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3、尔公司作为新形势下的乡镇企业,其员工培训工作需应结合战略发展、业务发展和员工职业发展三个方面进行科学思考和安排。并明确提出了以下观点:一是要将员工理论培训和生产实践相结合;二是加强内外部师资队伍的培训;三是要调动员工参加培训的积极性;四是要采取激励政策,给优秀的员工一定的奖励和待遇;五要以师带徒,加强实践的培养;六是建立层次化的课程体系;最后一点是借助互联网开展多种方式培训。总之,通过这些理论问题的研究及对策分析,希望能对我国新形势下的乡镇企业员工培训有一定的借鉴作用。关键词: 乡镇企业 员工培训 厦普赛尔 人力资源开发AbstractTraining is every enterprise

4、development can not be ignored on a boulder. Training is the needs of the enterprises healthy development, is to improve the efficiency of enterprise management means, enterprise personality charm key embodiment, enterprise staff training aims to create a good corporate culture. Improve the core com

5、petitiveness of enterprises. Therefore, under the new background, Chinese enterprises have more and more attention to corporate staff training work. And gradually the staff training as a corporate human resources an important part of the development, and will be promoted to strategic war height. Tow

6、nship enterprises as the core of the rural economic development, the staff training should be especially important. This choice of mansion of beverage company staff training as the object of study, focusing on the Sharp Sell staff training problem.The full text divides into five chapters, the first

7、chapter of the selected topic background, research purposes, significance and the research content and the research methods are described; the second chapter provides an overview of enterprise training theory; the third chapter of the Saier company as an example to sharp morning Township Enterprises

8、 in staff training present situation and the existing problems were analyzed; the fourth chapter with the above the research on staff training of the systematic solution. The fifth chapter of this paper is summarized and prospect. Through the research, this paper argues that the sharp Saier company

9、as the town and township enterprises in new situation, the staff training work should combine strategic development, business development and employee occupation development three aspects carries on the scientific thinking and arrangement. And clearly put forward the following opinions: one is to st

10、aff training and production practice; the two is to strengthen the internal and external teachers training; three is to mobilize the staff to participate in training the enthusiasm; the four is to adopt the incentive policies, to the excellent staff of certain incentives and benefits; the Fifth Divi

11、sion lead to, strengthening practical training; six is to establish the level of curriculum system; the last point is the use of the Internet to conduct various forms of training. Through these theoretical questions on that analysis, the hope of our country under the new situation of township enterp

12、rises in staff training has draw lessons from action.Key words: Town and township enterprises Employee training Sharpe Saier Human resource development目录第一章 前言1.1 研究背景1.2 研究目的与意义1.2.1研究目的1.2.2研究意义1.3 国内外研究综述1.3.1.国外企业员工培训研究1.3.2国内企业员工培训研究1.3.3.国外企业员工培训成功经验1.4 研究内容与方法1.4.1研究内容1.4.2研究方法1.5 研究创新点第二章 企业

13、员工培训理论基础2.1 人力资源管理的定义及特点2.2 员工培训在人力资源管理中重要性2.3 员工培训的种类2.4 员工培训系体系2.4.1 培训需求分析2.4.2培训目标设置2.4.3培训计划制订2.4.4培训实施及控制2.4.5培训效果评估第三章 乡镇企业员工培训现状3.1乡镇企业简介3.2乡镇企业员工培训现状3.3乡镇企业员工培训缺失的原因简析3.4新形势下乡镇企业员工培训的重要性第四章 夏普赛尔饮料公司员工培训现状4.1夏普赛尔饮料公司简介 4.2 目前员工培训现状 4.3新形势下夏普赛尔公司员工培训问题具体剖析 4.3.1对员工的培训形式缺乏新意4.3.2注重书面材料的学习,忽视对实

14、践的培养4.3.3乡镇企业的特点造成师资力量缺乏,缺乏全方位培训4.3.4激励制度的不完善4.3.5认识误区-培训影响生产第五章 厦普赛尔公司员工培训对策研究5.1夏普赛尔公司员工培训中应当注意的问题5.2改善公司员工培训工作的对策5.2.1将员工理论培训和生产实践相结合5.2.2加强内外部师资队伍的培训5.2.3调动员工参加培训的积极性5.2.4采取激励政策,给优秀的员工一定的奖励和待遇5.2.5以师带徒,加强实践的培养5.2.6 建立层次化的课程体系5.2.7 借助互联网开展多种方式培训第六章 研究结论参考文献致谢第一章 前言1.1 研究背景 格式调整、缺少数据表格、参考文献 2012年1

15、月到5月,全国夏普赛尔在党中央、国务院和地方各级党委政府积极经济政策引导和调控下,努力克服土地供应紧张、劳动力成本上涨、销售增长放缓等不利因素,继续加快转变经济发展方式的步伐,乡镇工业保持了较稳定的发展势头,乡镇第三产业继续快速增长。但是随着夏普赛尔发展步伐的加快,在不断发展过程中夏普赛尔所突出的问题也进一步的体现出来。特别是金融危机的到来,使得这些问题更加突出。厦普赛尔饮料公司作为一个中小型夏普赛尔,管理层管理水平落后,员工层技术水平无法达标,这一系列问题的结论最终指向一个方向夏普赛尔员工培训。夏普赛尔公司要摆脱技术人员缺乏,经营管理者的管理素质不高、管理水平落后,员工文化知识水平普遍较低的不利局面,使自己在竞争中立于不败之地,必须制定出适合其企业自身发展的人才战略并加以组织实施、充分利用现有的各类资源,加强对企业员工的教育和培训,造就充足的夏普赛尔急需的技术人才、管理人才和文化知识水平全面提高的企业员工队伍。1.2 研究目的与意义1.2.1研究目的 夏普赛尔对龙农村经济发展起着重要的作用,夏普赛尔未来将如何发展,发展过程中将会遇到那些瓶颈问题这直接影响着农村经济的未来。而由于夏普赛尔独特的员工组成与员工特色,加强企业员工培训工作建设,提高夏普赛尔经营管理水平成为研究工作的重点。 无论是提高技术进步对夏普赛尔持续发展的贡献值,还是提高夏普赛尔员工生产的劳动率,以增加劳动成本投入


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