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1、 学海无涯一 一般现在时 Mr Li be inBeijingatthismoment Thepeoplehere be allChinese I be nolongerachild be youfromtheUS Yes I He go totheparkeveryday We begin ourclassat8 00inthemorning Theyusually clean itintheafternoon Theteachersaidthatthemoon go aroundtheearth Badnews have wing 10 Pride go beforeafall 11 Mi

2、kesometimes go totheparkwithme They be myparents 改为否定句 改为一般疑问句 Heoftenhasricefordinner 改为否定句 改为一般疑问句 肯定回答 MeiLanfangisfamousbecausehesangmanyBeijingOperas 划线部分提问 学海无涯Shewasbornin1991 划线提问 IliveinBeijing 改为一般疑问句 改为否定句 划线提问 SheusuallywatchesTVonSaturdayevening 划线提问 Tomlikes play footballwithhisfriends

3、 补完上句 并提问划线部分 BillandRose like magicshows 改为一般疑问句 做否定回答 学海无涯二 现在进行时 Whatyoudoing I m eat abanana Pleasebequiet We listen totheweatherreport 3 It safineday Thesun shine Look Thebus come areyou draw Tom I draw abigtiger Whathe look for Heislookingforhiseraser Look They play volleyballthere 8 Bequiet W

4、e have Englishclass Everyone enjoy themselves 补全句子 并做否定句 改一般疑问句 做肯定回答 Mymother cook inthekitchen 补全句子 并做否定句 改一般疑问句 做肯定回答 学海无涯 Heiswritingaletter 划线提问 We dance and sing now 改一般疑问句 做肯定回答 She do herhomework 否定句 一般疑问句 Istheboyfootballnow No Hebasketballonthepalyground Arethey teach Yes Listen Someone si

5、ng anEnglishsong 划线部分提问 学海无涯 三 一般过去时 1 be youathomelastSunday No I Iintheparkwithmyfamily 8 Susan be illlastweek were was yourbrothercometoschooljustnow Yes He did does do MrSmithatschoolthismorning No He was did Mysisterandmymother go toShanghailastweek They take somepicturesand eat someseafoodand

6、buy souvenirs Where do Tomgoonvacation He go tothemountains She notvisit herauntlastWednesday She stay athomeand do somecleaning cook alotofdishes Who wash theplatesonthetable Jennydid 学海无涯 Peterboughtsomebooksyesterday 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定回答 Theyhadacutedog 否定句 一般疑问句 IhadagoodtimeatthepartylastSunday 否定句 一

7、般疑问句 划线提问 LastTuesdayLisa fly fromLondontoMadrid She get upatsixo clockinthemorningand have acupofcoffee At6 30she leave homeand drive toairport Whenshe arrive she park hercarand go tothecaf and wait forherflight Twohourslater shearrivedinMadrid Finallyshe take ataxitoherhotel 学海无涯四 一般将来时shall will

8、begoingto 动词原形Shall用于主语为第一人称I we时 Igoingtobuyacartomorrow MrSmith give atalknextMonday There be afootballmatchtomorrow 4 Susan leave forAustralianextweek 5 Iwill finish allmyhomeworkinanhour 6 John youarelate Sorry I notbe lateagain SheBeijingforholidaynextmonth Whatyougoingtodo I watch TVathome Dan

9、ielwillmeetyouattheairportthisevening 否定句 一般疑问句 划线部分提问 Myfamilygoingtodosomesightseeing 否定句 一般疑问句 划线部分提问 学海无涯 Tonygoingtoplayfootballwithhisfriends 否定句 一般疑问句 划线部分提问 ThetwinswillbuytheT shirts 否定句 一般疑问句 肯定回答 Whatyoubeinthefuture I mgoingtobeateacher hebeadoctor No It be finetomorrow It not afinedayto

10、morrow There be twolibrariesinourschool 否定句 一般疑问句 做肯定回答 学海无涯 五 过去进行时were was doing1 He watch TVatthismomentlastSunday We play cardsattenyesterday 否定形式 weren t wasn t doingeg Idoingmyhomeworkat6yesterday WehavingChinesethistimeyesterday 3 Tomlisteningtomusicatthattime No Hereadingastorybook 一般疑问句 Wer

11、e Was 主语 doing eg youplayingthepianoatthattime Yes Iwas No Iwasn t hewaitingforusatsevenyesterday Yes hewas No hewasn t Tomwritingaletterthen No he draw apictureatthattime 学海无涯 六 现在完成时have has 过去分词常与since for recently yet already inthepastfewyears severaltimes这些时间状语搭配 eg He have seenthedoctor I have

12、 mylunch Tomhasjust leave here Hasshe see thisfilmyet Notyet I teach Englishinthisschoolbefore Hehas be toLondon ShegonetoLondon MrBlack work heresince1992 Theoldman live heresincehecametoBeijing Thefilmhas beenon begun fortenminutes 10 Whereisyourfather Hehas been gone toEngland 11 We notsee eachot

13、herforfiveyears 学海无涯 否定句 haven t hasn t 过去分词一般疑问句 Have Has 主语 过去分词 Haveyouhadyourbreakfast Yes I No I Hashefinishedhishomework No he Yes he youreadthisbook No we Yes we Ihave hear ofMickeyMouse 否定句 一般疑问句 做肯定回答 Have hasbeento与Have hasgoneto的区别Have hasbeento某人去过某地 人在此地 Have hasgoneto某人去了某地 人不在此地 Eg Ihavebeentoshanghaithreetimes itisabusyandmoderncity Maryisn there shehasgonetotheschoollibrary


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