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1、Whatareschoolsgoingtobelikeinthefuture Wherearewegoingtostudy Atschool athome or 想一想 Module4Lifeinthefuture Unit1Everyonewillstudyathome chalk t k 粉笔 paper peip 纸 apieceofpaper一张纸twopiecesofpaper两张纸 ruler ru l 直尺 satelliteTV s t lait 卫星电视 somechalk一些粉笔 Talkaboutthefutureclassrooms 1 Willtheyusechalk

2、 2 Willtheyusethecomputers 3 WilltheyusetheInternet Yes theywill No theywon t Today Whenwehaveclasses westilluse blackboard chalk erasers paper pens pencils rulers andsoon Inthefuture Whenwehaveclasses willwestillusethem StudentswillusecomputersandgetinformationontheInternet Teacherwon tusechalkinth

3、efuture 1 Lookatthepictureanddescribeit Usethewordsintheboxtohelpyou blackboardchalkcomputeremaileraserInternetpaperpenpencilrulertelephone Therewill is aregoingto be Therewon t isn t aren tgoingto be computer IamgoingtostudyEnglishbycomputer IwillstudyEnglishbycomputer chalk Teachersaren tgoingtous

4、echalktoteach Teacherswillnot won t usechalktoteach ruler Iseveryonegoingtousearulertostudymaths Yes theyare No theyaren t Willeveryoneusearulertostudymaths Yes theywill No theywon t Thereisgoingtobeacomputerforeveryone Therewillbeacomputerforeveryone Therewon tbeschoolsinthefuture Therearen tgoingt

5、obeschoolsinthefuture Aretheregoingtobeschoolsinthefuture No therearen t Willtherebeschoolsinthefuture No therewon t 1 Willourlifebedifferentinthefuture Yes itwill No itwon t 2 Willourschoolschange Yes theywill No theywon t 3 Willeverythingbedifferent Yes itwill No itwon t 4 Willstudentsneedcomputer

6、satschool Yes theywill No theywon t 5 Willtheycarrylotsofbookstoschool Yes theywill No theywon t 2 ListenandchooseLingling sanswerstothequestions carrychangeeverythingfuturelifeneedwill Willtherebeschoolsinthefuture Yes therewillB No therewon tC No therearen t2 Damingthinkthatstudentswilltalktotheir

7、teacheron theirTVsetsB theircellphonesC theircomputers3 Willtheteacherswriteonablackboardwithchalk Yes theywillB No theywon tC No therearen t B C B Listenandchoosethebestanswer Daming Betty Tony 3 Readthedialogueandcheck thestudents ideasaboutthefuture 4 Completethepassagewiththecorrectformoftheword

8、sandexpressionfromthebox ableanymorefreelevelmaybeneedquestiontelephone Betty We llalways 1 teachersbecausecomputerwillneverbe 2 tocheckthestudents 3 andanswertheir 4 by 5 orInternet Willstudentsneedtogotoschool 6 Yes 7 theywill becauseschoolisgoodfun buteveryonewillhavelotsof 8 time need able level

9、 questions telephone any more maybe free There adolphinshowinthezootomorrowevening A wasB isgoingtohaveC willhaveD isgoingtobe2 you freetomorrow No I freethedayaftertomorrow Are goingto willB Are goingtobe willC Are goingto willbeD Are goingtobe willbe 一 选择 D D Mother meanicepresentonmynextbirthday

10、A willgivesB willgiveC givesD give4 ShallIbuyacupofteaforyou 不 不要 A No youwon tB No youaren t C No pleasedon tD No please B A 二 按要求改写下列句子 Iwilluseacomputertosendmyhomework 改为一般疑问句 2 Hewillcheckhisemailsthisafternoon 改为否定句 Willyouuseacomputertosendyourhomework Hewon tcheckhisemailsthisafternoon 3 The

11、ywillhaveapartytomorrowevening 对划线部分提问 4 LiMingandhisfriendswillhaveapianolesson 改为一般疑问句 Whatwilltheydotomorrowevening WillLiMingandhisfriendshaveapianolesson 一般将来时表达 2 will 动原 一 一般将来时will的基本结构 will shall 第一人称 动词原形 be am is are goingto 动词原形 二 一般将来时will的各种句型 1 肯定句 主语 shall will 动词原形 其他2 否定句 主语 shall will not 动词原形 其他 3 一般疑问句 Shall Will 主语 动词原形 其他肯定回答 Yes 主语 shall will 否定回答 No 主语 shall will not will 动词原形 当主语第一人称时 一般用shall shall用于第一人称 常被will所代替


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