三年级英语下册 Unit 8(4)教案 新世纪版

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1、新世纪版三年级英语下册教案Unit 8 I Like Cartoons教学内容本课教学内容为 Unit 8 I Like Cartoons 的 Wonderland 部分。教学目标 一、认知目标1)通过听、说、认等多种学习方式,学生能看图或词形说出单词:library, newspaper, storybook, picture book, magazines, shelf, art-and-craft book . 2) 能用Whats ? Are these/those ? 等句型进行对话,使学生在日常生活中了解并灵活运用所学的单词,通过句型的深入使学生更为熟悉和灵活运用语言,使之成为自己

2、的语言。 二、情感目标通过各种教学手段,如奖励、竞争、小组合作,交流激发他们学习英语的兴趣和热情,体验成功的快乐,注重培养积极向上、自信、善于交际的优良品质 通过了解各类书籍,培养学生从小爱读书的好习惯。三、能力目标通过大量的语言实践活动, 让英语成为学生进行交际的一种技能,并在交际中培养他们的自信心和口语表达能力。 教学重点:To be able to make some sentences with these words 教学难点1利用读音规则教学单词,掌握shelf 和library的复数形式shelves, libraries.2区别paper, newspaper 的不同。教学资源

3、多媒体 各类教科书教学过程ProceduresContentsMethodsPurposePre-taskpreparation1.Warming up2.Revision Whats -? There be-.1.Daily talk 2.Enjoy a song Answer: Whats in the house?Daily talk每天必练。锻炼口语1.通过欣赏歌曲,活跃课堂气氛,让学生尽快地进入英语学习的氛围和状态。2.复习句型,以旧引新。While-taskprocedure1.Learning the word: library 2. Learning the word: art

4、-and-craft book3.Learning the word: picture book4.Learning the word: storybook5.Learning the words: magazine& shelf6.Learning the word: newspaper7.Reading the words1.Show the picture2.To elicit: library-libraries3. Change sentences with what.4.Then answer1) What kind of books do you know? 2)To elici

5、t: art-and-craft bookThis is an art-and craft book.1. Is it an art-and-craft book?2.To elicit: picture book3. Practice: I like to read -.1. Is it a picture book or a storybook?2. Some storybooks make me happy.Some storybooks make me sad.3.Watch a cartoon: 1.Show the pictures Whats on the rack?2.To e

6、licit: magazine-magazines3. Where are the books?4.To elicit: shelf-shelves5.Understand: Magazine rack Book shelf Book case On the book shelf In the book case1.Show the pictureWhats he doing?Whats he reading?2.To elicit: newspaper-newspapers3.Compare: paper & newspaperRead the words用图片引出library,以此揭示课

7、题。与以前知识整和教学用图片引出各类书能减少枯燥感,达到事半功倍的效果。创设多种形式的问答,给学生多一点交流的机会。通过看卡通片了解各类书的作用,体会读书的乐趣,从小养成读书的好习惯。此单词的读音是个难点,这里进行了重点操练。此单词的复数是个难点,这里也进行了重点操练。适当补充为下一节课作铺垫。创设多种句型引出,提高句型复现率区别不同,便于运用。Post-taskactivities1.Review the words2.Homework1.Practice the words2. Who has a good memory?3. Introduce your new books.1. Copy and spell the new words.2. Recite the new words and say some sentences with them.3. Recite the new words and introduce your books to your parents.通过快速看单词来复习所学的单词,以此提高兴趣通过考考记忆力巩固所学单词,并能激发学生口语表达的欲望。通过介绍新书锻炼学生的综合运用英语能力。通过选择完成星级作业来体现分层作业,同时培养学习兴趣。


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