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1、 经济学家读译参考 Translated & Edited by Chen JilongTEXT 61How green is your Apple?你的“苹果”有多绿?(陈继龙 编译)Aug 25th 2006From The Economist print edition(1)DISPOSING of computers, monitors, printers and mobile phones is a large and growing environmental problem. Some 20m-50m tonnes of “e-waste” is produced each ye

2、ar, most of which ends up in the developing world. According to the European Union, e-waste is now the fastest-growing category. Last month new rules came into force in both Europe and California to oblige the industry to take responsibility for it. In Europe the Restriction of Hazardous Substances

3、(RoHS) directive limits the use of many toxic materials in new electronic products sold in the European Union. In California mobile-phone r_ must now take back and recycle old phones.废旧电脑、显示器、打印机和手机的处理是一个日趋严重的环境问题。每年大约有25千万吨“电子废品”形成,其中大部分是在发展中国家。欧盟认为“电子废品”是目前增长速度最快的一类“产品”。上个月,欧洲和美国加里福利亚均出台了新规定,要求电子产

4、业要为此负责。欧洲的有害物质限制使用规定对在欧盟范围内销售的新电子产品涉及的众多有毒物质都进行了使用限定。加里福利亚则规定手机零售商现在必须对旧手机进行回收和废物处理。Many technology firms are already eliminating certain chemicals and offering recycling schemes to help their customers dispose of obsolete equipment. Yet there is a wide variation in just how green different companie

5、s are, according to Greenpeace, an environmental l_ group that launches a new e-waste campaign on August 25th. (2)It has ranked the top mobile-phone and PC-makers based on their progress in eliminating chemicals and in taking back and recycling products.许多科技公司都正在去除产品中所含的特定化学物质,并向客户提供废物处理方案,以帮助其处理陈旧设

6、备。不过据绿色和平组织称,不同公司的环保状况存在很大差异。该组织是一个环境问题游说团体,它于8月25日发起了一项新的“电子废品”运动。它根据手机和个人电脑制造商在去除化学物质以及产品回收和废物再利用方面的进展情况,对一些顶级制造商进行了排名。The RoHS rules ban products containing any more than trace amounts of lead, mercury, cadmium1 and other hazardous substances, including some nasty materials called brominated flam

7、e-retardants (BFRs)2. To do well in Greenpeaces rankings, firms must make sure both products and production processes are free of polyvinyl chloride (PVC)3 and some BFRs that are not on the RoHS list. (3)Greenpeace also wants companies to adopt a “precautionary principle” and avoid chemicals if thei

8、r environmental impact is uncertain.有害物质限制使用规定禁止生产含有超量铅、汞、镉以及包括某些难闻物质即溴化阻燃剂(BFR)在内的其它有害物质的产品。至于要想在绿色和平组织的排名中有出色表现,各公司还必须确认产品及生产过程中未使用聚氯乙烯(PVC)和有害物质限制使用规定中未列出的某些BFR。同时,绿色和平组织还希望各公司采取“预防原则”,从而避免使用某些对环境影响作用不确切的化学物质。Although not everyone will agree with Greenpeaces methodology, its ranking still has som

9、e merit. Nokia does well: the worlds biggest handset-maker has already got rid of PVC from its products and will eliminate all BFRs from next year. But, Greenpeace g_, it is not sufficiently “precautionary” in other areas. Dell, however, scores well in this regard and on recycling, but loses marks f

10、or not having phased out PVC and BFRs yet, though it has set a deadline for doing so.虽然绿色和平组织的这套方法没有得到所有人的认同,但它的排名仍旧具有一定的价值。诺基亚表现出色这个全球最大的手机制造商已经从其产品中去掉了PVC,并从明年起将去除所有溴化阻燃剂。(注:诺基亚排名第一)不过,绿色和平组织抱怨说,诺基亚在其它化学物质的“预防”使用上做得还不够。戴尔公司在这方面以及废物再利用上表现得就很好,但是由于尚未去除PVC和BFR而被扣分,尽管它已经为此制定了最后期限。(注:戴尔排名第二)Perhaps the

11、 biggest surprise is the poor rating of Apple. (4)Despite having an image steeped in Californias counterculture4, it is one of the worst heel-draggers, says Zeina Al-Hajj of Greenpeace. The company insists that it has a strong record in recycling and has eliminated BFRs and PVC from the main plastic

12、 parts in its products. It scores badly because it has not eliminated such chemicals altogether, has not set time limits for doing so, does not provide a full list of regulated substances and is insufficiently precautionary for Greenpeaces t_. As for recycling, the 9,500 tonnes of electronics Apple

13、says it has recycled since 1994 is puny5 given the amount of equipment the firm sells, says Ms Al-Hajj. Apple responds that many of its products (such as the iPod music-player) are small and light. Greenpeace points out that Nokia also makes tiny devices, but is much better at recycling them.最出人意料的可


15、(如iPod音乐播放器),而绿色和平组织却指出,诺基亚生产的也是小型装置,但在回收再利用方面表现得就比苹果公司好很多。(5)Alas for Apple, whatever the pros and cons of Greenpeaces ranking criteria, consumers are likely to be influenced by it anyway. Comically, Greenpeace is now considering a plan to promote its e-waste campaign via podcastinga technology tha

16、t Apple helped to p_.无论人们赞成还是反对绿色和平组织的排名标准,苹果公司都会不好受,因为消费者多少都有可能受到这一排名的影响。搞笑的是,绿色和平组织目前正考虑计划通过播客来推进其电子废品行动,而这一技术恰恰就是苹果公司帮助推广的。 QUIZ1. 根据上下文和英文释义,补全单词:r_(n. a person or business that sells goods to customers in a shop)l_(n. an attempt to persuade a government to change a law, make a new law etc)g_(v. to keep complaining in an unha


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