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1、学海无涯 贵州省 黔东南 黔南 黔西南 2018年中考英语试题 考生注意 1 一律用黑色笔或2B铅笔将答案填写或涂在答题卡指定位置内 2 本试卷共8页 满分150分 答题时间120分钟 听力部分 含I II III大题 满分30分 I 听句子 从下面各小题所给的A B C三幅图片中选择与句子相符的图片 每 个句子听两遍 共5小题 每小题1分 满分5分 听对话 根据对话内容 从下面各小题所给的A B C三个选项中选择最佳 选项 每段对话听两遍 共10小题 每小题1 5分 满分15分 A 听下面5段对话 完成6至10小题 IsthisthefirsttimeforMikeandMarytomeet

2、eachother A Noitisn tB OfcourseC Yes itisWhatdoesMr Zhanglooklike A Heisashortmanwithabignose HeisatallmanwitharoundfaceHeisatallmanwithbigeyesWhatdidDaviddoonChildren sDay HeplayedsportswithhisfriendHewenttothezoowithhisparentsHevisitedafarmwithhisclassmatesHowdoesJimgotoschooleveryday ABybusB Bybi

3、keC OnfootWhereisJeff sschoolbag It sonthesofa It sintheclassroomIt sunderthetable B 听下面一段对话 完成11至12小题 11 WhatwouldJackliketodrink 学海无涯 A TeaB WaterC ApplejuiceWhatwouldMarialiketodrink A MaryB ApplejuiceC Tea C 听下面一段对话 完成13至15小题 C Jane WhoisTomcalling A MaryB MarieWhyisTomcalling A Becausehewantsto

4、invitehertohisbirthdayparty BBecausehewantstoaskheraboutthehomework C Becausehewantstovisitherfamilywithhisfriends WhenwillTomholdtheactivity A ThisSaturdayB ThisSundayC NextSaturdayIII 听短文 按照所听内容在表格里的横线处填入适当单词 每处限填一词 本段 短文听两遍 共5小题 每小题2分 满分10分 2 20giftstoeachothe A PlanB ToplanC PlanningD Planseases

5、topandgooutforawalk Rememberwarmclothes tostudy wearingB studying towearC tostudy towearD ng wearing 笔试部分 含IV到X大题 满分120分 IV 单项选择 共20小题 每小题1分 满分20分 A 从下面各小题A B C D四个选项中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 Thesoupwouldbetterwithmoresalt A eatB soundC tasteD feelMyparentsoftengotothemoviesSaturdayevenings A onB inC forD at

6、23 Jane Ifoundumbrella Isityours No it smike s Mineisthirdoneontheshelf A a anB an theC the aD a the24 Lifeislikeajourney ahead andyouwillseealotmorebeautiful sceneries 风景 doyourparentscometovisityouintheUS Tom Onceayear owoftenB HowlongC HowsoonD HowfarmyfriendsIlikeplayingcomputergamesbecausewethi

7、nkit 学海无涯 wastestime A Both andB notonly butalsoC Either orD Neither no28 Jackhaslearnedmoreaboutteamwork 团队合作 hejoinedthesoccer team A untilB sinceC whileD thoughtyoupractice youwillbeatmath A Themore thebetterB Themore thebestC Themost thebetterD Themost thebe30 Maryamathproblemwithherclassmateswh

8、enthemathteacherknocked D discusses D doesn the D everything attheclassroomdoor A hasdiscussedB wasdiscussedC wasdiscussingHehasfewfriendsinhisnewschool A hasn theB doesheC isheHewassoangrythathecouldsay A anythingB nothingC somethingParentsshouldalwaystelltheirkidswithstrangers A nottotalkB nottalk

9、ingC tonottalk D nottalk 34 Youwritethereportagainbecausespellingmistakesarenotallowedat all D could A mayB canC must35 WelcomeyoualltoChinaandenjoyhere A yourselfB yourselvesC themselvesD himself B 从下面各题A B C D四个选项中 选出与划线部分意思相同或相近的最佳 选项 Pleasedon tthrowlitterhereandthereduringtheschoolsportsmeetA s

10、omewhereB overthereCailplacesD aroundIfyoukeeppracticing IbelieveyouwilldowellinspeakingEnglish A beinterestedinB catchupwithC begoodatD feellikeItisveryrelaxingtolistentolightmusicbyoneself A togetherB lonelyC AloneD againItisraininghard Iamafraidthatwecan tgettotheairportontime A arriveatB getalon

11、gwithC takepartinD gotoPollutionhasharmedourlivesinmanydifferentwaysuntilnow A somuchB sofarC asusualD asbeforeV 完型填空 阅读下列短文 从短文后各小题的四个选项中 选出填入空白处的 最佳选项 共10小题 每小题2分 满分20分 Arichfathertookhissononatriptoavillage Hewantedtoshowhissonwhat arethedifferences 41theirlifeandthevillagers sothathissoncould ch

12、erish 珍爱 whathehad Theyspent 42afewdayswithafamilythere Ontheirwaybackhome thefather43abouthisson sideasaboutthetrip Soheasked 44wasthetrip Itwasgreat Dad 学海无涯 Whatdidyoulearnfromthetrip thefathercouldn t45toask Thesonanswered Wehaveonedogbutthefamilyhasfour Wehavea swimmingpool buttheyhaveabigriver

13、withmany 46swimminginit Wehave veryexpensivelights buttheyhave47starsatnight Webuyfoodinthe supermarket butthey48foodintheirgardenforthemselves Wehavewalls aroundthehousetoprotectus 49theyhavefriendstoprotectthem Dad thankyoufor 50mehowpoorweare Thefathercouldn tsayanything andhejuststoodtherequietl

14、y 41 A fromB atC between D into A quiteB manyC quietD moreA wonderedB dislikedC worriedD describedA WhenB WhereC HowD WhatA waitB seemC decideD tryA pigsB hensC birdsD tryA fewB alittleC alotD lotsofA orderB growC catchD offerA soB becauseC butD ifA showB showingC talkD talking 阅读理解 阅读下列短文 根据短文内容从每题

15、所给的四个选项中 选出最佳 选项 共 三篇 共15小题 每小题2分 满分30分 A StephenHawkingdiedattheageof76onMarch14 2018 Hawkingisknown asthemostfamousphysicist 物理学家 afterEinstein HawkingwasborninOxford England onJanuary8 1942 Duringhislife he marriedtwice andhadthreechildren Whenhewasakid Hawkingwenttoschool inSt Albans asmallcityn

16、earLondon Althoughhedidwell hewasnevertopof hisclass Afterleavinghighschool HawkingwentfirsttoOxfordUniversitytostudy physics andthenhewenttoCambridgeUniversitytostudytheuniverse 字宙 Attheageoftwenty Hawkingstartednoticingthatsomethingwaswrongwith him Later hewenttothehospitalanddoctorssaidthathewoulddiebeforehe was23 ButHawkingdidn tgiveup In1988 HawkingcompletedhisbookABrief HistoryofTime Inthebook hetalkedaboutmanythings liketheuniverse thebig bang 宇宙大爆炸 andtheblackhole 51 Atwhichuniversitydid



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