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1、学海无涯小升初英语测试卷一 选出下面每组词中不属于同类的一项 1 A coldB headacheC warm 2 A sangB longC danced 3 A throatB hurtC head 4 A yesterdayB lastMondayC tomorrow 5 A washedB watchedC wash二 请你根据图片和首字母的提示完成句子 What sthematter Myfingerh Icmyroomyesterday 3 Didyougoslastweekend Look She ss Theelephantishthanthedog 三 请读一读 选出最佳答案

2、 1 didyoulastweekend 学海无涯A What doB Where goC Where do 2 didyougotoBeijinglastyear Bytrain A HowB WhereC Where 3 Howareyou A feelB feelingC feels 4 Marytoschoolbybikeyesterday A goesB wentC go 5 Didyouyourroomlastweekend A cleanB cleanedC cleans四 请你为下面的图片补全短语 IinHainanlastSunday Doyouwithyourparents

3、 Wewilltomorrow Heyesterday 5 I Ifeelsick 五 请你判断下列每组单词画线部分发音是 Y 否 N 一致 学海无涯 1 A pinkB bike 2 A cowB now 3 A noseB dog 4 A howB know 5 A mouthB these六 请你给下面的句子选择正确的图片 1 Ifeelcold 2 IwenttoXinjiangbyplane 3 Shewashedclotheslastweekend 4 He sastrongman 5 Mythroatissore ABCDE七 请选择正确的单词填空 完成句子 What s Who

4、 s thematterwithyou Iamvery bored excited Ihavenothingtodo 3 I visit visited mygrandparentslastSunday 4 Mytemperature 温度 is39 C Ihavea fever toothache 5 I feel feeling sick 八 请根据图片提示 从方框内选择正确的单词 Chinesepresentrowedhappythinner 1 Weaboatintheparkyesterday 学海无涯 Todayismybirthday I mvery Wehavethismorn

5、ing I vegotafrommyfriend 5 Themonkeyisthanthepanda 九 请将下面的每个小题的单词连成一句话1 you the wash did clothes 2 so you look tired today 3 did what do you the on weekend 4 math I test failed my 学海无涯 5 dance and I with sing friends my 十 请根据短文判断下面句子的正误 It sSundayafternoon Theweatherisfine Thereisafootballmatchbetwe

6、enclass2andclass4 Manystudentsarewatching They reexcited Now ZhangWeihastheball HepassesittoWeiKun ButWeiKuncan tkicktheball ThenJohnhastheball TheballfliestoZhangWei sarm ZhangWeiisveryangry Theballfilesintothegoal HowisZhangWeifeeling Heissohappy Class4wonthegame Class2isverysad 1 Thereisabasketba

7、llmatchonSundayafternoon 2 WeiKuncan tkicktheball 3 ZhangWeiishappywhentoballfliestohisarm 4 ZhangWeiishappywhentheballfliesintothegate 5 Class2isnotsadintheend 学海无涯参考答案一 1 5BBBCC二 1 hurts2 cleaned3 swimming4 sad5 heavier三 1 5AABBA四 1 5CDEAB五 1 5FTFFF六 1 5CDBAE七 1 What s2 bored3 visited4 fever5 feel八 1 rowed2 happy3 Chinese4 present5 thinner九 1 Didyouwashclothes 2 Youlooksotiredtoday 3 Whatdidyoudoonweekend 4 Howoldareyou 5 HowdoesAmyfeel 十 1 5FTFTF



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