新概念二L1 教师教案

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1、Lesson 1 A private conversation阅读理解1. Why couldnt I hear the actors?Because the young man and woman were talking loudly.2. Do you think the young man understood me before answering “This is a private conversation”?No, I dont.单词详解1. private adj. 私人的词组:私立学校 private school 反义词:公立学校 public school 词组: in

2、 private 私下地 反义词组:in public 公众地e.g. He supported the plan in public, but in private he knew it was not good.文化:(当被问道年纪、收入等自己不愿意回答或者不便回答的问题时,可以选择使用private)【学生版不出现】-How old are you? -Sorry, this is a private question. / I forgot it.2. conversation n. 谈话词组:have a conversation with sb. 与某人谈话3. theatre n

3、. 剧场,戏院4. seat n. 座位词组:give ones seat to 让座给某人文化:Sit down, please.(命令性【学生版不出现】比如老师与学生的对话)Take your seat, please.(一般性,【学生版不出现】比如公司同事)Be seated, please.(更礼貌、正式,【学生版不出现】比如国家大会奏完国歌以后)5. play n. 戏6. loudly adv. 大声地(贬义词)e.g. A dog is barking loudly. adv. 洪亮地(褒义词)e.g. Speak louder because I cant hear you.7

4、. angry adj. 生气的结构:be angry with 对生气翻译:我对这个粗心的护士很生气。I was angry with the careless nurse.派生:angrily adv. 生气地 anger n. 怒气,怒火8. attention n. 注意翻译:大家请注意!下课了!Attention, please! Class is over now. 词组:pay attention to 注意翻译:Please pay attention to this point, because I will test you on this. 注意这点词组:不理睬 pay

5、no attention to 极大关注 pay great attention to 9. bear v. 容忍同义词/词组:stand / put up with10. business n. 事翻译:Its none of your business. 不关你的事。Business is Business. 公事公办。Mind your own business! 不要狗拿耗子, 多管闲事!11. rudely adv. 无礼地,粗鲁地派生:rude adj. 粗鲁的词组:be rude to sb. 对某人粗鲁课文解析1. Last week I went to the theatre

6、. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it.l 时态:一般过去时(详见“语法重点”)l 词组:last week上周; last year去年 都是一般过去时的时间状语l 词组:go to the theatre 去看戏l 辨析:interesting V.S interested interesting表示特征,多修饰物;interested表示情绪,多修饰人 填空:I am really interested in your interesting speech.2. A young

7、 man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly.l 时态:过去进行时was / were doing 翻译:昨天下午五点他们正在开心地看电影。 They were watching a movie happily at five yesterday afternoon.3. I got very angry. I couldnt hear the actors.l 词汇:get = become 变得, 强调变化l 对比:I got angry. 我变得很生气。 V.S. I was angry.

8、我一直很生气。模仿:她变瘦了。She gets slim. 她很瘦。She is slim.l 篇章:hear the actors指的是 听到演员的说话声4. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. l 词组:turn round/around 转身 l 语法:angrily副词修饰 动词look(详见“语法重点”)5. They did not pay any attention. l 词组:not any = nol 结构:do not pay any attention = pay no attention

9、e.g. They didnt say any words. = They said no words.6. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. I cant hear a word! I said angrily.l 词组:in the end = at last = finally 在最后7. Its none of your business, the young man said rudely. This is a private conversation!l 口语:(Its) none of your busi

10、ness. = (Its) none of pigeon. 不关你的事。【趣味知识1】西方很多著名高校都是私立的,如:Stanford University 【趣味知识2】你知道“爱心专座”怎么说吗?courtesy seat【思考1】还有哪些词可以表示“戏”?drama, opera, musical 【思考2】哪款经典小游戏用到了“angry”这个词? Angry Birds【思考3】你知道bear的过去式和过去分词吗?bear - bore - born / borne【思考4】-ing结尾的形容词可以用来修饰人吗?可以,如an interesting man 一个有趣的人【思考5】猜猜

11、turn to sb.是什么意思? 求助于某人【赏析】最后一句表明了什么?年轻人误会了作者,以为他在偷听他们的谈话。语法重点l 英语基本句型你知道英语有几种成分吗? 主谓宾定状补表(教学说明:写在黑板上,请学生确定以下2句的成分。)【学生版不出现】I ate a green apple quickly.I am Mary.英语常见句型:句型1 主语+谓语(不及物动词vi.)例句:The sun rises.句型2 主语+谓语(及物动词vt.)+宾语例句:He plays football every day. 句型3 主语+谓语(系动词be / get / become等)+表语例句:Leav

12、es turn yellow in autumn. 句型4 主语+谓语+宾语+补语例句:I found the garden interesting.(教学说明:可让学生看看课文中的句子是几号句型?)【学生版不出现】Exercise: 正确排序并说出句子成分。(教学说明:可采用游戏的方式【学生版不出现】)1. ears / walls / have Walls have ears. 主语+谓语(及物动词vt.)+宾语2. quickly / the / car / beautiful / stopped The beautiful car stopped quickly. 主语+谓语(不及物动

13、词vi.)+状语3. her brother / behind / she / sits / usually / in class She usually sits behind her brother in class. 主语+谓语+状语l 形容词副词的运用你知道英语中有多少词性吗?形容词修饰名词,作定语;副词修饰动词,作状语。e.g. a rude(粗鲁的)man He said very rudely(粗鲁地).l 一般过去时情况及变化例词be动词was were一般情况在动词原形后加edwork: worked; answer: answered以不发音的e结尾的词,加dmove: m

14、oved; dye: dyed; hope: hoped; argue: argued以辅音字母+y结尾的词,变y为I, 再加edtry: tried; carry: carried; cry: cried; study: studied; 以重读闭音节或r音节结尾,且末尾只有一个辅音字母的词,双写该辅音字母再加edplan: planned; stop: stopped; regret: regretted; refer: referred; permit: permitted不规则动词(详见附录)take: took(教学说明:以上动词不用都讲,适当举例即可)【学生版不出现】表示过去某个时间的动作和行为,常见时间状语有:ago, yesterday, last, in 1972翻译:三分钟前他在这里。 He was here three minutes ago.否定句:He was not here three minutes ago. 疑问句:Was he here three minutes ago?翻译:1974年他在这个工厂工作过。 He worked in this factory in 1974.否定句:He didnt work in this fac


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