三年级英语上册 3A unit1(1)教案 广东版开心

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《三年级英语上册 3A unit1(1)教案 广东版开心》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《三年级英语上册 3A unit1(1)教案 广东版开心(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、(广东版)开心英语教案三年级上册 unit1 Unit One Hello!The first period一. Teaching objective:1. Language functions: Greeting and farewells2. Language structures:Whats your name? Im .3. New vocabulary:hello, hi , goodbye, bye , apple ant, banana, bear, cat, carrot二、 Teaching key points :Ask someones name and answer 三

2、、 Teaching difficult points :Whats your name? Im.四、 Teaching aids :(1) Pictures cards (2) Recorder.五、Teaching steps:1 Greeting. 2 Sing the song “Good morning to you.”Ask one of the students to come out to sing.3 The teacher say like this:T: Hi, Im Miss Lu. S: Hi, Im Tom. T: Hi, -. Now, its your turn

3、.5. The teacher walks among pupils and demonstrates. T: Hi, Im Miss Lu. S: Hi, Im Kate. (The teacher may help .) 6. Open the books and listen to the recordings. First, pupils listen to the recorder silently. Then read the dialogue after the recorder. Later on, practice in pairs and groups.7.Ask one

4、student out or just let him stay behind his desk.T: Hi, Im Miss Lu. Whats your name? S: Im Tony.8. Read the sentences after the teacher several times. And ask the pupils to guess the Chinese meanings.9.Conversation: Listen to the recorder. Read after the tape. Activity:Group 1,2 act Gogo, group 3, 4

5、 act Tony read the conversation together.10. Learn the vocabulary. Write down the words on the blackboard. 11. Listen to the tape and read the target together.12. Listen to the tape and do the practice 1,2.六、Homework: a. Read the text more than 5 times.b. Prepare a greeting Performance in pairs for the next period.板书设计:Unit one Hello!Hello, Im Gogo. Whats your name? helloHi, Im Tony. higoodbye


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