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1、把规范修炼成一种习惯 将认真内化为一种性格Book Two Module 2 No DrugsSection 1 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary (3课时)一、学习目标1、通过自主阅读课文,能够认识课文中的新单词与词汇。2、通过自主翻译课文,能够掌握课文中重要句型的结构。3、通过自主阅读课文,能够透彻理解课文内容。二、使用要求1、书写要认真规范; 2、教师讲解时,务必用红色笔修正答案。三、学习内容:Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary 四、学习过程Pre-reading亲爱的同学们,在本部分中,你要掌握这些单词和

2、短语,请自主阅读“Facts About Smoking”和“Reading”,然后把它们找出来。(一)Words:英汉互译1、毒品、药品_ 2、fact_ 3、香烟_ 4、prematurely_5、death_ 6、支气管炎_ 7、癌症_ 8、烟草_9、die _ 10、injured_ 11、anti-smoking_ 12、上瘾的_13、大麻_ 14、可卡因_ 15、危险_ 16、瘾君子_17、increase_ 18、注射_ 19、针管_ 20、有功效的_21、减少_ 22、offer_ 23、share_ 24、terrible_25、附近的_(二)Phrases:翻译成汉语1、t

3、ake drugs_ 2、on the dangers of smoking_3、as a result of_4、die from_ 5、related to_ 6、heart disease_7、become addictive to_8、in danger_9、blood pressure_10、drug dealer_ 11、heart rate_ 12、break into_13、share sth with sb _14、in order to_15、belong to_16、anti-social behaviour _ 17、take ones advice_Step 1. R

4、ead “Introduction”on page 11 by yourself and then finish off Exx.1 and 2 .Step 2.Fast Reading (一)Read Article 1 on page 12 and Article 2 on page 13 quickly and Choose the topic of each article from the test .1.A drug Addict and His Story _2.Dangerous Activities of Teenagers _3.The Dangers of Using C

5、ocaine _(二)Read Article 1 on page 12 and Article 2 on page 13 quickly again and decide which article they belong to .Part 1Part 2 Article 1Part 3Part 4Part 5 Article 2Part 6Step 3. Careful Reading (一)Read the passage again and decide these sentences are true or false.1、Cocaine can be smoked and also

6、 injected . ( )2、People who inject cocaine are in more danger if they share needle ( )3、Cocaine makes your heart go more slowly . ( )4、Smoking crack cocaine can change peoples behavior.( )(二)Read the passage again and answer the questions . 1.How old was Adam Rouse when he started using the drugs?2.

7、Which drug did he use first?3.Who did he buy it from ?4.What was the second drug that the man sold him?5.How did Adam pay for the drugs?6.What did the police do?7.What did the doctor tell Adam?8.Where does Adam work now?Step4. Summary Fill in the blanks according to the text .ArticlesPara.Main Ideas

8、Article 1A Drug Addict andHis Story2Adam became 1._ to drugs ,and withoutmoney for them , he was in terrible 2._.3One day , he 3._ into a house and stole things to pay for 4._.5He had to 5._ something every dayand was taken to the police station .6Luckily , a doctor helped him to stop 6._drugs .Arti

9、cle 2The Dangers ofUsing Cocaine1Crack cocaine a 7._ addictive drug .4Using cocaine can 8._ many diseases,such as heart rate ,blood pressure and alsocause anti-social behaviour .Step5. Language Points 亲爱的同学们,在本部分中,你要掌握这些词汇和句型,请你在课文中找出后把对应的知识点写在其旁边,最后完成相应的检测题。1. danger n. 危险 (P12) dangerous adj. 危险的

10、dangerously adv. 危险地 endanger vt. 危及;危害;使遭到危险in danger 处于危险中be in danger of 有的危险out of danger 脱险run the danger of 冒的危险【反馈测试】She fell into a river and was _. 她跌入河中,处于危险之中。The boy has been _. 这男孩已经脱险。The operation is _ success and the patient is now out of _ danger.A. a; the B. a; / C. /; the D. /; /

11、The Northeast Tiger, which is _ to people, is now _. We should protect them.A. dangerous; dangerous B. dangerous; in dangerC. in danger; in danger D. in danger; dangerous- Does Tom feel better? - No, he is seriously ill and still _.A: dangerous B: in danger C: in the danger D: out of danger2reduce v

12、t.减少,缩小;降低;使陷入某种更坏的状态(P12)reduce from . to . 从降低到reduce to 减少到reduce by 降低了反increase to 增加到increase by 增加了reduce sb./sth. to. 使陷入某种更坏的状态reduce sb. to tears/silence 使某人流泪/沉默reduce sb. to doing sth. 迫使某人做某事辨析:reduce; decrease;decline1)reduce 指人为地使某物在数量或重量方面的减少或降低make smaller,cheaper2)decrease指数量上的减少;力量或者强度的减弱become less in sizs, number, strength or quality 反 increase3)decline 衰落;跌落;降低( from better to a worse position; or from higher to lower(如:经济形势、股息的)下降,萧条(指倾向,趋势)【反馈测试】今年吸烟的人数已减少了30%。The number of smokers has been


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