三年级英语上册 Module6 Unit2(2)教案 外研版

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《三年级英语上册 Module6 Unit2(2)教案 外研版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语上册 Module6 Unit2(2)教案 外研版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、外研版三年级英语上册教案三年级教案Module6Unit2Whatsthis?课题 :Module 6 Unit2 Whats this ?课题 :新授课教学目标 :1.让学生掌握单词:( 听、说、读、认 )bag pencil pen book 2.正确使用this 和 that 3.学会使用句型 : Whats this ? / Whats that ? Its a 重点 :Whats this ? / Whats that ? Its a 难点 :Its a 教具 :录音机、磁带、卡片、教学方法:听说法、游戏法、对话法、直观教学法、教学步骤 :一、 问候T :Good morning ,

2、 boys and girls .S :Good morning , Miss Zhou . T :How are you ? S :Im fine , thank you . And you ?T :Im fine , too . Thank you .二、复习1、 看颜色快速反应:What colour is it ?2、 闭眼睛,用手摸摸,猜猜是什么?T :Whats this ? / Whats that ? S :Its a 3、 Lets chant !Whats this ? Whats this ?desk desk Its a desk . Whats this ? What

3、s this ?chair chair Its a chair .Whats that ? Whats that ?window window Its a window .Whats that ? Whats that ?door door Its a door .三、 引入拿出一个百宝箱,箱子里装有很多宝贝,让学生伸手进百宝箱里,摸摸有什么学习用品。T :Whats this ? 板书S :钢笔T :Follow me : pen 板书S :pen T :Spell pen ! p-e-n penS :Spell pen ! p-e-n penT :Whats this ? 询问学生 S :

4、Its a pen .T :Please show me your pen .S :pen pen penT :What colour is it ?S :Its black .T :Its a black 引导学生说出S :Its a black pen .T :How many pens ?S :T :Whats this ?S :铅笔T :Follow me : pencil 板书S :pencilT :Spell pencil ! p-e-n-c-i-lS :Spell pencil ! p-e-n-c-i-lT :Whats this ?S :Its a pencil .T :Ple

5、ase show me your pencil !S :pencil pencil pencilT :What colour is it ?S :Its blue . Its a blue pencil .T :How many pencils ?S :T :Whats this ?S :书Follow me : book S :bookT :Spell book ! Who can ?S :I can . Spell book ! b-o-o-k book T :Follow him / her !S :Spell book ! b-o-o-k book T :Whats this ?S :

6、Its a book .T :Please show me your book !S :book book book T :What colour is it ?S :Its red . Its a red book .T :How many books ?S :用手指另外一个百宝箱,让学生猜猜Whats that ?S :T :I can put my pencil , pen and book in it .配上肢体语言S :书包T :Follow me : bag 板书S :bagT :Spell bag ! Who can ?S :I can . Spell bag ! b-o-o-k

7、 book T :Follow him / her !S :Spell bag ! b-a-g bag T :Whats that ?S :Its a bag .T :What colour is it ?S :Its yellow . Its a yellow bag .T :Whats this ? / Whats that ? ( 全班、小组、个人 )S :Its a bag / pencil / pen / book T :Show me your 四、操练Lets chant !Pen and pencil .Pencil and pen .Pen and pencil .Say i

8、t again !让学生自编chant ! 使用我们以前学过的单词也可以。Book and bag .Bag and book .Book and bag .Say it again !T :Group work : S :Whats this ? / Whats that ?Its a bag / pencil / pen / book T :Pair work : S :Whats this ? / Whats that ?Its a bag / pencil / pen / book 五、巩固Play a game ! (1) 传悄悄话!Its a (2) 找迷失的图片:What is missing ?Whats this ? / Whats that ? Its a (3) 争分夺秒(小组造句比赛):Its a 听磁带,朗读课文。全班齐朗读课文。角色朗读。做课堂活动手册。


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