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1、如何写以“规则”为话题的文章【例文1】假设你是李华,正通过e-mail向你的笔友Mary交流校级班规,请你根据下面的提示介绍下面的“班级公约”。1.准时到校,穿校服,见到老师问好2.上课专心(concentrative)勤思考,作业认真按时交3.教室保洁常打扫,离班熄灯关门窗4.和谐相处应友爱,互相帮助共进步一审题体裁说明文话题以“介绍规则”为话题时态一般现在时人称第一人称二文章布局开头:引出话题 Id like to introduce my class rules to you.There are.文章段落结构正文:详细介绍 First.Second.Third. .结尾:总结评价 The

2、se rules are really good for us. Its our duty to follow them.3 遣词造句词汇库介绍introduce;规则rule;应该should;期待suppose/expect;有用的useful;遵循follow;校服uniform;问候greet;到达arrive;活跃的active;认真地carefully;记住remember;进步progress短语箱到校arrive at school;准时on time;in order to为了;do homework做作业;get along well with相处融洽;turn off关闭

3、;make progress取得进步;be supposed/expected to理应做.; be allowed to do允许做.链接句型1. Id like to introduce my class/home rules to you.2. Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.3. We are supposed /expected to arrive in school on time.4. It is+adj.+for us to do.5. Do you think teenagers should b

4、e encouraged to make their own decisions?6. I think these rules are really useful. Its our duty for us to follow them.四作文模板Id like to introduce my class/home rules to you. There are_ rules as follows. First, we should_. Second, we need to be_. Third, it is necessary for us to_.Then, we are supposed

5、to_. At last, we are expected to_. I think these rules are really_. Its our duty to follow them.五参考范文Dear Mary,Id like to introduce my class rules to you.There are several rules as follows.First, we should arrive at school on time in uniforms. Its polite to greet teachers whenever we meet them. Seco

6、nd, we are supposed to be concentrative and active in thinking in class.Besides, its necessary to do homework carefully and hand in homework on time.Third,we need to clean our classroom in order to keep it tidy and clean. Also, we should remember to turn off the lights and close the windows when we

7、leave the classroom.Fourth, we are expected to get along well with our classmates and help each other to make progress together.I think these rules are really useful. Its our duty for us to follow them. What about yours? Li Hua 【例文2】目前街头出现了越来越多的猫与狗,对此“中学生英语报”组织了一场讨论:城市内是否可以饲养宠物。假设你叫李华,你班的讨论结果如下。请你根据

8、下表所提供的信息,给报社写一封信,介绍讨论情况,并说明自己的观点和建议。60%支持饲养宠物, 陪伴孤寡老人,人与动物和谐相处,增添生活情趣40%反对饲养宠物,造成环境污染,吵闹声,甚至伤人 Dear editor,Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in our city. 一审题体裁议论文话题以“是否养宠物”为话题时态一般过去时、现在时人称第三人称2 文章布局 文章段落结构 开头:引出讨论的话题 Recently we have had a heated dis

9、cussion on whether people should.Different people have different opinions.正文:不同观点对比 Some people think that 观 点 一, because.However, other people hold the idea that观 点 二,because. 结尾:自己观点和建议 In my opinion, Ifirmlysupporttheviewthat 观点一或二,because 原 因. 3 作文模板 Whether people should.Recently we have had a

10、heated discussion on作 文 题 目. Different people have different opinions.Some people think that 观 点 一 because 原 因 一;Besides, 原 因 二. However, other people hold the idea that 观 点 二. In their point of view, on the one hand, 原 因 一; on the other hand, 原 因 二. As far as I am concerned, Ifirmlysupporttheviewth

11、at 观点一或二,because 原 因. 4 优秀范文Recently we have had a heated discussion on whether people should keep pets at home in cities. Different people have different opinions.Some students think its a good idea to keep pets, because old people who live alone at home can get some comfort from pets. Besides, get

12、ting along well with animals will make our life more interesting. However, other people hold the idea that people shouldnt keep pets in cities. In their opinion, if too many people keep pets at home, it is bad for the environment. What is worse, pets like dogs may make too much noise and even attack

13、 people. As far as I know, I dont think it is bad to keep pets at home. But we must take some measures to prevent them from polluting our environment or attacking others.课后练习1假设你叫李华,你们学校有很多校规校纪,请根据下面的提示并结合实际用英语简单介绍你学校的校纪校规。Whatyoushoulddo?respectteachers;wearuniforms; listencarefullyinclass.Whatyous

14、houldntdo?bringanythingdangerous;wearearrings;wearlonghairforboys.【参考范文】There are many rules in our school. Id like to introduce some rules in my school to you. Here are some as follows. First, we should respect our teachers and get along well with our classmates.Second, we are supposed to listen carefully to teachers in class and hand in our homework on time. Third, we arent allowed to bring anything dangerous to school. Fourth, it is necessary for us to wear uniforms to school. Fifth, Boys arent expected to wear long hair and girls arent allowed to wear earrings. I th



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