2020年春四年级英语下册 Unit 2 What time is it检测卷1(无答案) 人教PEP版

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1、Unit 2单元检测卷 Class:_ Name:_ Mark 听力部分一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。(5分)( )1. A.breakfastB.lunchc.dinner( )2.A.EnglishB.mathc.music( )3.A.oneB.threec.two( )4.A.go homoB.get upc.go to bed( )5.A.whereB.whatc.four 二、听录音,选出你所听到句子。(5分)( ) 1. A. Its time for music class. B. Its time for math class. ( )2. A. Its ten ni

2、ne. B. Its nine ten. ( )3. A. Its time to watch TV. B. Its time to get up. ( )4. A. Whats the time? B. What time is it? ( )5. A. Look at my clock. B. Look at my book.三、根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,将其字母序号填入句子前面的括号里。(10分)()1.A.OK.B.Thank you.()2.A.Its 5:00.B.Lets run.()3.A.Not at all.B.Oh.its nice.(

3、)4.A.Let me see.B.Great.()5.A.Good night.B.Good morning.四、听录音,补全句子(10分)1.Its 9:30. Its time for class.2.I have pencils.3.What is it?4.Five and five is 5. Its time for class. 笔试部分1、 快乐三选一(5分)()1.lunch A.早餐B.午餐 C.晚餐()2.time A.时间B.什么 C. 现在()3.three A.那儿 B.这儿 C. 三()4.music A.音乐B.美术 C.体育().5.ready A.赶快 B

4、.准备好的 C.课程2、 火眼金睛辨不同(5分)()1. A.breakfastB.lunchC. morning()2. A.homeB.schoolC. ready()3. A.kidB.runC. jump()4. A.ChineseB.classC. English()5. A.timeB.threeC. six三、选择正确的选项。(20分)( ) 1. What time is it? A Its 10:00. B Its red. C Its on the desk.( )2. Its 10 oclock.Its timeChinese class. A on B for C to

5、( )3. Its 6:00 p. m. Lets A go to bed B have lunch C go home( )4. Its timego to school. A to B for C of( )5. Lets .A. run B. runs C. running( )6. Its timego to bed.A. for B. to C. by( )7. Its three o clock. Its timeEnglish class.A. for B. to C. at( )8. Breakfastready! Its time to get up.A. are B. is

6、 C. be( )9. Lookmy clock. What time is it?Its 9:00 oclock.A. by B. forC. at( )10. -Good night,Mom.- A. Good afternoon.B. Good morning. C. Good night.四、根据情景提示选择正确的句子(5分)( )1.你想邀请对方一起去操场,你应该说: A Lets go to the playground. B This is our playground.( )2.晚饭准备好了,妈妈喊道: A Im ready. B Dinner is ready( )3.你想知

7、道现在的时间,你应该问: A Its time for P.E. class. B What time is it?( )4.晚上睡觉前你应该跟你的父母说: A Good night. B Good evening.( )5.同学们找你出去玩,你在写作业,你会说: A Lets play. B Just a minute.五、选择正确的汉语(5分) ( ) 1. School is over. A.该起床了。 ( ) 2. Its time to get up. B. 九点十分。( ) 3. That one is correct. C.放学了。( ) 4. Its nine ten. D.

8、看那个钟表。( ) 5.Look at that clock. E. 那个是正确的。六、送单词宝宝回家(10分)eight dinner English ten math breakfast nine Chinese P. E. Lunch数字 科目 三餐 七、排列句子(注意开头字母要大写,四线三格正确书写。(10分)1. is it to time to go bed. 2.What is time it now? 3. is two oclock it. 4.it time for math is class . 5. Is breakfast ready .七、阅读短文,选择正确的答案(

9、10分)I m Amy. I study in Class Two, Grade Four. I have five classes onFriday. My music class begins at 8:30,my math class begins at 9 :45 myEnglish class begins at 11:05 ,my Chinese class begins at 2:50 and myP. E. class begins at 4:20.( )1. Amy studies in.A. Class 4 , Grade 2.B. Class 2 , Grade 4.( )2. Its 9:45. Its time for.A. math classB. music class( )3. Its. Its time for Chinese class.A. 2:50B. 8:30( )4. How many classes does Amy have on Friday?A. 6B. 5( )5. Its 4:20. Its time for class.A. EnglishB. P. E.



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