Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 6 Assessment 优秀教案(人教版必修4)(整理)

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Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 6 Assessment 优秀教案(人教版必修4)(整理)_第1页
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《Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 6 Assessment 优秀教案(人教版必修4)(整理)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 3 A taste of English humour Period 6 Assessment 优秀教案(人教版必修4)(整理)(6页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学海无涯 Period 6 Assessment The General Idea of This Period This period is to find out how well the students understand English humour the kinds of humour and the typical representatives of each kind whether they can use the new words and expressions learned in this unit correctly so that instruction c

2、an be improved To achieve the above goals the teacher can apply both performance assessment and summative assessment by designing a checklist for students to complete And this will get the students involved in the assessment so that they focus on the process of learning as well as the results of lea

3、rning Teaching Important and Difficult Points Help the students learn to assess whether their knowledge about this topic has increased Help the students focus on the process of learning as well as the results of learning Teaching Methods Question and answer activity Pair work and group work to make

4、the students work in class Teaching and Learning Aids A multimedia A blackboard Three Dimensional Teaching Aims Knowledge and Skills Elevate efficiently the students knowledge about English humour Elevate the students ability of using the words and expressions and grammar learned in this unit Proces

5、s and Strategies Check up what they have learned in this unit by evaluation and tests Feelings and Value Through this part the students will surely know what they have mastered and haven t mastered and thus work hard to consolidate it Teaching Procedures Step 1 Greetings T Good morning boys and girl

6、s Ss Good morning T So far we have finished this unit which is about Ss It s about English humour T We have had great fun while learning this unit It seems that our class has become more lively and interesting Of course we have learned a lot of useful words and expressions and the ing form used as t

7、he attribute predicative and object complement Step 2 Dictation T Now let s have a dictation of the new words and expressions as I told you yesterday I ll read each word or expression twice Are you ready Let s start T Please check your answers with your partners Please pay much attention to those wo

8、rds or expressions that you didn t get right Step 3 Assessment T Today we are going to see how well you have worked on the words and expressions the ing form and how much you know about English humour Now answer the following questions to have a self assessment 非测试性评价非测试性评价 Checklist 1 Do you know d

9、ifferent kinds of humour 学海无涯 2 Do you know humour is not always kind 3 Do you know the similarities and differences between English humour and Chinese humour 4 Can you tell some funny stories in English 5 Can you think of a funny situation in your life and then write out your story 6 Can you unders

10、tand all the new words and expressions in this unit 7 Do you know the function of the ing form 8 Can you use the ing form freely and correctly 测试性评价测试性评价 Choose the suitable words from the box below and fill in the blanks in the correct form astonish depress play do ride amuse bark welcome 1 I can t

11、 imagine Billy a motorbike 2 Did you hear the dog downstairs for most of the night 3 Frank is very good at telling funny jokes He can be very 4 You can t stop me what I want 5 He gave me a hug when he met me at the airport 6 Jim has really learnt very fast She has made progress 7 It s been raining a

12、ll day This weather is 8 When I came out of the theatre I noticed a group of children musical instruments across the street Suggested answers 1 riding 2 barking 3 amusing 4 doing 5 welcoming 6 astonishing 7 depressing8 playing Fill in each blank with the proper form of the given words in the bracket

13、s 1 The miss boy was last seen playing near the river 2 He had never spent a more worry day 3 Do you know the boy lie under the tree 4 The news sounds encourage 5 Father left early in the morning leaving me wonder what happened 6 He could feel the cold wind blow against his face 7 There is another r

14、oad lead to the city 8 As all know China is a develop country belonging to the third world 9 The picture hang on the wall is painted by my nephew 10 The task of this class is practise the idioms Suggested answers 1 missing 2 worrying 3 lying 4 encouraging 5 wondering 6 blowing 7 leading 8 developing

15、 9 hanging 10 practicing Multiple choice 1 Are you with your present salary Yes and what s more our boss is kind to us A satisfied B content C satisfying D both A and B 2 We are earning more money In fact most people are than they were five years ago A better off B well off C badly off D worse off 3

16、 Why did you come here I came here to see you 学海无涯 A specially B especially C particularly D special 4 He was in such a hurry that he an old man A came across B bumped into C knocked into D both B and C 5 The excellent students are to join in the English club A elected B picked out C picked D picked up 6 He was in hospital for six months He felt as if he was from the outside world A cut out B cut off C cut up D cut down 7 On the way home he was in a storm As a result he developed a cold A met B


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