Unit 2 Healthy eating 词汇讲解学案(整理)

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1、学海无涯 Healthy eating 词汇讲解学案 1 diet n 根据语境猜词义 1 She is on a diet in order to lose weight 2 It s important to have a balanced healthy diet 根据语义找匹配 A 日常饮食 B 病人或减肥者的 特种食品 1 B 2 A be go on a diet 节食 put sb on diet 让某人节食 a balanced diet 均衡饮食 diet food diet 特指维系健康的定量或定质的食品 常用于病人 减肥者等的食物 是可数名词 They are seeki

2、ng the most reasonable diet which will do good to their health food 是一般用法 指能维系生命的 能充饥的 能吃能喝的东西 作为食物 是不可数名 词 作为食物种类 是可数名词 We must have food to eat and clothes to wear The children jumped with joy at sight of all kinds of foods on the table 用 food diet 填空 The sick man must not go without 1 food but he

3、 must have a 2 diet without sugar 2 energy n 根据语境猜词义 1 It s important and necessary to try to save energy 2 Young people usually have more energy than the old 根据语义找匹配 A 能源 B 精力 活力 1 A 2 B energetic adj 精力旺盛的 精神饱满的 学海无涯 energetically adv 精力旺盛地 精神饱满地 energy saving adj 节约能源的 nuclear energy n 核能 solar e

4、nergy n 太阳能 be full of energy 精力充沛 devote one s energy to 致力于 energy force power strength energy 物理学意义上的 能 能量 生理学上的 精力 活力 Though he is very thin and small he is full of energy force 指外在的 力量 武力 也指自然界的力量 复数常指 兵力 军队 I was prevented from coming by force of situation the air forces 空军 power 指 能力 权力 或内在的

5、力 也指人或机器等潜在的或能发出的力量 I shall do everything in my power to rescue Knowledge is power strength 指人的 体力 力气 和 长处 指物的 强度 He pulled the injured person from the ruins with all his strength 单项填空 1 You are always full of Can you tell me the secret Taking plenty of exercise every day A power B strength C force

6、D energy D 本题考查名词词义辨析 句意 你总是精力充沛 能告诉我其中的奥秘吗 每 天进行大量的锻炼 2 Our country is performing reforms in many fields one of is electric A that force B those strength C them energy D which power 学海无涯 D 句意 我们国家在许多领域在进行着改革 其中的一项就是电能改革 3 Some countries are increasing their use of natural gas and other forms of A s

7、ource B energy C power D material B 本题考查名词辨析 句意 一些国家在提高对天然气和其他形式的能源的利用 通过上 文中的 their use of natural gas 我们便可知道它所指的是 大自然的能量 所以答案是 B energy force power 和 strength 是高考名词辨析的常见考题 在处理这类题目时 我们 一定要特别注意它们各自的侧重点 energy 侧重于人的精神和大自然的能量 force 侧重于强迫性 power 强调动力或潜在的力量或人的权力 strength 强调气力 3 lie n limitless 吾生有涯 学无涯

8、2 limitation 对时速的限制是为了每个司机的安全 7 benefit n v 根据语境猜词义 1 Smoking has little benefit on our health 2 I have had the benefit of good education 3 The expressway will benefit us all and we will certainly benefit from it 根据语义找匹配 A 利益 B 有益于 得益于 C 好处 1 C 2 A 3 B have benefit on 对 有益 have the benefit of 得益于 st

9、h benefits sb 有益于某人 be of benefit to 对 有益 for the benefit of 为了 的利益 sb benefits from sth 某人得益于 学海无涯 完成句子 1 为了人民的利益 我们要不惜一切代价保护大坝 We should make every effort to protect the dam for the benefit of the people 2 教育事业是有利于人民的事业 我们要把它办好 The cause of education is of benefit to the people We should operate i

10、t well 3 公益活动恩泽于千家万户 我们非常支持 Everyone has the benefit of public welfare All of us will support it 8 throw down After reading the letter she threw it down and left angrily 根据语境语义 throw down 意思是 扔下 扔掉 throw about 随便丢弃 到处乱扔 throw out 把 扔出去 随口说 脱口而出 拒不接受 否决 意见 想法等 throw oneself into 投身于 热衷于 积极从事 throw of

11、f 匆匆地脱下衣服 pull off 摆脱 甩掉 throw on 匆匆地穿上 throw up 呕吐 突然建造或匆忙建造 辞职 throw away 扔掉 丢弃 抛弃 失去 错过 浪费 白费 throw to 把 扔向 throw at 用 砸向 用恰当的介词或副词填空 1 I threw the ball to Mike but he threw it at Jack so they quarreled with each other about it 2 The housing has been thrown up in this area for the earthquake stri

12、cken people 3 He threw on his coat and rushed out into the dark 4 Throw off your worries and throw yourself into the work 学海无涯 5 He is a respected person He always throw himself into the cause of education 6 Don t throw anything out of the bus which is dangerous 7 Don t throw litters about Keep the

13、sight clean 9 get away with 根据语境猜词义 1 Don t be tempted to cheat in the exam you will never get away from it 2 He can t get away from the office before 7 o clock 3 Thieves got away with computer equipment worth 20 000 根据语义找匹配 A 离开 脱身 B 因做坏事而 逃避或不受责备惩罚 C 携某物潜逃 偷走 1 B 2 A 3 C get across 被理解 把某事讲清楚 get

14、along with 事情的 进展 人的 相处 get back 回来 要回 收回 get down to 下来 开始 着手 get in 进来 购进 设法做 get over 克服 恢复 get off 下 车 船 飞机等 出发 下班 get on 事情的 进展 人的 相处 事业有成 get out 离开 外出 从 获得有益的东西 get up 起床 起身 get through 用完 耗尽 完成 顺利通过 考试 用电话 接通 单项填空 学海无涯 1 Did you make sense of what I said at the meeting No Your meaning didn t

15、 Would you like to explain it a second time A get in B get across C get over D get through B 句意 你明白我在会上讲的东西了吗 我没明白会上你说的意思 你能再解释 一次吗 get in 进去 收获 get across 使 被理解 把 讲清楚 get over 克服 恢复 get through 通过 完成 打通 所以答案是 B B 句意为 Jenny 正在找一个座位 正在那时 很幸运地 一个人站起来离开了 故选 B 2 2010 四川 Jenny was looking for a seat when

16、 luckily a man and left A took up B got up C shut up D set up 10 cut down 根据语境猜词义 1 When I climbed up the mountain an old man was cutting down a tall tree When I climbed down the mountain he had cut it up 2 They have decided to cut down the household expenses to devote money for the disaster area 根据语义找匹配 A 减少 B 砍倒 1 B 2 A cut across 抄近路穿过 cut in 插嘴 打断 cut off 停止供应 切断 隔开 cut out 删去 戒除 cut through 凿穿 cut up 切碎 单项填空 1 When Jason failed to pay his bill the network company his Internet connection A c


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