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1、 along 沿着goalong沿着走turn 1 转弯turnleft turnright向左转 右转 2 轮流It sone sturntodosth 轮到某人做某事crossing 十字路口atthefirstcrossing在第一个十字路口meter 米kilometer 千米across 横过goacross走过acrossfrom在对面bridge 桥until 直到 为止not until 直到 才should 应该 情态动词 后接动词原形Youshouldgoacrossthebridge Heshouldturnleft 生词学习 change 1 更换changeto变换c

2、hangeseats交换座位sb sth changefromAto into B某人 物 由A变成B2 零钱Hereisyourchange 这是你的零钱stop 车站atLiyuanStop在梨园站sidewalk 人行道crosswalk 人行横道public 公共的publictelephone公用电话inpublic当众thepublic公众 集体名词 谓语用复数 Thepublicaren tsatisfied light 灯trafficlights交通灯danger 危险indanger陷入危险safe 安全的keepsafe保证安全hurt 受伤的gethurt受伤 生词学习

3、 lose 丢失loseone life失去生命accident 事故intrafficaccidents在交通事故中obey 遵守obeythetrafficrules遵守交通规则rule 规则thegamerules游戏规则cross 穿过crossthestreet穿过大街sign 指示牌thegreen walk sign绿色指示灯before 在 以前both 两个都lookbothways看两边方向third 第三thethirdtime第三次 生词学习 last 最后atlast在最后careful 小心的becareful当心ticket 罚款单aticketforsth 因

4、而罚款speed 超速行驶aticketforspeeding超速罚款wrong 错误的parkinthewrongplace停错位置place 地点fast 快的 迅速drivefast开车快down 沿着 向下go walkdown沿着走 生词学习 课文回顾 1 A Excuseme isthereabanknearhere B Yes GoupXinhuastreet 到尽头 andyouwillfindit 在你的左边 A Excuseme 怎么 canIgettothelibrary B 顺着 XinhuaStreetand 向右拐 atthefirstcrossing It sab

5、outtwentymetersalongontheleft 在前面大约20米左侧处 turnright Goalong How onyourleft totheend goup 沿着走up介词 沿着 朝上游方向 Gouptheroad please Walkupthestreet Heisboatinguptheriver Keypoints Turnrightatthefirstcrossing Takethefirstcrossingontheright It sabouttwentymetersalongontheleft It指代距离Howfarisit It stenkilomete

6、rsawayfromhere Keypoints 3 A Excuseme 哪一个 isthebestwaytothehospital B 顺着 XinhuaStreetand 向左拐 atthesecondcrossing 走过 thebridge It s 在你的右侧 课文回顾 which Goalong Turnleft Goacross onyourright 走到这条街的尽头 Goupthisstreettotheend 在第一个十字路口处向右拐 Turnrightatthefirstcrossing 3 向左拐并穿过桥 Turnleftandgoacrossthebridge 课文

7、回顾 1 书店在学校对面 Thebookstoreis theschool 2 餐馆在中山路上 Therestaurantis ZhongshangRoad 3 在银行和餐馆之间有一个公园 Thereisapark thebank thereataurant 4 图书馆在新华路和中山路交汇的拐角处 Thelibraryis XinhuaStreetandZhongshanRoad 课文回顾 Keypoints onthecornerof 在拐角处 指某建筑坐落于两条街道形成的一条拐角inthecornerof 在角落里 在拐角里atthecornerof 在拐角外面1 Mybookis the

8、table 2 Theboyissitting theroom 3 IwillmeetMr Wang thestreet A Excuseme couldyoutellmethe 路 toDinghaoBuilding B Goalongthisroad 直到 yougettoBeisihuanRoad Turnleftand 继续走 You llseeit 在你的左边 Youcan t 错过 it 课文回顾 way until walkon onyourleft miss Keypoints 1 until 肯定句 和延续性动词搭配 直到 为止 Iwaiteduntiltherainstop

