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1、赣州市中心城区六校联盟初三5月联考英语试卷 一 听力测试 27 分 A 请听下面8 段对话 每段对话后有一小题 从题中所给的A B C 三个选项中选出最佳选 项 并在答题卷上将该项涂黑 听完每段对话后 你将有 10 秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小 题 每段对话读两遍 1 Where is the woman now A At home B At the airport C In New York 2 Who is the youngest A Gina B Linda C Jenny 3 Where does the woman want to go A A post office B A

2、 hotel C A hospital 4 What can we learn from the conversation A Peter wants to have the PE class B Peter is in the classroom C Peter is on the playground 5 What is the girl looking for A Her mobile phone B Her schoolbag C Her keys 6 Which days does Bill not work A Saturday and Sunday B Tuesday Thurs

3、day and Sunday C Wednesday and Sunday 7 Why does the boy still stay in the library A The book is very interesting B He forgets the time C It s raining outside 8 What does Mary mean A She missed her friends B She likes looking better C She has lots of work to make up B 请听下面4 段对话和1 段独白 每段对话或独白后有几个小题 从

4、题中所给的A B C 三 个选项中选出最佳选项 并在答题卷上将该项涂黑 听每段对话或独白前 你将有时间阅读各个小 题 每小题5 秒钟 听完后 各小题给出5 秒钟作答时间 每段对话或独白读两遍 请听第 1 段材料 回答第9 10 小题 9 Where are they talking A On the street B In the library C At home 10 Who will go out with the girl A His mother B His friends C His father 请听第 2 段材料 回答第11 12 小题 11 Where may they be

5、 talking A In a shop B At a train station C At a bus station 12 How long does it take from Nanchang to Changsha by MU train A Four hours B Three hours C Three hours and a half 请听第 3 段材料 回答第13 至第 15 小题 13 Why did Mary s parents make her stay at home A Because they wanted to watch TV B Because they wa

6、nted to go out C Because they wanted to work 14 How did Mary think of her brother A Naughty B Funny C Lovely 15 What did Colin do last night A He watched TV B He looked after his sister C He went to a football game 请听第 4 段材料 回答第16 至第 18 小题 l6 What s the relationship between the boy and the girl A Br

7、other and sister B Teacher and student C Classmates 17 What does the boy worry about A His chemistry class B His stomachache C His chemistry exam 18 What can we learn from the conversation A The boy won t study hard for his chemistry exam B The boy didn t take some of his chemistry classes because h

8、e had a stomachache C The boy will pass the chemistry exam 请听一段独白 回答第19 至第 22 小题 19 What do some people say when they see a sea bird fly high out to the sea A It will be a nice day B The weather will be bad C The weather will be rainy 20 What will a chicken do when the rain is on the way A Make a li

9、ttle noise B Run everywhere C Stay at home 21 What will not a frog do when there is rain A Stay in the water B Come out of the water C Make a big noise 22 What does the passage want to tell us A All the animals can show the weather B Different animals like different weather C We can know the weather

10、 from some of the animals C 请听下面一段短文 根据短文内容完成下列句子 每个句子一空 每个空格不超过3 个单词 短文读两遍 每小题 1 分 23 Fun English School is one of the language schools in our city 24 We ll teach you how to read write speak and 25 We offer the best English lessons to of all levels and all ages 26 We have classes only on 27 For mor

11、e information please call or visit our website at www FES Com 1 8 CCABC BCC 9 10 CB 11 12 BC 13 15 BCC 16 18 CCB 19 22 ABBC 23 best 24 understand English 25 children 26 weekends 27 6723621 听力解析略 二 单项填空 8 分 请阅读下面各小题 从题中所给的A B C D 四个选项中选出可以填人空白处的最佳选项 并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑 每小题1 分 28 Mom why are you so excited Y

12、our father has made a that he will stop smoking A face B mistake C promise D wish 分 析 妈 妈 你 为 什 么 这 么 激 动 你 爸 爸 已 经 做 了 戒 烟 的 承 诺 解 答 face 脸 mistake错 误 promise承 诺 wish愿 望 根 据 句 意 你 爸 爸 已 经 做 了 戒 烟 的 承 诺 可 知 要 填 承 诺 故 选 C 点 评 名 词 词 意 辨 析 要 牢 记 单 词 的 词 意 及 用 法 进 行 比 较 分 析 选 择 正 确 答 案 29 Coby has a gre

13、at influence on teenagers They always him A look out of B look for C look forward to D look up to 分析 科比对青少年有很大的影响 他们总是尊敬他 解答 look out of 向外看 look for 寻找 look forward to 盼望 look up to 仰慕 钦佩 结合句意 科比对青少年有很大的影响 他们总是尊敬他 可知 要用 look up to 故选 D 点评 考查动词短语 要牢记动词短语的词意及用法 进行比较分析 选择正确答案 30 When are you going to

14、tell Helen the good news As soon as she back A will come B comes C is coming D has come 分析 你打算什么时候告诉海伦这个好消息 她一回来就告诉她 解答 根据句意可知是未发生的动作 As soon as 引导的句子用一般现在时表将来 故选 B 点评 熟悉as soon as的基本用法 结合题意 给出答案 31 Let s finish off the rest of the cake None for me thanks I more than enough A have had B will have C

15、had D am having 分 析 让 我 们 吃 完 剩 余 的 蛋 糕 吧 我 不 要 了 谢 谢 我 已 经 吃 的 够 多 了 解 答 答 案 A 根 据 None for me thanks 可 知 这 里 的 意 思 是 我 不 要 了 谢 谢 在 这 里 是 指 过 去 发 生 的 动 作 吃 蛋 糕 对 现 在 造 成 了 影 响 我 已 经 吃 的 够 多 了 我 不 想 再 吃 了 所 以 本 句 用 的 是 现 在 完 成 时 结 构 为 have has 动 词 过 去 分 词 故 选 A 点 评 本 题 考 查 了 现 在 完 成 时 的 用 法 解 答 时 注

16、意 现 在 完 成 时 的 结 构 为 have has 动 词 过 去 分 词 32 Swimming is cycling So I like cycling better I want to have fun and I want to be safe as well A as interesting as B less dangerous than C less interesting than D not as dangerous as 分 析 游 泳 不 如 骑 自 行 车 有 趣 所 以 我 更 喜 欢 骑 自 行 车 我 想 玩 得 开 心 也 想 安 全 解 答 根 据 后 句 所 以 我 更 喜 欢 骑 自 行 车 我 想 玩 得 开 心 也 想 安 全 可 以 推 测 出 游 泳 不 如 骑 自 行 车 有 趣 所 以 要 用 形 容 词 的 比 较 级 要 用 little的 比 较 级 less 修 饰 interesting 其 它 三 个 选 项 都 语 意 不 通 故 选 C 点 评 考 查 形 容 的 比 较 级 和 最 高 级 要 牢 记 形 容 词


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