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1、第 1 页 共 7 页 2020 年广东省中考英语话题语篇专项练习 话题二家庭 朋友与周围的人 8年6考 课本链接话题 七年级 上 Unit 1 My name s Gina Making new friends 结交新朋友 七年级 上 Unit 2 This is my sister The family 家庭 七年级 上 Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball Spending time with friends 与朋友共度时光 八年级 上 Unit 3 I m more outgoing than my sister Personal traits 人物性格 家

2、人与朋友 名词 1 家 家庭 2 外 祖父 母 3 外 祖父 爷爷 外公 姥爷 4 外 祖母 奶奶 外婆 姥姥 5 外 孙女 6 外 孙子 7 父亲 爸爸 8 母亲 妈妈 9 妻子 太太 10 丈夫 11 儿子 12 pl children 14 岁以下的 小孩 儿童 子 女 13 女儿 14 兄 弟 15 姐 妹 16 亲戚 亲属 17 叔叔 伯伯 舅 舅 姑父 姨父 18 婶母 伯母 舅 母 姑母 姨母 19 堂兄 弟 姐 妹 表兄 弟 姐 妹 20 朋友 21 友情 友谊 友 好 22 客人 宾客 23 关系 联系 24 成员 分子 周围的人 名词 1 人 人们 2 人 3 pl men

3、 男人 人 4 pl women 妇女 5 mister 用 于 男 子 的 姓 氏 或姓名前 先生 6 7 用于女子 的姓氏或姓名前不指 明婚否 女士 8 先生 绅士 9 女士 女子 10 演员 11 女演员 12 导演 13 医生 14 护士 18 工程师 19 领袖 领导 20 经理 21 陌生人 22 教师 23 工人 24 警察 25 pl men 男警察 26 邮递员 30 厨师 31 朋友 32 客人 33 警 卫 看守 34 飞行 员 35 总统 36 科学 家 单词风暴来袭 第 2 页 共 7 页 mistress 用于女 子 的 姓 氏 或 姓 名 前 太太 夫人 15 邻

4、居 16 农民 17 司机 27 渔民 28 音乐家 29 老板 37 秘书 38 顾客 39 游 客 观光者 访问者 40 乘 客 旅客 动词 41 居住 生活 42 实现目标 成功 43 讲述 告诉 44 帮助 援助 形容词 45 忙碌的 无暇的 46 坏的 糟的 47 好的 48 完美的 完全的 49 幼小的 年轻的 50 富有的 51 奇特的 奇怪的 52 获得成功的 有 成就的 短语 53 遇到 遇见 54 与某人交朋友 55 与 保持联系 56 对某人友好 57 在某人的帮助下 一 完形填空 2019 广东省卷 Cindy and Anna were best friends So

5、me days they could spend hours happily together without any argument 争吵 but other days they just could not 1 on what to do One day they decided to play in the garden near their school Come on Let s play chess Anna said I don t want to play chess Cindy replied We always do what you want to do Cindy I

6、t s my turn to make a 2 Anna said She was getting a little unhappy and went away 3 Cindy alone Cindy was very angry After she got home she 4 she still had Anna s notebook in her schoolbag Well I m not giving it back to her today I m too mad at her Cindy thought The next day at school their teacher M

7、rs Stone 5 their notebooks But Anna didn t have hers and she looked 6 Cindy knew she should tell Mrs Stone that she had the notebook 7 she was still mad at Anna When it was time for lunch Cindy finally told Mrs Stone the 8 Thank you for being 9 Cindy I m sure Anna will be thankful that you have give

8、n me her notebook said Mrs Stone Later Mrs Stone asked the two girls together and talked with them Mrs Stone helped them 10 that it was a good idea to take turns to decide the activity They became best friends again 1 A agree B live C depend D try 2 A promise B project C decision D dialogue 3 A taki

9、ng B having C giving D leaving 2020备考精练 第 3 页 共 7 页 4 A found B offered C finished D avoided 5 A gave away B asked for C handed in D paid for 6 A worried B common C proud D relaxed 7 A but B so C while D and 8 A chance B method C truth D rule 9 A patient B honest C active D quiet 10 A describe B exp

10、lain C guess D realize 二 阅读理解 A 2020 原创 International Day of Families The International Day of Families is celebrated on May 15th every year Its purpose is to raise people s attention to promote 促进 the harmony 和谐 happiness and progress of the family To celebrate the 26th International Family Day thi

11、s year Family Center will hold some family activities Activities for the families Family Sports Reading a letter for your families A cooking competition among families Time 9 00 a m 17 00 p m on May 15th Place On the South International Square Prize 1st Prize a five day foreign tour 2nd Prize a seve

12、n day domestic 国内的 tour 3rd Prize a four day domestic tour Rules Each family can choose two or three kinds of activities When you sign up you should make a decision All the letters must be written by families themselves They will not be returned so please keep a copy Don t be late or you ll not be a

13、llowed to take part in these activities Families who want to take part in the activities must hand in their application forms 报名表 before May 5th or you can call 2877 2197 to sign up before May 10th And we will provide breakfast and lunch For further information visit https FamilyC 1 The Internationa

14、l Day of Families is on A May 5thB May 25thC May 15thD May 10th 2 The purpose of the International Family Day is A to make people pay more attention to the society B to make people pay more attention to families C to encourage people to take part in the activities D to encourage people to get the pr

15、ize of the activities 3 The activities you can take part in include the following EXCEPT 第 4 页 共 7 页 A family sportsB a family speechC a cooking competitionD reading a letter 4 If your family wins the second prize you can A have a five day foreign tourB have a seven day foreign tour C have a seven d

16、ay domestic tourD have a four day domestic tour 5 Which of the following is true according to the passage A Families can only take part in one activity this day B Families can celebrate the day in the Family Center C Families can get their letters back after this day D Families must hand in their application forms before May 5th B 2020 原创 Maybe you often have arguments with your parents about clothes homework friends and many other things But what s going on when your parents fight with each oth



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