it there are some fruits.T: Look, whats in the basketball? Theres a pear /a peach, a pineapple/ a lemon.T: Which

5、do you like best?2) Smell and taste them.3) Read and spell the new words.4) Work in pairs using this sentence:Whats in.? Theres.5) Key point:“Apple/ orange” the first letters pronunciation is vowel, so its front add “an”“pear, peach, lemon” the first letters pronunciation is consonant. So each front

6、 add “a”3. bananas, grapes1) Show the picture.T: What are these?Whats in the picture? There are some.T: What colour? Are the bananas/the grapes?2) Smell and taste them.3) Key points.“If there are many fruits,” The words ending add “s” “es”4)Work in Pairs: Using these sentences.Whats in (on).? Theres

7、 /There are.What colour is/are this /these?3. Practise:A: Take out your fruits and work in pairs:B: Listen to the tape.C: Listen and circle the words (students work book)第二课时 Grand Theatre Fruit Salad教学目标基本目标:(1) Review the sentence: Whats in (on).? Theres /there are. (2) Learn the sentence: Lets ma

8、ke a salad/Bring them here, please. (3) Mime and act out the dialogue.发展目标:Using these sentences in different situation.教学过程一、(1) Warming up: Read rhyme. (2) Daily talk: Look at the picture and talk about it. (3) Review fruits name.二、授课1)Show picture of the kitchen.T: What are they doing?They are ma

9、king a salad. T: Now lets make a salad. What salad?T: Fruits salad. Whats the Chinese for “salad”?T: Do you like salad?Have you ever eaten salad?(read after the teacher)2) Continue to show the pictureT: Whats this? Its fridge.Who can see a fridge?Is there a fridge in your family?How many fridges are

10、 there in your family?T: Whats in the fridge?Lets have a look. Oh, theres one apple, one pear and one banana.3) Teacher takes out a fruit box. Let the pupils ask and answer with each other.Read after the teacher.4) Continue to show the picture.T: Let thee pupil bring them here. Whats the Chinese for

11、 this sentence?Read after the teacher.Do some action and talk about it.5) Continue to show the picture (1) T: They have made a fruit salad. They are tasting it. How do they think about?P: Very delicious.T: Whats Tom doing? Hes eating salad. (2) Read after the teacher.(3) Mime and act out.6) 练习Play a

12、 game:Make a fruit saladListen to the tape.Question and answers:Is Carol making salad?Is it a fruit or a vegetable salad?Whats the salad for?第三课时Farmland : Theres.教学目标基本目标: Learn to express the sentence “Theres.”发展目标:Let the students make some dialogues according to the picture.教学过程一、课前准备1. Daily ta

13、lk2. Review WonderlandFruits nameWhats in.? Theres.Questions and answers about A Fruit Salad二、授课1. Show picture 1, 2 and aske.g.: Whats this? Its.What colour is it? Its.Whats in the basket? Theres.Do you like.?What do you like best?2. Make a dialogue Model:T: Hi! Im Robot. Whats your name?S: Im Hong

14、 Fang.T: Whats in the basket?S: Theres a melon.T: Is it big or small?S: Its big.T: What colour is it?S: Its green.T: Do you like melon?S: Yes, I do.三、课后活动1. Students in pairs to come out to say.2. The same way to learn picture2, 3四、听录音五、make your dialogue on your own.第四教时:Language Lab, Music-box教学目标1.理解并灵活运用学过的单词。2.学习理解课后的问题。3.准确朗读单词大发音。教学重点和难点课后的问题并能灵活使用教学过程1.课前准备Daily talk2.授课1)Questions and answers.(口头)2)听录音,一问一答。3)两人一组操练问题。4)学发音部分的句子5)Music box.听录音读单词,掌握字母组合的读音规则。说出含有相同发音的单词.第五教时:Rhyme教学目标1.阅读理解小诗内容。2.通过学习,能读小诗。教学过程1.课前准备Daily talk2.授课1)Review There be.2) Pair w


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