三年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1(1)教案 广州版

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《三年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1(1)教案 广州版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语下册 Module 1 Unit 1(1)教案 广州版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、广州版三年级英语下册教案MODULE 1 UNIT 1 Look at My Family Tree教学内容分析本单元包括Unit 1.Look At My Family Tree, Unit 2.Who Are They? 和Unit 3. Lets Go Further.三个大板块。内容都是谈及家庭及成员,接触学习Whos?Hes/shesWho are? Theyre Theis等句型。其中dialogue, work with language均为教学重点。由于本单元的部分语言知识已在口语课本中的“I Love My Family”中出现过,在教学中可先进行复习,但本单元对于学生有新的

2、要求,就是词汇的记忆。由于部分词汇比较长,所以老师要注意在学生记忆词汇上面多提供有效的帮助。教学对象分析1.学生在口语第二册时已初步接触过与family及家庭成员有关的内容,由于是生活上经常接触的学习内容,他们对家谱中的人物间的关系能较易理解,所以他们对此比较熟悉,也比较感兴趣。但因要记住相应的英文名称,家谱显得复杂,不排除部分学生消化不了,会混淆家庭成员的名称和关系。2. 本单元中的不少单词对于大部分学生来说应该是很熟悉的,如father mother,brother, sister等词,但单词比较长,教学中应循序渐进,分解难度,帮助学生分类分音节记忆单词,效果会更佳。3. 学生对有规律的知

3、识容易接受,而对一些例外的知识则会混淆不清,例如hes,与his等。此外,对话中出现的名词所有格、复数形式等知识,对三年级的学生来说,也是难点,没有必要特别抽出来仔细讲解,应放在整体对话中、话题学习中慢慢感知。教学目标1.语言知识A. names of family members and relativesB. Whos he/she? Hes/Shes C. different ways to introduce family members2.语言技能A.掌握四会单词36个,三会单词6个。(详见各课时的教学目标)B.能正确理解并运用以上句型。 C.能理解对话,并连贯朗读,语音、语调和停顿

4、基本正确,基础好的学生能表演对话。D. 能唱歌曲和歌谣。3.情感态度A.通过谈及家庭的话题,培养学生的家庭观念。B.通过学习,激发学生的兴趣、自信心和合作精神,使他们在语言技能实践的过程中逐步形成主动参与、乐于探索的学习态度。4文化意识通过学习,了解中西方家庭及姓名的差异。教学重点1理解家庭成员间的关系并理解课文对话的内容2能运用所学的句型介绍家里的成员教学难点1理解家庭成员间的关系并理解课文对话的内容2能运用所学的句型介绍家里的成员3对较长单词的记忆教学策略充分利用书中的插图、歌曲、歌谣、游戏等资源,寓教于乐,优化课堂教学。对话采用情景教学,寻找贴近学生生活的话题,帮助学生弄清自己家庭中的人

5、员关系;引导学生学会看图听录音理解对话,从而学习语言知识。单词量大,先理解、上口,不急于拼写记忆。指导学生以整体的同类进行忆记。次要的语言点教学应有别于主要句型,不必详细分解,应放在整体对话中理解,慢慢感知。课时分配每个Unit大至可以一个课时完成. Work with language也分别用一个课时.总共用大约5个课时完成Unit OneUnit 1 dialogue 第一课时教学目标:1.能看懂家谱,理解对话,正确流利地朗读,基础好的学生能够表演课文对话。2.四会掌握词汇grandfather grandmother father mother daughter tree right w

6、ho whos=who is he hes=he is she shes=she is 三会:family husband wife教学重点:1.课文对话的理解2.新语言知识的口头表达教学难点:1.对课文及新句型的理解。2.单词的拼写及family tree中的人物关系。教学策略:充分利用书中的插图、歌曲、歌谣、游戏等资源,寓教于乐,优化课堂教学。对话采用情景教学,寻找贴近学生生活的话题,帮助学生弄清自己家庭中的人员关系;引导学生学会看图听录音理解对话,从而学习语言知识。教学过程Revision1. Sing the song“fingers family” 2.Ask the childre

7、n to look at teachers fingers and answer the questions: what finger is it?” to review the names of “father, mother, brother, sister, baby”draw a hand on the board and write the new words on the boardto present the new words at the same timeGame: fast reactionto tell which finger it is as soon as pos

8、siblePresentation and Practice1.Present the family tree of Webbs Family then give a brief introduction of their names2. Game: whos it? To cover the names then ask the children to recall who it is - to get familiar with the names of Webbs family3. Show the video of the text to present the dialogue. T

9、he children have to answer a question: whats that on the board?Ask more questions and encourage the children to listen to the text again.Q: whos grandmother? Whos grandfather? Whos father? Whos mother?put the new words beside the names. For example: Betty Webb (grandmother) to help the children to h

10、ave better understandingGame 1 T: David Ps: fatherGame 2 Guessing T: Whos he? P1: Hes David.Whos David? Hes Janets father. /- to present the new patterns Listen to the text again and underline the new words and use the gesture to help the children understand “husband” and “wife”Read the new words to

11、gether and try to find the good way to memorize themExercise ask the children to listen to the text and read togetherThe children play the different roles and try to read the text by the help of teachers gesturelisten to the rhyme at page 4 and ask the children to come out and learn how to chanthalf

12、 class may see the books to read Sallys words and another half close the books to recite what Janet says. encourage the children to act out the text with the help of the books or teachers gesturesDevelopment (if we have enough time)listen to the dialogue of page 3 once and then give the children som

13、e time to read the text at page 3give some time to the children to let them discuss in groups the children fill in the blanks with the help of the other group membersexplain to the childrenHomework 1.Draw your own family tree 2. Copy the new words and recite passage 2 and 33.If you can, try to introduce your family member like JanetWriting on the board (New words) (fingers family) (Webbs Family tree)教学反思:这节课我采用对话式教学法统领教学全过程,再加上游戏教学,学生乐于参与。英语作为一种语言教学,其实就是师生的一种生命对话活动。我认为这种教学方法还不错。部分学生对西方国家女性婚后从夫姓不大理解,应进一步较少西方文化背景。


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