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1、 2015 年嘉定区初三英语一模 试卷含答案 满分 150 分 考试时间 100 分钟 Part 2 Phonetics Vocabulary and Grammar II Choose the best answer 20 26 They will build a new bridge across the river soon Which of the following is correct for the underlined part A bju ld B bi ld C bild D beld 27 Which of the following underlined part is

2、 different in pronunciation from others A David made a gesture spreading out his hands and said Welcome to my home B People s standard of living has greatly improved these years C Mr Li had milk and bread for breakfast at home D The boy drove his expensive car to show off his wealth 28 The boy asked

3、 his mother whether France is European country A an B C a D the 29 The 2014 Summer Youth Olympic Games were held August in Nanjing A in B on C by D at 30 The Century Park is far from here indeed it s about walk A two hours B a two hour s C a two hours D a two hour 31 A Which of the two T shirts woul

4、d you like Johnson B I don t like their styles A Either B Both C None D Neither 32 A The two young firefighters fell from the twelfth floor and died B It be a big loss to their families A may B must C need D should 33 Tom could you please tell me you father has gone to Sydney A when B how often C ho

5、w long D if 34 The way of improving our spoken English is it as often as we can A speak B spoken C to speak D to speaking 35 important news is to everybody in modern society A What B How an C How D What an 36 This morning I got up early be late for the English Exam A in order to B in order to not C

6、so as to D so as not to 37 You will be out of date you keep on studying from time to time A until B although C or D unless 38 Sending emails is much than sending ordinary letters A fast and convenient B faster and more convenient C fast and more convenient D faster and convenient 39 If people keep t

7、he river not fish will survive in the future A polluting B pollute C polluted D to pollute 40 The Harry Potter books pretty popular since they were published A became B will become C have become D are becoming 41 A My aunt said she called you yesterday morning but there was no answer B Oh we were at

8、 home Maybe my husband and I my car in the garden A have washed B had washed C were washing D washed 42 A Disneyland Park in Shanghai Pudong New Area in the near future A has built B will be built C will build D is built 43 A Could you tell me B Sure Walk straight along this street and you will find

9、 it A how can I get to the post office B where is the post office C which is the way to the post office D how far is the post office 44 A Mum I won the first prize in the school drawing competition B I m proud of you A Have a good time B Good luck C Best wishes D Congratulations 45 A How about holdi

10、ng a meeting to discuss how to spend pocket money B A Yes we d love to B Good idea C Never mind D You re welcome III Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box Each word can only be used once 6 A A so far B special C add D danger E recognize What should you do if you see a g

11、roup of people fighting What if a robber 强盗 breaks into your home The correct thing to do is to dial 110 China s emergency telephone number In China the number 110 originates from a 46 day Jan 10 Can you see why this day was chosen The data of Jan 10 1 10 spells out the number itself Established in

12、1986 110 s emergency service is mostly for the police 110 has helped people a lot 47 During 2011 110 emergency centers answered over 135 million phone calls According to the Ministry of Public Security With the help of 110 police have solved 1 22 million criminal cases 刑事案件 When faced with 48 most p

13、eople know that they should call 110 But few of them may know how to make a 110 call 110 is a free call that people can make either by fixed telephone or mobile phone There is no need to 49 a city code before 110 when calling with mobile phone B A deal with B quicker C as soon as D clearly E until T

14、he most important thing when calling 110 is to keep calm You need to say your name location your phone number and describe the situation as 50 as possible If you are too nervous to say anything just follow the telephone operator s instructions If the phone is busy don t hang up You should hold on 51

15、 the operator answers it As well as China almost every country has its own emergency number In the US 911 links callers to emergency services including police fire and ambulance 救护车 The system is able to provide the physical location of mobile phones which makes it 52 to get to the scene In the UK p

16、eople call 911 when they are in an emergency Next are some figures about the figure 110 110 is a 24 hour emergency number On average every telephone operator answers 800 to1 000 emergency calls every day Operators should 53 an emergency call in 57 seconds Police set off no more than one minute after receiving information from telephone operators In cities police are required to get to the scene in five minutes In suburb it is ten minutes In China 95 percent of cities and towns have 110 emergency


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