Friendship 同步讲解学案1(整理)

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《Friendship 同步讲解学案1(整理)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Friendship 同步讲解学案1(整理)(12页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学海无涯 Friendship 同步讲解同步讲解学案学案 1 Period 1 warming up pre reading reading comprehending 1 add vt vi 加 增加 补充说 词性拓展 additional adj 附加的 另外的 addition n 加 增加 in addition 另外 此外 in addition to 除了 用法 1 add sth up 把 加起来 2 add to 增添 3 add to 把 加到 4 add up 把 加起来 5 add up to 总计 加起来结果是 What he said about the accide

2、nt and did with it our trouble A added up to B added to C add up D add add to 增添 不能用被动 B You d better your score and see if you have passed the exam A add up to B add to C add up D add A 强调加起来的结果 C 意为把 加起来 C 2 point n 尖端 点 分数 要点 论点 用法 1 on the point of 就要 将近 的时候 2 to the point 中肯 扼要 3 in point 恰当的 适

3、当的 4 there is no point in doing sth 做某事没有意义 The sailors were on the point of giving up the captain came up A when B while C as D because Be on the point of doing when 是固定句式 When 在此处表示 在那个时候 and at that time 此时不能用其他词 as while 代替 拓展 句型 1 be about to do when 2 be doing when 3 have had done when 3 ignor

4、e vt 不理睬 忽视 词性拓展 ignorant adj 无知的 不知的 ignorance n 无 知 愚昧 用法 1 ignore sb sth 忽视某人 某物 2 be ignorant of sth he the doctor s advice and goes on smoking I was of the fact that the boss could be so strict ignores ignorant 4 clam adj 平静的 镇静的 沉静的 you should keep clam in time of danger 区别 silent 不说话 不出声 quit

5、e 安静的 宁静的 still 不动的 强调 静止状态 clam 指人 沉着 镇定 指自然 无风无浪 1 The old man stood quite except that his lips moved slightly 学海无涯 2 One man shouted at the boy be boy what s the matter with you 3 He is about the accident 4 He remained in the face of the cruel enemy 1 still 2 quite 3 silent 4 calm 5 concern vt 涉及

6、 关系到 n 关心 关注 用法拓展 1 be concerned about for sth 关心挂念 2 be concerned in sth 和某事有牵连 3 be concerned with sth 与某事有关 关于 4 as concerns 关于 concerning 5 as far as be concerned 就 而言 6 show feel concern for about 担心 关心 The meeting was concerned reforms and everyone present was concerned their own interests A w

7、ith for B with with C for about D about with 前一句理解为 会议与改革有关 因此此处应填介词 with 后一句句意为 到会的每一 个人都关心自己的利益 因此空二填介词 about for A 6 loose adj 松的 松散的 松开的 词性拓展 loosen vt vi 解开 放松 变松 用法拓展 break loose 挣脱出来 迸发出来 come get loose 结等 松掉 let set loose 释放 放出 发出 7 cheat n 欺骗 骗子 vt vi 欺骗 作弊 用法拓展 1 cheat sb into doing sth 欺骗

8、某人做某事 2 cheat sb out of sth 欺骗某人某物 3 cheat sb into the belief that 骗某人相信 4 cheat in the exam 考试作弊 8 reason n 理由 原因 vt vi 推理 说服 e g My reason is that the cost will be too high 我的理由是费用太高 词性拓展 reasonable adj 合情合理的 用法拓展 1 for this that no some reason 因为这个 那个 没有 某一理由 2 reason with sb 和某人辩论 3 by reason of

9、 因为 由于 4 the reason for sth doing sth is that 做某事的理由是 5 The reason why is that 做某事的理由是 1 The reason he was late was his car had broken down on the way A why because B that because C that for D why that 2 She would like to know the reason fewer and fewer students are showing interest in her lesson A

10、for B why C for that D which 3 What do you think of the reason he explained in his last letter refusing the job A why why B that for which C which for D that because 学海无涯 D B 首先分析定语从句结构 主谓齐全 空格只能填状语成分 所以使用关系副词 why C 改为 for which 也对 C 注意 reason 后面的定语从句不一定用 why 引导 要看在 定语从句中缺少什么句子成分 在这里 explain 缺少宾语只能用

11、关系代词 that 或 which 引导 补充 reason 与 cause 的区别 reason 指在事实的基础上通过逻辑判断出的理由与 conclusion 结论 相对 常与 for 或 why 连用 cause 是自然造成某种结果的原因 与 effect 结果 相对 常与 of 连用 用 reason cause 填空 1 The of the fire is still not known 2 Give me your for doing it 9 list vt 列出 n 表 一览表 目录 名单 用法拓展 make a list of 列 表 10 Share vt vi 分享 共同

12、使用 n 一份 份额 用法拓展 1 share in sth 分享 分担某物 2 share sth with sb 与某人共享某物 与某人分担某物 11 Feeling n 感觉 感情 词性拓展 feel vt vi 感觉 感受 触摸 feelings 情感 12 Netherlands n 荷兰 Netherlander n 荷兰人 Netherlandish adj 荷兰的 荷兰人的 荷兰语的 n 荷兰语 13 German n 德国人 德语 adj 德国的 德国人的 德语的 词性拓展 Germany n 德国 用法拓展 German 的复数形式是 Germans 而英国人 法国人的复数

13、形式是 Englishmen 和 Frenchmen 14 series n 连续 系列 There will be a series of football games next month 用法拓展 a series of meeting exams textbooks two series of stamps series 单复数同型 作主语时谓语动词根据 series 单复数概念决定 不根据 of 的名词决 定 15 Outdoors adv 在户外 在野外 Children usually prefer playing outdoors 相关拓展 outdoors adj 户外的 野

14、外的 indoors adv 在室内 入室 内 indoor adj 室内的 16 Crazy adj 疯狂的 狂热的 用法拓展 1 be crazy about 对 狂热 痴迷 2 be crazy for sb sth long for 渴望某物或迷恋某人 3 be crazy with 因 而发疯 He has greatly improved is spoken English by learning Crazy English And he a chance to go abroad A is crazy about B is crazy for C is hoping for D

15、hopes about 17 nature n 自然 自然界 keep the balance of nature 学海无涯 词性拓展 natural adj 自然的 naturally adv 自然的 用法拓展 against nature 违反自然 by nature 生来 天生 in nature 性 质上 in the nature of 具备 的性质 注意 nature 意思是 自然 自然界 前面不加冠词 18 purpose n 目的 意图 The purpose of the book is to provide a complete guide to the universit

16、y 用法拓展 1 on purpose 故意地 with the purpose of doing 2 for the purpose of doing 为了 的目的 He held out his fist before the young man and tried to anger him A for purpose B on purpose C in purpose D from purpose B 19 dare vt vi Aux 敢 胆敢 用法拓展 1 dare 作情态动词 一般用在否定句 疑问句和条件状语从句中 后跟不 带 to 的不定式 有自己的过去式 dared 无人称和数的变化 He dared not go near the dog If you dare speak to me like that again you ll be sorry 2 dare 用作实义动词 后跟带 to 的不定式 有人称 数及时态的变化 但在否定句和疑问句中可省略 to Do you dare to jump off the high wall She doesn t dare t


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