9、ped 2 not until 否定句 和短暂性动词搭配 直到 才 Ididn tleaveuntiltherainstopped 1 我呆在家里一直到今天下午 2 直到完成工作他才回家 A Excuseme 在哪里 isBeitaiRoad B It sabout 15千米远 fromhere First youneedto 乘坐 BusNo 718 Thenyoushould 换乘 totheNo 108busatLiyuanStop Itwill 带你去那儿 A Thankyouverymuch 课文回顾 where 15kilometersaway take change takeyo

10、uthere Keypoints It sabout15kilometersawayfromhere 1 goaway 走开Hemustgoaway 2 beawayfrom 远离 离开Myhouseisfarawayfrommyoffice 3 putaway 放回原处 收起Putawayyouroldbooks Keypoints 1 needsth 需要某事物Sheneedssomewater Sb needtodosth 需要做某事Weneedtocleanthehouse 2 should dosth 应该做某事Youshouldstudyhard 3 changeto换乘 总结问路

11、 1 Excuseme istherea nearhere Excuseme arethereany nearhere 2 Excuseme howcanIgetto Howtogetto 3 Excuseme whichisthewayto 4 Excuseme couldyoutellmethewayto 5 Excuseme couldyoutellmehowIcangetto 6 Excuseme doyouknowthewayto 7 Excuseme whereis KeepSafeontheStreetsEveryyearmanypeople 受伤 or 失去生命 in 交通事故

12、 Howcanwe 保持安全 whenwearewalkingneartheroads First wemust 遵守交通规则 Wemust 过马路 onlywhenweseethegreen walk sign 课文回顾 gethurt losetheirlives trafficaccidents keepsafe obeythetrafficrules crosstheroad Second 在 之前 wecrossthestreet wemust 停止 and 向两边看 lookleft lookrightandlookleftagain Third wemustnever 在街上玩耍

13、 Last it sgoodtohelpchildrenandoldpeoplecrosstheroad Allofusshouldbevery 小心的 whenwearewalkingneartraffic careful playonthestreet lookbothways stop before Noparking Don tplayonthestreet Becareful keepquietbelatefortrafficaccidentgethurt 1 祈使句 2 固定短语 保持安静 迟到 交通事故 受伤 loseone slifeobeythetrafficrulescro

14、sstheroadIt sgoodto loseone slifeobeythetrafficrulescrosstheroadIt sgoodto waitfor 遵守交通规则 过马路 失去生命 是好的 2 固定短语 等待 sidewalk crosswalk publicphone trafficlights Anythingelse Thingsonthestreet 1 Turnleft 4 Turnright 5 Gostraight 2 Norightturn 3 Noleftturn 6 Noparking 9 Parking 7 NoU turn 8 Crosswalk 10

15、Danger Signsontheroad Moresigns Slowdown Don tdriveafterdrinking 1 Couldyoutellme thebusstation A waytoB thewaysC thewaytoD thewaysto2 She taketheNo 1bustothelibrary A needtoB needsC needstoD need3 Gostraightandturn You llfindthehotel A torightB rightC therightD ontheright4 istherealibrarynearhere I

16、don tknow A Excuseme I msorryB I msorry ExcusemeC Excuseme ExcusemeD Sorry sorry5 Theparkis200kilometers here A farB away fromC farawayD away 单项选择 6 Whenwesee wecan tparkourcarshere 7 Excuseme howcanIgettothepostoffice Sorry Idon tknow Thankyou A verymuchB thesameC alotD allthesame 单项选择 D A 根据句意及首字母提示 在空白处填入适当的单词 51 Jim sbedroomisonthefirstf 52 Atschoolwemustobeytheschoolr 53 Therearetwelvem inayear 54 Whenthetrafficl arered youmuststop 55 Goalongthisroadu yougettotheendoftheroad 51 floor52 rule


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