三年级英语上册 Uint6 My clothes lesson31教案 人教新起点

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1、Unit6 My Clothes Lesson 31 第一课时教学内容:Words: clothes, cap, scarf, vest, gloves, jeans, sneakers.Sentences: Do you have a skirt? Yes, I do. /No, I dont.What colour is it? Its red教学目标:1. Can pronounce the new words well and correctly and can use them freely.2. Can make the sentences by using some words

2、they know.3. Show the dialogue correctly and freely.4. Draw a picture of their clothes that they like best.教学重点:To grasp the new words. Make some sentences and dialogues.教学难点:To use the plural forms of the words correctly. 教学准备:word-cards PPT marker教学过程:一、Organization T and students sing a song.二、Pr

3、esentationStep1: warm-up/revision1. Review the words of weather learned before. Whats the weather like today? It s cold /hot /snowy /rainy /windy.Step2: Lead-in:Today is very cold, because the winter is coming. In different seasons, we wear different clothes.Step3: Learn the new words: T reads the n

4、ew words,Ss follow and spell the words.(clothes,cap , jeans, scarf, vest,gloves, sneakers) Activity1: Train, train, go, go, go (clothes)Activity2: 自然拼音法(cap)Activity3:Train, train, go, go, go(jeans)Activity4:read single (scarf)Activity5: 自然拼音法(vest)Activity6: read by boys (gloves)Activity7: read by

5、girls (sneakers)Setp4: Look, listen and match. Look at the screen, listen to the tape for three time times, then ask Ss to point the clothes correctly.Step5: Game: what is missing?Step6: Learn the new sentences:T: Do you have (a) skirt/cap/ jeans/sweater/gloves/ sneakers/vest /scarf/coat/dress? S1:

6、Yes, I do. / No, I dont. Lets chant: T: What color is it?S1: Its . (Boys ask, girls answer)三、PracticeStep1: Pair work: First, listen to the tape, T takes example, Ss interview the partner。Step2: Look, listen and numberListen to the tape for two times and give the answer.Step3: Ask some students to m

7、atch the words with pictures.Step4: Copy the word (cap, jeans, scarf, gloves, sneakers, vest)四、Add-activitiesMake up a new dialogue.五、Homework 1. Listen to the tape and read the text.2. Write and recite the new words and Part C in the lesson.3. Draw a picture of their clothes that they like best.六、Evaluation板书设计Unit 6 My Clothes Lesson 31 Do you have (a) cap / scarf /vest/jeans /sneakers /gloves?Yes, I do. / No, I dont.What colour is it?Its


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